Chapter 43

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Erin: One ambulance only, Charlie's not making it out alive if he hurts my little girl. NOW LETS MOVE OUT........

After securing a location the team had made a quick plan. They wanted this to go as smoothly as possible. Once they arrived at the motel Erin spread the team out and waited for them together in to position. The plan was to let the house keeper knock and hope that Charlie opened the door. They would then rush in and restrain him but that didn't happen.

As the team got into position they heard a screams, Erin quickly registered the screams as Bianca. She broke the plan, as Jay was standing at the door ready to kick it in. She tilted her head giving Jay the go he stepped back before kicking in the door. Bianca screamed again and Jay kicked in the door, Erin lead the way but quickly stopped when she Charlie holding a gun aimed at Bianca. Erin had froze she didn't know what to do, especially in a situation where her daughter was now the target. Erin was to afraid to pulled the trigger just in case he also pulled the trigger to.

Charlie: Long time no see my girl!
Erin: I am not your girl, let my daughter go..
Charlie: Why should I?
Erin: She has nothing to do with this.
Charlie: Yes she does, she important to you correct?
Erin: Yes, she my fucking kid!
Charlie: Well how would you feel if she grew up without you? You know like me and Travis, it's because of you that my son doesn't know me!
Erin: You tried to fucking kill us, and you thought I wasn't gonna call Hank that night. I had been loyal to you for so long, but then you changed. I had to get us help before you could kill us or Travis.
Charlie: why not just call the police why did you have to call Hank, you knew he hated me?
Erin: I needed someone who actually had my best interest at heart, now let my daughter go!
Charlie: Well it's too bad your little girl won't grow up with a mom...

Before you know it Charlie aimed the gun at Erin and started firing off rounds. As Erin's body hit the floor, Jay had a clean shot on Charlie so he took it. Agent Sam ran towards Bianca and Jay ran towards Erin. Agent Sam rolled Charlie's body away from Bianca, he quickly scanned over her body to make sure she was unscathed. Fortunately Bianca looked okay, she had some bruising and cuts over her arms and legs. She physically looked fine, but they would still need to get her checked out at the hospital.

Jay was quick to get to Erin's side, at first she looked fine. That is until the blood started pooling underneath her and she started spitting up blood. "I NEED AND AMBO NOW!" Jay stripped Erin of her Kevlar vest so he could find the source of the bleeding. There was 1 wound in the upper right chest and 1 in the left side of her body. Jay took his shirt off and split it into 2 piece so he could apply pressure on both wounds. While waiting for the ambulance you could here Bianca behind Jay crying while she asked for her mom. Agent Sam brought her outside to mouse, he was the only one who seemed to be able to calm her down.

After a few minutes the ambulance finally showed. Jay showed them the wounds before stepping out of the way. They placed gauze over each wound and got her hooked up to the monitor. The paramedic gave the all clear to move and they went out to the ambulance. Mouse told them which hospital to send her to. Erins team stayed back to clear the scene while the intelligence team followed behind the ambulance to the hospital. When they finally made it to the hospital Erin had been rushed into emergency surgery and Bianca was brought over to a bay to get looked at. The rest of the team went upstairs to inform Hank and Trudy of what happened, and also wait until they heard any news. Jay waited in the bay with Bianca until she got the all clear as well. Biancas doctor came back and said she only had minimal bruising, but that would heal over time. His main concern was her toxicology test, she had traces of meth in her blood system. Jay went into a panic mode, he wasn't sure what to do. The doctor did tell him the course of treatment in which he intended to follow.

The doctor told Jay the course of treatment and told him that he wanted to start it immediately, especially if they didn't want any long term effects. Jay signed all the papers he needed to before they moved Bianca to the pediatric floor. He shot a text over to mouse telling him where they are at, and once they were situated in a room he would call him over.

30 minutes later Jay and Bianca were now in a room. Right now the nurse had just hooked an IV bag up and some other medicine that clean the drugs out of her system. Her doctor said she would only have to stay a few days but she would be okay. After getting a good note back from the doctor Jay finally let out that breathe he was holding on too. He sighed with relief knowing his little girl was gonna be okay. He sent a text off to mouse telling him he could come Bianca now.

It didn't take mouse long to get to Bianca's room, he was basically sprinting to her. When he got to her room she laying under the blanket in a hospital gown, sleep and holding onto Jay tightly. No one could blame her she had just watched her mom get hurt, she was traumatized.

Mouse: How his my little buddy doing?
Jay: She's terrified, she won't let me go. She cried all the way to her room.
Mouse: What did the doctors say?
Jay: They found meth in her system...
Mouse: As in the street drug meth?
Jay: Yea, right now they are trying to flush all of that out of her system. The bruising of course will go away and the cuts will heal so she should be fine in a few days.
Mouse: That's good to here, Bia is a fighter. She's gonna be back up running around in no time.
Jay: I bet she will, was their any word on Erin?
Mouse: She's still in surgery they were able to locate both bullets so hopefully only a few more hours.
Jay: I should have shot him faster!
Mouse: There was no clean shot without Bianca getting hurt, you know Erin wouldn't want to see you beating yourself behind this. She knew there was a chance she would get hurt but as long as Bia was safe and Charlie was dead she would be okay with the outcome.
Jay: She needs to be okay, Bia needs her!
Mouse: Erin is a fighter, You already know that Jay. She's gonna fight like hell to get back to Bia and you. You two are her entire world Jay, you're not going to lose her.
Jay: You do know your apart of her world to, you've had her back better than any of us. You're her family too!
Mouse: Thanks man!
Jay: I did feel like an asshole..
Mouse: Huh!
Jay: Back in Chicago at the district, you said " you're gonna feel like an asshole when you find out the truth" I did. I was so caught being mad at her for leaving I put walls up to block her out my life. It was harder because I still loved her, and I couldn't get passed my ego to realize it.
Mouse: All I can say is that your here now, and that's what most important to her besides Bianca.

~Kim: Erin's out of surgery, her doctor is coming with and update.

Mouse: I'll stay with Bia, go check on your woman.
Jay: Thank you!

Jay gave Bianca a kiss on her forehead before leaving the room. Mouse scooted closer to the bed so he could hold her hand. She like the close contact, she gets scared when she wakes up and feels no one by her.

Jay had just gotten off the elevator when he saw the doctor walking toward the waiting room. The doctor ask for the family of Erin Lindsay, that's when both teams walked up to him.

Doctor: Ms. Lindsay had 2 bullets lodged in her body, one in the upper right shoulder, and one in her left lung that also pierced her spleen. We were was able to remove both bullets, as well as repair both her spleen and lung. Listen I don't know how much I should be telling you, cause this part is more personal.
Kim: The best person to tell is Jay, he is her family.
Doctor: Okay Jay, can you step to the side with me.
Jay: Kim can you come with me?
Kin: Of course!
Doctor: okay, so when we were operating we...

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