Chapter 24

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Erin and Bia was looking directly at each other, and then Erin pulled a paper out of her pocket.

Erin: Hey, who's this next to mommy?
Bia: That's daddy! I go see daddy!
Erin: Daddy is right there.

Erin picked Bia and held her in her arms and approached Jay. Bia was just a little nervous, but so was Jay. I guess they felt the nervous energy off each other.

Erin: Bia this is your daddy, Jay this is our beautiful daughter Bianca!
Jay: H..Hi Bianca, it's really nice to meet you.
Bia: Hi.....
Erin: Oh now your gonna play chicken, you scaredy cat. ( Erin started tickling Bia to break her out of her shy bubble)
Bia: Mommy stop it, mommmy! ( she couldn't stop laughing, then she looked at Jay)
Jay: Hi...
Bia: Hi daddy! I miss you!
Jay: Well I miss you too.
Erin: Come on Bia, let's go on the swings.

Erin turned around and started walking towards the swings. She noticed Jay wasn't following.

Erin: Well aren't you gonna come swing with us?
Bia: Daddy go swing mommy?
Erin: Yea baby, daddy is gonna swing with us!
Jay: I'm coming!

Jay, Erin and Bia all went over to the swings. At first Bia asked Erin to push her, but then she asked Jay to start pushing her. She kept giggling and laughing really loudly. Erin sat next to her on the swing, she was excited because Bia was happy.

Bia: higher daddy....

Jay looked at Erin for reassurance before pushing her higher. When Erin gave the approval he pushed her higher, but once she started getting bored she let it be known. She started yelling to get off the swing, Jay didn't know what to do so he helped her out. Once he put her on the ground she took off to the other toys. Jay and Erin went sat on the bench and watch her play.

Erin: next time she yells like that, don't give in. Cause she will definitely take advantage of you, she already knows how to use her charm.
Jay: Noted, she beautiful, and her laugh I don't think I ever want to leave that again.
Erin: She laughs a lot, somehow we created a goofy kid.
Jay: I have to ask, what are we gonna do about you in New York and me in Chicago?
Erin: Right now I have a very flexible work schedule, so I can stay here for now but I will have to go back with Hank to get him settled in New York.
Jay: What about you, aren't your doctors there.
Erin: They are, but I can travel to them when I need to. Hank will be in New York for at least 3 months, and I don't want him there by himself.
Jay: So your going back?
Erin: yea, but Bia seeing you is a top priority of mine. I want you to be in her life Jay, she needs you.
Jay: I want to be there as well, I don't want to miss anymore. I want you both back in my life!
Erin: I want you to focus on you and Bia, and we will work on repairing our friendship first.
Jay: Oh so I do have a shot....
Erin: Halstead, focus on Bia.
Jay: I am, but you didn't deny it?
Erin: Friends and co-parenting first, then we will reassess in the future. Look at them 2, they are literally best friends. Mouse would do anything for our little girl.
Jay: I'm grateful, Mouse had my back over seas and he had your back in New York. I'm glad you didn't have to do all of this on your own, I really do wish I was there. I use to think about that before everything happened.
Erin: Think about what?
Jay: The whole thing, you, kids, and a house with a white picket fence. The summers we would go to the cabin in Wisconsin, and yearly vacations. Once I retired from intelligence I would coach the kids sports team. No matter how good or bad the day was, it would all be worth it because I was coming home to you. Then Abby came back, and I wasn't being honest, then I pushed you away. One of the several biggest regrets I have in life.
Erin: well you can check kid of the list, and you never know what the future might hold. Come on it's time to head back to the house. Today was good, since I will be traveling back and forth from here and New York I want you to spend more time with her. So whenever you want to keep her some nights just let me know, or whenever you just wanna take her out.
Jay: Thank you, I know I don't deserve your kindness but I appreciate it.

Jay, Erin, Bia and Mouse headed back to house house. On the walk back Bia insisted on holding Jay's hand. She quickly found comfort in Jay, so when it was time for him to leave she wanted to throw a tantrum. Erin quickly got her together.
Erin: Come on Bia, let's go by Papa Hank. Tell daddy you'll see him later.
Bia: See you later daddy. I love you!
Jay: See you later princess, I love you too. Thank you Er, and Thank you too mouse!
Erin: No problem!
Mouse: I happy you got to meet this amazing little girl.
Jay: You were right I do feel like and A**hole, and Thank you for protecting them too.
Mouse: Jay, they're my family too, and your my brother I'll always have your back.
Jay: Beer one day to catch up!
Mouse: I'd really like that, I'll talk to you later!
Jay: Bye mouse!

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