Chapter 25

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A week later.......

Jay was looking forward to finally living in his house again, not that Will was a terrible roomie. That morning Jay was looking forward to seeing all traces of Hailey out of his house so he could now create knew memories with Bia and Erin. He unlocked the door, and walked in. You could say he was met with a surprise. Hailey was still living at the house, and it looked like there was no effort to move out. Hailey came walking to the bedroom with her robe on, she was surprised that Jay was home.

Hailey: Welcome home baby!
Jay: What the hell Hailey? I asked you to have all of your stuff completely gone today, why is it still here? Hell, why are you still here?
Hailey: I wanted to let you cool down, before we actually talked about this. I don't think we should break up because of this. We can recover and become a stronger couple.
Jay: That won't ever happen, you lied to me.
Hailey: You act like people don't lie, and recover from it.
Jay: Your lie costed me 2 years of my daughters life. You lied and manipulated me for 2 almost 3 fucking years. I don't want someone like that around my daughter.
Hailey: Jay..... You don't mean that, you wanted to marry.
Jay: I only said that because I thought Erin was sending letters to everyone but me. If I did mean it, that would've been the biggest mistake of my life, I don't love you anymore.
Hailey: You can't just fall out of love with someone overnight.
Jay: I stopped loving you the moment I found out about my daughter. I thought I was helping by giving you time to move out, but you aren't understanding what I'm saying.
Hailey: What are you talking about?
Jay: Hailey, I no longer love you. The relationship we did have is now over, I no longer want you to be my partner. I will find someone else. You need to leave my house today, or I will throw your shit out side.
Hailey: J..
Jay: No more Hailey, you hurt me more than anything. If I'm being honest with myself, I settled for you because Erin left. I was always gonna be in love with the other woman.

Hailey stood there in shock at the revelation Jay had just sprung on her. She never thought that she would be the other woman. Then she ultimately realized that she really did hurt Jay. Keeping those letters held the most precious moments in his life. Hailey understood where she fucked up at, so it was only fair that she let him go. I mean what's that saying "if you love me let me go".

Hailey: Your absolutely right, I love you but you don't love me. I need to let you go. I am sorry Jay, I'll go pack up my stuff now and I will be gone by the end of the day.
Jay: Just please leave, I'm tired of being around you. Look I'll be back later I promised Erin I would come see Bia before they leave. So pack your stuff and leave the key in the mailbox. I'll grab it later.

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