Chapter 22

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Jay: We need to talk?....

Hailey: Okay, what about?
Jay: Seriously Hailey, why would you think it was okay to hide the letters?
Hailey: When the first letter came, you had just gotten into a clear headspace. You were getting yourself back to normal, I thought that if you saw that letter you would spiral again.
Jay: Hailey I get where your coming from, but that wasn't your decision to make. You've been collecting the letters for 2 years, where have you been hiding them?
Hailey: In the box under the bar labeled Erin's things, I knew you wouldn't go in there so that was the best spot. I'm so sorry Jay.
Jay: I really wish I could believe you, but I can't. Our relationship was built on a lie, not a small one but a huge one. Yes, when I was getting myself together Erin was my main focus, but it wasn't your place to take her out of my life. I've never told you this but I was planning on marrying Erin, but when everything happened I lost my world. Then I found you, always having my back, always by my side during my shit storm. You had grown to be someone I loved and trusted. I actually considered proposing to you.
Hailey: Are you serious?
Jay: I did, and I probably would've if Kevin didn't tell me to stop and wait. He saved me from making the biggest mistake in my life.
Hailey: J..Jayyyy!!
Jay: By trying to keep Erin out of my life, you also kept my daughter away from me. That's is something I can't forgive, and I won't be able to forget it neither. As far as this relationship, we're done. I'll give you time to find yourself a place to live, but after this please go.
Hailey: I'm quite sure Erin has lied to you at least once like this before, Jay we can't be over like that.
Jay: That's where your wrong, Erin has never, not even once lied to me like you have. She only required one thing from me, and that was to be open with her. I failed at that, but I won't make that same mistake twice. I'll be staying at Wills house until you fully move out.
Hailey: Jay you don't have to do that, we can coexist here.
Jay: No, I need to work on my relationship with my daughter and Erin. I'm gonna head out now.
Hailey: I'm truly sorry for hurting you Jay! I hope we can still be friends.
Jay: We need to rebuild our friendship, I don't trust you right now. Just give me some time. I'll see you at work!

Before Hailey could even say bye, Jay was already out the door. Jay had mentally checked 2 things off his list. Next was to finally talk to Erin. He knew the next person he had to face was gonna be the hardest one to face. Jay knew Erin and Bia was staying at Hanks so he headed over there. When he arrived at the house the entire team was there, Jay thought to himself it was just extra pressure. Jay knocked on the door and then stepped back, he could hear everyone in the house talking and laughing. Then the door knob twisted open.

Erin: Oh um...
Jay: I know you might be busy but can we talk?
Erin: Jay listen I........

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