Chapter 31

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Erin: I guess you better get Hailey on the phone so she can send us the Case files. Since I'm the Director, I'm giving you jurisdiction in my town. Welcome to the FBI, let's get to work...........

Erin walked off to go inform her team of the updates. Hank huddle up his team, this would be his last case before undergoing treatment. He had already informed Hailey to send over the files, and told her to get on the next flight to New York.

Adam: I can proudly say I worked for the FBI!
Jay: This is crazy, like everything is so high tech..
Mouse: I know, isn't it beautiful. Okay follow me and I'll show you where you will be working.
Kevin: So this is where you've been working, man this looks like a dream come true.
Mouse: Yea, I am blessed to have gotten this job. I really appreciate Erin for that, she saved my life.
Jay: That's pretty dope.
Mouse: okay guys this your work area, you can use this office. They are bringing some desk up now for you all. So get settled in and meet back in the big room. Oh and the coffee is across the hall, That machine make an amazing espresso.
Kim: Thank you mouse.

Hank and the team got settled in the office, and then they headed to the big room. Erin came back out from her office and walked to the middle of the room.

Erin: Hello everyone! I've been brought up to speed on this case. The intelligence unit from Chicago has a history with our suspect, so we will be teaming up with them. Sergeant Hank and his team will brief you on what they know about our suspect.

Hank: Good afternoon, so our suspect we think he was in the system when he was kid. Cause he only targets women who had placed their kids up for adoption. I believe we did recover a partial print from off one of his victims. When we ran the print a year ago we didn't get a hit, well at least not in our database. We can start there, rerun his prints and see if our guy has been picked up.
Erin: That's a good idea, I need my B team to start running the partial print, A team divide the files that was just transferred over and see if our guy may have knew one of the victims personally. Intelligence, since this was your case originally help out wherever you can.

Both squads began working intensely, there's was more than enough files on the case sent from Chicago versus the ones from the FBI current victims. The first day there, pretty much went to organizing the files and finding as many common links as possible. After a hard working afternoon, Erin Called it a day and told them they could resume in the morning. She quickly packed up her things and  went to the playroom to get Bianca and Trudy. When she walked in the room Trudy was reading Bianca a book, and she was slowly nodding off.

Trudy: Are you guys done for today?
Erin: Yea, we'll pick it back up tomorrow! You ready to get out of here?
Trudy: yea, you wanna grab your little princess?
Erin: Yea, "she grabbed Bianca from Trudy" come on princess.
Bianca: Daddy...
Erin: We're going see daddy right now sweetheart.
Trudy: Daddy huh?
Erin: Whatever, If my baby wants her daddy, then she will get him.
Trudy: What about you kiddo, do you want him too?
Erin: Right now my wants are for her not me..
Trudy: That's not what I said, do you want him?
Erin: I've never stopped wanting him, but when everything happened here my priorities changed. I can't let my guard down so quickly and cave in just yet.
Trudy: I understand, I am proud of you kid. You have built a beautiful life here, just keep your head up and everything will work out for you.
Erin: I really hope so!!
Jay: Hey, you want me to carry her?
Erin: Sure, she wanted her dad anyways.
Jay: Hey princess!
Bianca: Daddy....
Jay: Your sleepy little bug, did you have fun with Trudy?
Bianca: Yea, I sleepy daddy!
Jay: We're almost to the car, when we get in I'll let you lay in your seat okay?
Bianca: Mhmmm....
Erin: She's tired, baby girl had a great time with Trudy. Hank drove with mouse, Adam, Kevin, and Kim back to the house. Mouse grabbed dinner already, and their at my house now.
Trudy: So it's true mouse has a key to your place?
Erin: Why do you all find that strange?
Jay: I mean..
Erin: Yes I gave mouse a key, it's hard to have cancer and deal with by yourself. Every time I had to get up and vomit, mouse was there in a few minutes. He kept telling me he could hear me through the walls. The days I was to weak to get out of bed, mouse would come an help with Bia, and even help take care of me. These last few years we've really had to lean on each other.
Trudy: I'm glad you had someone in your corner Er, and I'm sorry we couldn't be here for you.
Erin: I knew the consequences of everything when I left, and I've made my peace with it. I'm just happy to have you all in my life again.
Jay: We're happy to be here as well.
Erin: Alright let's get our kid upstairs, fed, bathe, and in the bed.
Jay: Yes ma'am!
Trudy: Let's go, I'm starving!!

Trudy and Erin hopped out the car, while Jay carefully helped Bianca out of her car seat. Erin placed her blanket across Bia and they walked upstairs to her place. When they walked in everyone was sitting around waiting for them so they could finally eat.

Erin: You know you guys could've started eating without us.
Mouse: Yea, we wanted family dinner so we waited.
Erin: Well then let's set the table, Kim can you grab her high chair?
Kim: Yea, no problem.
Jay: Hey princess, wake up sleepy head! Do you wanna eat?
Bianca: Yes please!

Erin and mouse set the table, while Adam and Kevin got the drinks. Kim pulled the high chair to the table and Hank and Trudy brought the food from the counter to the table. Kevin blessed the food with a quick prayer, and everyone started fixing their food. Adam and Kevin had the table laughing with all of their jokes, and it really felt like a family dinner. Once they were done Kim and Adam cleaned the table off while Kevin and mouse quickly washed the dishes. Jay and Erin went to her room to bathe Bia and get her situated for bed. After the took her a bath, Bia came back out and told everyone good night before going curling up on Jay's chest.

Kim: Aww she sleeps just like Er..
Kevin: Awwww....
Adam: How do you know how Er sleeps??
Kim: She fell asleep like that once on Jay in the break room.
Erin: when was this?
Kim: I think you had the flu but you didn't wanna go home, and you almost passed out. Jay caught you, he brought you to the break room and fixed you some soup and tea. You fell asleep laying on his chest, and he didn't move you until it was time to head home. You looked like you had really needed the rest too.
Erin: I had no idea, when did that happen?
Jay: It was after we had split, and you had been having symptoms for a few days but you kept pushing it aside. Then one day it hit you hard, you weren't yourself at all that day, I think you let me drive in the field.
Erin: You did that for me???
Jay: Even though I left I still loved you, and I hated seeing you suffer. That's what we do for the people we love!!
Hank: Okay, I guess we better call it a night. We got a lot of work to do tomorrow.
Mouse: Yea, night guys.
Everyone: Goodnight!!!

Mouse and his roommates left and headed to his place while Hank and Trudy went to their rooms. Jay lifted Bianca up and brought her to her room. Erin went to her room and showered, and since the other bathrooms were occupied Jay used Erin's bathroom when she finished. After jay finished he told Erin that he was gonna go watch tv in the living room. He didn't expect her to soon follow him out there, she had a blanket with her as she set next to him on the couch.

Jay: I think dexter is on right now, do you wanna watch?
Erin: Whatever you want to watch.
Jay: I was just gonna watch a documentary.
Erin: Then that's what we will watch.

Erin just sat their and watched the documentary, she saw that Jay had goosebumps. She moved closer to him and shared the cover, but that wasn't working out either. Erin told him to lay down and she laid right next to him but snuggled into his side. He just looked at her and smiled, he placed a kiss on the crown of her head and then returned back to watching tv. Not long after she fell asleep, this was some of the best sleep she had gotten in the past 3 years and it was all Thanks to the man she still loved......

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