Chapter 39

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Jay: Hey!
Nina: Hey, Sorry for doing this early in the morning.
Jay: It's okay, I just want to put this all behind.
Nina: We'll Im sorry, as the DNA results have  determined Jay Halstead you are.........

*Flash back to the the week of the breakup*

Jay: Just please leave, I'm tired of being around you. Look I'll be back later I promised Erin I would come see Bia before they leave. So pack your stuff and leave the key in the mailbox. I'll grab it later.

Jay had left his apartment and never looked back. The only thing on his mind was Erin and Bia. He left his apartment and headed straight to Hanks.

Back at the apartment.....

Stranger: Is he gone?
Hailey: Yea, but I gotta get my stuff moved out here before he comes back.
Stranger: Do you have a place to put your things?
Hailey: It's just clothes and shoes, and I'll stay at a hotel until I can secure my own place.
Stranger: okay, am I gonna see you later?
Hailey: I can probably arrange something.
Stranger: I'll see you later than!

Flashback to Hailey and the stranger meeting...

Jay: That's where your wrong, Erin has never not even once lied to me like you have. She only required one thing from me, and that was to be open with her. I failed at that, but I won't make that same mistake twice. I'll be staying at Wills house until you fully move out.
Hailey: Jay you don't have to do that, we can coexist here.
Jay: No, I need to work on my relationship with my daughter and Erin. I'm gonna head out now.

Hailey was pissed, she made one mistake and he blew up on her and broke off their entire relationship. She just needed some fresh air so she decided to head to Molly's that night to blow off some steam. Hailey walked into Molly's with her head hanging low, fortunately the team wasn't there that night so she kept the drinks flowing. After a solid 60 minutes of tequila shots, Hailey was more than drunk. That didn't stop her from talking to the gentleman who brought her a drink. 1 drink and a few laughs later Hailey and the man were out the door, she knew better then to bring someone back to Jay's so she went to his house. The next night it was a repeat of the same thing except Kim was at the bar. She watched Hailey as she stumbled out the bar with a random man. Kim didn't want to say anything but she offered Hailey to give her a ride home. Hailey turned down the ride and left with the man anyways. The next night she found herself outside a different bar, she went to the lucky match. It's the bar you went to when you didn't want anyone to know what you were up to.

The lucky match was crowded, but lucky for Hailey a man offered her a seat. They quickly jumped into a relaxing conversation. They both sat at the bar and talked to each other for over 2 hours.

Stranger: We've been talking for over 2 hours and I have no idea what your name is?
Hailey: I'm Hailey. What about you?
Stranger: I am Luke. So what brings you here alone on a Friday night?
Hailey: My boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now.
Luke: Can I ask what happened?
Hailey: His ex came back to town, and she had his kid.
Luke: That's rough, I'm guessing he picked her over you.
Hailey: Yup, seems like everyone picks Erin Lindsay over me.
Luke: I don't know Erin Lindsay but I would definitely pick you over her anytime. If any man can't see how amazing you are they're crazy. Listen I'm about to get out of here, and I was wondering if you want to come with. We can finish our conversation.
Hailey: I think I would like that.
Luke: Lead the way...

Hailey lead the way, both hopping in their cars. Hailey followed Luke to his apartment, she left all of her problems at the door and enjoyed her time with Luke.

* before flying to New York.....

Hailey: Hey, we have a problem I'm late.
Luke: late for what?
Hailey: No I'm late as in my monthly friend hasn't come yet.
Luke: Oh shit, you gotta get a test and make sure.
Hailey: No shit, look I'll be back.
Luke: You want me to go with you?
Hailey: Umm..umm.. sure I guess.

Hailey and Luke left and headed to the nearest drug store and brought a test. Her stomach had nearly dropped down a level, she was standing in a drug looking for a pregnancy test. It didn't take them long to pick a test purchase it and head back to the apartment to  take it. Hailey went in the bathroom by herself and took the test. She place the test on the counter faced down and set a timer on her phone for 3 minutes. When she flipped the test the word "pregnant" crossed the screen and below it said possibly 4-6 weeks. She walked out and told Luke she was indeed pregnant.

Hailey: What am I supposed to do? I don't know if this baby is yours or my ex.
Luke: Well you have to see a doctor first to confirm, and then we'll go from there.
Hailey: Yea, I'll call later to seen when the next available appointment is. Thank you!
Luke: It's no problem, and if the kid turns out to be mine lucky me.

*Hank- I need you on the next flight to New York, and I need you to send files on a case we caught last year. We had 5 victims I believe, they were all women who put their child in the foster care system. Dates I believe was some time in may, find the files and send them immediately. Then hop your ass on the next flight!

Hailey: Works calls, I gotta head to New York.
Luke: Do you have to deal with your ex and his ex Erin again?
Hailey: Most likely, hopefully I can do what ever I have to do and be back. I don't think it's a great idea that I'm around my ex, we will just fight and argue the whole time.
Luke: This will give you the chance to talk to him.
Hailey: Your right, Thank you again.
Luke: No problem!

Hailey packed her bags, and she then headed off to the district. Once she arrived at the district, she went down to the files inventory and checked out all the files needed. Erin sent over the number to fax all the information, after she was finished she headed off to the airport there was a flight headed to New York in 2 hours. This was all nerve wrecking, as much as she didn't want to confront Jay, but she would have too. She didn't want to do what Erin did and not tell him. She decided  she was gonna tell him truth.

*Flashback end....

Nina: We'll Im sorry, as the DNA results have  determined Jay Halstead you are NOT the father. There is a zero percent chance of any DNA match.
Jay: Unbelievable, Umm.. Thank you Nina!
Nina: I'm really sorry Jay.
Jay: It's not your fault, I'll talk to you later.

Before jay could walk back into the room Hailey pulled him down the hallway to the waiting rooms

Hailey: Jay..
Jay: What possibly could you want. Do you want to tell me that the kid is mines again?
Hailey: I thought it was your baby, I didn't know.
Jay: If it's not my kid, who's is it?
Hailey: This guy at met a bar...
Jay: Tell him your pregnant with his kid.
Hailey: Jay...
Jay: it's no more Jay, you moved on and so have I. We can stop wasting each other's time now. I need to get back.
Hailey: I really am sorry Jay!

Jay walked off and headed back to the room, while Hailey sat in the hallway contemplating calling Luke. She didn't expect to find Erin sitting next to her with her arm wrapped around her shoulder.

Hailey: Why are you out here, Hank needs you in there?
Erin: There's enough people inside to help Hank, and Jay just told me. I figured you could use a shoulder right now. I knew the pain of finding out about my daughter alone, with no support I hated it.
Hailey: I don't deserve your pity, not after what I did.
Erin: I know a lot has happened between us in these last few months but I'm not trying to hold a grudge. What's done is done, neither of us can go in the past and change. Yes, at first I hated you because you robbed my daughter of chance to grow up with her dad but he's here now. Don't feel like your alone, I'm still here if you need anything.
Hailey: I never got the chance to apologize to you, I am sorry for what I did. Thank you for checking in on me.
Erin: It's no problem!

Erin got up and started walking towards you the room when she got a text.

-unknown- I heard you live in New York, I think it's time I paid you a visit!!!!!

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