Chapter 19

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Erin was trying to get her to talk but she kept babbling, but then she said it.........

Bia: Dadadada
Erin: good job Bia, come on wave to daddy. Say bye bye.
Bia:  bye bye
Erin: Good job baby, lets show daddy your tickle spot. You and your daddy go crazy for that spot on your back.

Jay listened as he heard his beautiful little girl laugh. The whole team was now watch the video with him. Tears just kept coming down his eyes, when Erin stopped tickling her she flipped over and started crawling away. The team had never seen Jay cry like this, Kim gave him hug and he didn't resist it. In that moment he really needed it.

Trudy walked up the stairs and told the team to take a week off. They need time to find a permanent sergeant to fill in while Hank is in New York. Everyone packed up their things and headed out except for Jay he went back to the break room and read more letters. Hours had passed passed and Jay was on letter 12. Trudy realized jay still hadn't left, so she went upstairs to check on him. She saw him sitting in the break room more broken then when Erin first left. She knocked on the glass before walking in to the break room. He looked at her with his bloodshot red eyes, and cried some more. Trudy sat down next to him and rubbed his back while he cried.

Trudy: Let it all out Halstead.
Jay: Sarge, did you know?
Trudy: Yea!
Jay: Great everybody knew but me.
Trudy: That's because you spent so much time hating Erin and Hailey didn't help because she made sure you pushed Erin out of your life. Did you ever consider her feelings, she was alone in New York with no family. She couldn't fall apart like you did, she couldn't go into a bender, she was pregnant with your child. You were able to fall apart and have your family by your side. So don't hate Erin cause deep down chuckles, you still love her. She has been doing and amazing job taking care of your beautiful little girl.
Jay: I never considered that, I guess I was just so mad at her leaving I thought it would be better to just push her out my head and forget about her.
Trudy: How's that working out for you?
Jay: After seeing her today, a lot of feelings came rushing back in. Deep down I've always loved her. I feel like such an asshole, I talked so much crap about her not being here but she was taking care of my kid. All the nights I was able to go out and live my life. She wasn't able to, she stayed home to take care of her, how can I hate somebody who has literally written me letters giving me updates on my beautiful daughter. Like Erin said she didn't have to tell me but she did.
Trudy: what are you going to do then?
Jay: First finish all these letters, and then I don't know.
Trudy: Then that's what you will do!
Jay: Thank you.
Trudy: I didn't do it for you, I did it for Bia and Erin. They're the ones that need you!

Jay sat on the couch for a few minutes thinking over what trudy had just told him. Then he opened the next letter labeled 12.

Dear Jay,

Our daughter is a year old now. I can't believe how fast the time went by, I remember like it was yesterday having her and bring her home for the first time. She just had her 12 month old check up, I really wish you were there. I cried like a baby when she got her shots. I guess a needle phobia runs in our family cause she afraid too.
This has been such a long year Jay, I really wish you come and see us. We really miss you so much. Hopefully you'll write us back.
                          Love Erin and Bia Halstead

He picked up the next envelope and it was labeled 12b. He opened the letter and a flash drive fell out, it was wrapped a sticky note. Jay pulled the note off and read it, "I forgot to include her 1 year old video". He went back to his computer and watched the video.

Erin was sitting behind a wobbly 12 month old. Then he sees mouse on the opposite side trying to get Bia to walk to him.

Erin: Come on baby girl you can do it..
Bia: Ma ma ma...
Erin: go get uncle mouse. Go get him!

Bia starts laughing and then takes her first steps. Erin is clapping proudly and mouse is cheering her on. She takes a few more steps before falling down. Jay wipes his eyes then reads the letter that was also in the envelope.

Dear Jay,

I know your wondering why your getting this letter, well it's because...................

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