Chapter 26

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Jay left the house and headed to Hanks, he figured that an early lunch with both of the ladies in his life would be great. Once he arrived at Hanks he knocked on the door and Erin answered. She looked tired, but then a half naked toddler came running from the hall way.

Erin: Morning!
Jay: Morning! I take the little lady doesn't want to get dressed.
Erin: You would guess correctly, come in you don't have to stand outside.
Jay: Thanks, where's everyone at?
Erin: Hanks taking a nap, and mouse is in the backyard just hanging out.
Jay: Okay, when do you leave for New York?
Erin: We leave tomorrow night, so I have to pack all of her things. She has a lot of stuff, wanna help me get her dressed and then packed.
Jay: Sure no problem.
Erin: After we're done we can go out for lunch.
Jay: Sounds good to me.

Jay walked into the living room and Bia ran straight into his arms. He quickly helped Erin put Bia's clothes on before heading to Erin's childhood room. He looked around the room and saw pictures of Erin as a teenager, and more pictures of Bianca when she was smaller.  He was surprised to see this side of Erin, when they dated a few years ago he had never been in her bedroom. So he was now seeing the teenage version of Erin, and she seemed pretty cool. There was Third eye blind, *NSYNC, and Panic at the Disco posters all over the walls. Erin caught Jay staring, but then she followed his eyes and saw what he was staring at. He got caught staring at a photo of him and Erin at Molly's, a time where they was really happy. Erin was cuddle into his side and he was placing a kiss on the side of her head.

Erin: Good ole days!
Jay: Yea, I can say that.
Erin: Maybe one day we can get back to that!
Jay: I would really like that.
Erin: Hey, some of the team is going with us to New York since platt gave you all time off until they find a replacement. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to c....
Jay: Absolutely!
Erin: You don't even know what I was about to say.
Jay: I hope you were asking me to come with you!
Erin: No, I was gonna say come check on the house since no one will be here.
Jay: Absolutely of course I'll do that.
Erin: Your still the same goofball I fell for, of course I want you to come to New York.
Jay: Then I'll be there, ahhh here's the infamous army shirt both of my girls love.
Erin: It reminds me of home, and I probably wore it during my entire pregnancy and even after she was born. I guess she knew it belonged to someone important.
Jay: I never got to say Thank you!
Erin: For what?
Jay: You didn't have to tell her about me, and you didn't have to send me letters but you did. When I saw Hailey bring all the letters to the bullpen, my heart broke. She hid Bianca from me for 2 years, she claim she was trying to protect me from you. I can't stop thinking about that, if I had actually gotten the first letter what would've happened.
Erin: I wish sometimes you would've gotten them to, but we can't dwell on the past. We just have to move forward, and be the best parents for our daughter.
Jay: You are already doing an amazing job. I just need to be better.Are you ready to head out to lunch?
Erin: yea, let me see if Hank wants anything. You can grab Bianca and head home to the Car.

Erin went an checked in on Hank, and asked him if he wanted anything to eat. He agreed to some soup, he hadn't had much of an appetite these days. After Erin wrote down the type of soup hank wanted she headed to the car, she laughed because Jay was already in the passenger seat waiting. She opened the car door and Moana soundtrack was being played and both Bia and Jay was singing the songs at the top of their lungs.

Jay: What are you laughing at?
Erin: You've known about her for a week and already you have learned her favorite songs.
Jay: They are pretty catchy!
Erin: They are, but your really putting in effort and that's why I love the most.
Jay: Thanks, I'll learned whatever I have to, just to make sure I have a relationship  with my little  girl.
Erin: let's go eat!

They continued on the way for lunch, and listening to music. Jay and Erin continued to still talk in the car, he opened up more and told her a secret.

Jay: I have a feeling the guys May have told you about me considering to propose to Hailey?
Erin: yea they let it slip.
Jay:Be honest with me, when they told you what was your first thoughts?
Erin: Umm.....

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