Chapter 21

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Later that night Will decides to take Jay out for a drink at Molly's. Will thought if he could get a few drinks into him, he might be able to relax a little bit. When they got to Molly's the team was there, but so was mouse. They were laughing and giggling, and Jay was already annoyed. He got a few shots in him before he could approach mouse. After gaining some confidence he finally walked over.

Jay: Can I talk to you?
Mouse: I've been waiting almost 2 years, why should talk to you now?
Jay: Please, I have to know how is she?
Mouse: A lot better no thanks to you.
Jay: I'm sorry!
Mouse: Yes you are! All those years you begged me and Erin to let you in and we did. When the roles were reversed, you walked away. Do you know how hard this last year has been, how many nights I sat up listening to Erin cry her heart out for you. All the endless nights when Bia was to sick to sleep, hell even her. I watched one of the strongest women I know break, and rebuild herself back up. You had one job Jay, and that was to simply write back.
Jay: I didn't know, I never knew she was writing me letters, Hailey was taking the letters and hiding.
Mouse: Wasn't you the one that said "she's it for me, I love her". Meanwhile the amazingly strong woman that you first fell in love with, fell in love with somebody else...Your daughter. Guys Thank you for this, but I gotta get back Bia likes uncle mouses stories for bedtime. I'll see you around. Jay figure it out, I can't stand around any longer watching you hurt Erin and Bia. We leave in a few days to head back to New York, try to talk to her before we go.
Jay: I will, I promise I will.
Mouse: Okay! Goodnight everyone!
Kim: see you later mouse!
Kevin: Alright mouse!
Adam: Bye!
Will: Good to see you mouse!

Mouse finished off his drink before leaving Molly's, the team sat at the table looking at Jay.

Kevin: Are you gonna see them?
Jay: I want to, but I don't want to mess up.
Kim: You've already lost so much time with them, and plus they're headed back to New York soon.
Adam: So Kim and Kevin have met your daughter already.
Kim+Kevin: Yea!
Kim: she was the little girl with me that night at the purple pig.
Jay: How is she, I mean what is she like?
Kim: The sweetest, I could really see both of you in her. Jay as your friend, hurry up and finish the letters. That little girl really misses you and so does Erin.
Kevin: First you gotta finish the letters then talk to Hailey.
Adam: I just can't believe she would do that.
Jay: me neither, look I'm gonna head out. I don't want to drink myself into a bender, I need to have a level head for when I speak to Hailey tomorrow.
Kevin: Good luck man!
Kim: You got this Jay, I know we haven't seen eye to eye recently but I believe in you.
Adam: Good luck!
Jay: Thanks guys!

Jay and Will left Molly's and headed back to the house. Jay stayed in the living and continued to read the letters. He spent the next 3 hours reading and also finishing up the home made videos. The last letter was about Bia right after her second birthday.

Dear Jay,
It's been 2 years since I started writing these letters to you. I've been holding out hope for you to finally come around and you haven't. I thought one day you would get your life together and want to be with us, but I guess I was wrong. I needed you during the toughest time in my life and you weren't there. I literally had to rely on mouse to help me get through this. Yes calling you would've been easier, but there would've been consequences for you and the entire team. You promised me that we would grow old together, but that dream has slowly faded away for me. I want you to be happy Jay, if that's not with me, that's fine. I do want you to have a relationship with your daughter, if bunny taught me anything it would be to make sure you and Bia have that connection. This will be the final letter for a while, please reach out soon.
Love Erin

Jay then played the last video, Erin was teaching her about her family. She showed her people from the team and was teaching her how to say their names. Then mouse recorded a video of Erin and Bia making cupcakes for her birthday. Bia had this amazing laugh that light up a room. Then the last video that showed was Erin taking Bia to see Disney princesses on ice. You could just see the excitement in her eyes, she was happy.

After that last letter and video, Jay headed to bed, he wanted a clear conscious when he talked to Hailey. That night he didn't get much sleep at all, so he got up at 4 am and went on a run. After finishing his run a few hours later, he ended up back at home. He unlock the door and walked in.

Hailey: Where have you been? I've been worried sick!
Jay: We need to talk?....

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