Chapter 7

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The next day hank was released from the hospital, his doctor told him he could continue with his work. He just had to be mindful that he wasn't as strong so he needed to take the backseat on most of their cases. The team tried their best to support Hank, but most of them were still upset about him not trying to fight it. So to get their mind off the subject for a while the team decided to head to Molly's.

Adam: I figured we could all use a night out.
Kevin: Yea, it's kinda hard thinking about how sick he is.
Jay: Hanks strong, he won't show us how bad it is.
Hailey: We just gotta be there for him, I can't believe his proxy didn't tell him to fight this.
Jay: I agree, I don't understand that. Erin of all people could get him to fight this.
Hailey: That's just selfish!
Kim: I'm gonna head out guys!
Adam: We just got here, come on.
Hailey: come on Kim, Stay have some drinks. You could tell me some untold stories about these guys.
Jay: Kim, come on don't leave We're just getting started.

Kim receives and incoming message from -Erin.....Could you stop by store and grab me some children Tylenol. Bia's running a fever, her back teeth are coming in.
--Kim: Of course, do you need anything else?
-Erin: No, but you can come have a glass of wine with me..
-Kim: be there in 15 minutes....

Kim: Sorry guys, I'm gonna go before I say something I will regret... see you all tomorrow at work. Bye guys...
Hailey: That was awkward right?
Adam: Very, I'll ask her about it tomorrow.
Kevin: what did she mean bye " She might regret saying something"
Jay: I don't know but next round is on me!

Kim headed to the grocery store and brought some children's Tylenol and a few bottles of wine and some ice cream. She then headed for the checkout line and purchased everything she had grabbed. After leaving the store she headed to Hanks house, that's where Erin would be staying while she was in town. When she got to the house, there was a screaming toddler and a exhausted Erin. Erin quickly gave Kim a hug, before she gave Bia some Tylenol.

Erin: Don't worry, it will kick in very quickly and she will mellow out.
Kim: You've been doing this by yourself these last 2 years. Gosh gosh girl you are amazing.
Erin: I'm just trying to give her the best life  possible. So how come your not out on a Friday night.
Kim: I was, until they started bringing you and hank up. I had to get out of there before I had said something I would regret.
Erin: I guess they're mad at me because Hank doesn't want to do chemotherapy.
Kim: Yea, They said you were selfish for not convincing him.
Erin: Trust me, I wanted Hank to do it, but his doctor told him he wouldn't recommend it. Hank said he rather spend this time with Bia, and he doesn't want me to see him sick in the hospital either.
Kim: Wow... so how long are you gonna be here?
Erin: As long as Hank needs me. My job is very flexible, and I can work from wherever I want.
Kim: What is your Job?
Erin: I'm the Director..
Kim: 😳, Your like the Boss of the Boss.
Erin: Yea, I've spent these last 3 years grinding so hard, and building a name for myself. When I had my own team, they were the best of the best, now I'm over more teams.
Kim: Does Hank know that your a total badass.
Erin: Nope, he still thinks I'm on the task force.
Kim: You should tell him.
Erin: No, he's got a lot on his plate. Now, how about we open up a bottle of wine. Bia is stretched out sleep, teething is hard.
Kim: I bet, which ones are coming in again.
Erin: Her back ones, and they give her such a harsh time. The Tylenol helps with the fever and pain. She's gonna sleep the whole night.
Kim: She's beautiful Er, I kinda want one!
Erin: If your ready then go for it. I'll be back let me grab the wine glasses.
Kim: I do wanna try again!
Erin: What do you mean again?
Kim: I was pregnant a few months back, and I got hurt in the field.
Erin: Oh my goshhh, I'm so sorry Kim. I didn't even know.
Kim: How could you have known, but I've made my peace with it. Now fill that glass to the rim.....

That night Erin and Kim got completely wasted, Kim needed her best friend and Erin needed someone other than a child to communicate with. All three ladies crashed in the living, and Kim's phone had died. Since Kim didn't mention where she was headed, no one knew where she was........

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