Chapter 17

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and for God sake read the damn letters.........

The man hopped back in the car to tend to the crying little girl, Jay was able to get a glimpse of her face. She was adorable, but then Jay recalled the night they saw Kim at the purple pig. Jay turned around and looked at Kim.

Jay: You knew about her?
Kim: Yes, I did.
Jay: Not once did you think to tell me?
Kim: I couldn't, she asked me not too.
Jay: What about our friendship, you've been helping her keep something this important away from me.
Kevin: No Kim didn't, I knew about her too.
Jay: Kev, you're suppose to be my brother. Why wouldn't you tell me?
Kevin: Erin asked us not to say anything until you read the letters.
Jay: What damn letters?
Kim: Erin's been....
Kevin: are you sure?
Kim: He seen her so I guess so.
Jay: Tell me!
Kim: Erin has been writing you for a little over 2 years now.
Kevin: she's been sending you monthly letters.
Jay: I've never received a letter from Erin I would've seen it.
Kim: That's what me and Kevin figured, cause if you knew, you would have been there.
Kevin: That's why we had Erin write us all a letter, and this time we would give you the letter and you would actually get it.
Kim: Exactly I put the letter on you desk this morning, but then the letter was gone. It was only you,me and Hailey in the bullpen.
Jay: What are you saying?
Kim: I think Hailey's been taking the letters.
Jay: Now your gonna accuse my girlfriend of stealing my mail. How are you so sure Erin actually sent the other letters.
Hailey: That's ridiculous why would I take a stupid letter of all things.
Kevin: No one was in the bullpen accept you, Hailey and Kim. Most likely the letter is in her desk.
Hailey: Whatever, I don't have a letter!
Kim: Then you won't mind us checking your desk?
Hailey: Fine, let's go!

The team walked back into the building and back up to the bullpen. Kim and Kevin went straight over to Haileys desk and started searching every part of it. Kim and Kevin was coming up short, but Jay kept his focus on Hailey. When Kim and Kevin said there was no letter, Jay saw Hailey sigh in relief. That's when he knew she had the letter, and if they didn't see it must mean the letter is only in the one spot Kim and Kevin didn't know about. The hidden compartment that Erin built, and I would leave little love notes in there for her.

Kim: Sorry, I just th......
Jay: Hold on Kim, you didn't check right here. When Erin was here she built a secret compartment in the desk. Here it is!

Jay opened the secret compartment to find a white envelope with his name written across the middle in Erin's handwriting. Jay turned and looked at Hailey with shame across his face.

Jay: How could you Hailey, why would you hide this from me?
Hailey: J..Jay I'm sorry, when I saw the letter on your desk, I knew it was from a woman. I didn't know who it was from though. I promise Jay, I didn't know.
Kim: What about the other letters? She's been sending them for 2 years.
Kevin: She has them, that's why she took this letter. She recognized the handwriting, she knew it was from Erin.
Jay: Why would you do that?
Hailey: I didn't want to see you get hurt again.
Jay: So you did take them?
Hailey: I thought I was protecting you.
Jay: You should've told me, where are the other letters.
Hailey: They're at the house. I'm sorry Jay!
Jay: Just give me the letters back Hailey.
Hailey: Okay, but Jay you have to understand I was try......
Jay: I don't care right now, you've been lying to me for 2 years, you kept telling me Erin was so bad for me. She never lied to me, especially not this bad, you basically kept my daughter from me for 2 years. Just go to the house and bring me the letters.

Hailey left the district and headed back to their house. She grabbed the letters she kept hidden in a box labeled Erin's things. There was almost 30 letters she had kept hidden, while she was collecting all of them she realized Jay probably won't forgive her. She held in her hands his daughters entire life. She placed all the letters in a plastic bag and headed back to the district. Meanwhile Jay was sitting in the break room with the latest letter in his hands. For some reason he was so hesitant to open the letter, so he took a deep breath and opened it.

Dear Jay,

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