Chapter 42

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He looked all over the apartment until he found her hiding under the bathroom cabinet, she screamed so loud. He covered her mouth and through her over his shoulder and walked out the apartment.......

Ava's body still laid motionless in the hallway as Charlie stepped over her to leave the building. Bianca screamed and shouted for Ava, but she wasn't getting a response. She continued to cry as Charlie made his way to the elevator. Bianca continued to kick but Charlie threatened her by telling her he would hurt her mom if she screamed or kicked again. Bianca stopped fighting back, she was crying silently now. He walked out the building and to a taxi that was sitting unattended. He push Bianca in and then climbed in as well, just as they were about to leave Erin and her team pulled up. The taxi pulled off as Erin and her team sprinted into the building.  Charlie sent her another text saying "Your to late" with a picture attached of Bella reaching at the back window for her.

When the team made it to Ava room, the door was opened and blood was on the wall. Sam went and kneeled near her head to check her pulse. It was weak but there. Erin called in and asked for an ambo.

Erin: Mouse Charlie has her, he just sent me this picture I want you to try and track his phone. Some one find out how this asshole found out about me and my daughter. I want all of his phone records pulled, I want to know everyone he has been in contact with. Pull his phone and mail record from when he was in jail as well, I want anything and everything on his.
Mouse: I will get started, but take a breath before you pass out.
Erin: I'm fine mouse, just get me some information.
Jay: Sam can you get your crime scene unit down here to process everything and get finger prints. Er, you look like your about to pass out.. breathe we're going to get her back.
Erin: I can't breathe when my baby girl is out there with a complete stranger. If he was okay with hurting me as a child, he won't mind hurting her!
Agent Sam: CSU is processing the scene, and we  have agents already working on it.
Mouse: Let me see that picture again!
Erin: Here!
Mouse: Look in the background of the picture, it's us. As we were pulling up, he was leaving..
Agent Sam: Footage from the hotel shows he hopped in a taxi right before we went in the building. He was right under our nose and we didn't even know it.
Erin: Why is this happening to me?
Jay: Er, we will find her. Let's go back to headquarters so we can get updates faster.
Erin: I'm gonna be sick!
Adam: Should we inform Hank and Trudy?
Erin: NO, Hank is already in the hospital, and I don't want to add to his load.
Agent Sam: The team has more information at the office, Let's go!

The team packed up and headed back out to the headquarters. When they arrived it looked like a mad house, there was agents everywhere. Everyone was working in over drive to get Bianca back home safely. When they arrived in the big room agent Amanda pulled up all of Charlie's information. He had been in recent contact with bunny as well another number. He kept in close contact with bunny because there was multiple calls in the call logs. Also the guard from the prison said Barbra Fletcher paid him a numerous amount of visits to Charlie as well, and that she has been putting money on his books. Erin immediately hopped on the phone and called bunny.

Bunny: Hey sweetheart, nice to hear from you!
Erin: Cut the bullshit, you've been talking to Charlie?
Bunny: Of course not!
Erin: I have his phone records and the guard at the prison said you were visiting him too. What the fuck, what the hell bunny you know what he did to me and you still kept in contact with him.
Bunny: Well he was trying to get in touch with Annie, she wasn't answering his calls. So he called me.
Erin: Did you tell him about me and Bianca?
Bunny: No!
Erin: How does he know about her?
Bunny: I haven't even met her, let alone knew her name. So no I didn't tell Charlie about you to. Where are you even at? Are you still driving Hank around?
Erin: I'm in n.... Wait you don't know where I'm at?
Bunny: Last time I talked to you, you was at the district. I guessing your with Hank!
Erin: I gotta go!

Erin: It wasn't bunny, she doesn't even know that I left Chicago, who else did Charlie have contact with. Can you get a name from the number that he called.
Mouses: Yea, I got the name. It's his younger brother Lukas pugliese.
Erin: I haven't seen him in over 15 years, last time I saw him he was like 11 or 12. I don't think it's him, hell I haven't seen or spoken to him in forever. He wouldn't know anything about us!

After that statement Hailey and a few other agents walked into the room. Hailey halted when she saw his picture on the screen. She had walked In on the tail end of the conversation, but all she knew was that Luke lied to her. He said he didn't know her but somehow Erin knew him.

Hailey: How do you guys know Luke?
Erin: Luke? His name is Lukas..Lukas Pugliese!
Hailey: Lukas?
Erin: How do you know him?
Hailey: He happens to be the guy I met a bar, and the father of my kid.
Erin: Wait what!!!!!!! Did you happen to mention anything about me, Bianca and New York?
Hailey: Yea!
Mouse: Yea to what?
Hailey: To all three, but when I mentioned your named he said he didn't know you.
Erin: I need to talk to him!
Hailey: I'll try to get him on the phone!
Jay: You will get him on the phone!!
Hailey: J...
Jay: This guy had a hand in his brother kidnapping my daughter!!!
Hailey: Luke didn't seem like that kinda guy, but I will call him.

Everyone continued to search for a location, while Erin and Jay waited for Hailey to get into contact Luke. The phone kept ringing but Luke didn't answer, so she called back again....

Luke: Hey baby, how longer before you come back home?
Hailey: Hey, Umm do you have a brother by any chance?
Luke: Umm, yea I do! Why? Wait how did you know, I've never mentioned him before!
Hailey: You said you didn't know a Erin Lindsay but she knows you...
Erin: Lukas, you remember me right or should I call you Lukabear.
Luke: Oh my gosh, Erbear! Wait what did Charlie do?
Erin: He kidnapped my daughter. He keeps sending me little messages and pictures of her. Do you think you can get in contact with him!
Luke: You know Charlie, but of course I'll do anything for you.
Erin: Thank you Lukas!

While they waited for Lukas to get into touch with Charlie, mouse put his skills to the test and got a location on Charlie. When Lukas called him, he was able to tap into his phone and get a location.

Luke: He's at some motel, but he sound like he on something. He was slurring his speech and there was a little girl crying in the background. He was yelling at her, I hope you find her
Erin: Thank you!
Mouse: I got a location, the motel on pine st.
Erin: Send the address to everyone and roll and ambulance.
Mouse: One or 2 ambulances?
Erin: One, Charlie's not making it out alive if he hurt my little girl. LETS MOVE OUT........

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