Chapter 14

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Natalie: After her scans and blood work...... we don't think there's anything wrong with her. I can confidently say she had a febrile seizure.
Erin: What's that?
Natalie: It happens when a kids temperature spikes in their body. Right now we're giving her fluids but she should be able to go home tonight.
Erin: Thank goodness, so how can I avoid from happening again?
Natalie: children's Tylenol is a fever reducer, so just give her that.
Erin: Okay good, I just got some actually. By any chance can you send the notes from this visit to her pediatrician in New York.
Natalie: Yea, if you can give me a name and number.
Erin: Here's her doctors card, it has all of her information on it.
Natalie: I'll get right on that, and it's good to see you Erin.
Erin: It's good to see you too!

Erin went to the room and laid down next to Bia. While Bia was still sleep Erin stroked the back of her head.

Back in the car with Kim and Kevin, he was still trying to figure out why Kim was holding this huge secret.

Kevin: So, are you going to let me in on the secret.
Kim: Fine since she told you jay was Bia's dad. Apparently she's been writing him letters since the day Bia was born. She said at first she was going to keep him in the dark, but after she had her she had to tell him.
Kevin: so why didn't she just call?
Kim: she couldn't have contact with him, that's why she wrote letters. That's also why she said don't say anything, because if he would've actually read the letters Jay would know about her.
Kevin: So if he did read the letters he abandoned his child.
Kim: Yea,I guess but that doesn't sound like jay at all.
Kevin: it don't, so what if he has no idea?
Kim: He's gotta read the letters.
Kevin: How old is Bia?
Kim: 2, why?
Kevin: if she's been writing him there should be atleast 20 letters. That's if she was sending them monthly, we have to figure out if he read them.
Kim: we have to do what now?
Kevin: Come on Kim, he's literally missing out on a life with him daughter. Plus Erin doesn't want to say anything to him.
Kim: That's because he dating Hailey, she doesn't want to intervene. She's staying at my spot tonight your welcome to come over and talk to her.
Kevin: I think I will!

Later that night after shift, Kim headed back to the hospital to pick Erin and Bia up. Kim informed Erin that Kevin wanted to speak with her when they got back to the house. Erin agreed to speak with Kevin. By the time they made to the house Bia was now fully woke and full of energy. Erin carried Bia inside and straight to the bath tub, while Kim ordered some food. While waiting for the food Kevin knocked on the door, and Kim happily let him in and offered him a drink.

Erin: Hey Kev!
Kevin: Hey Linds, okay let me meet your mini me.
Erin: Biaaa, come here!
Bia: Hi ma ma!
Erin: Hi Bia, do you wanna meet my friend.
Bia: Yess
Erin: Kev this is Bia, Bia this is uncle Kevin. Can you say hi uncle Kevin..
Bia: Hi uncle Kebin.
Kim: nearly perfect, why wasn't mine like that!
Kevin: well hello little princess, she's adorable. Wait when we saw you in the restaurant that night, you were with a little girl.
Kim: yup that was Bia.
Kevin: If Bia was there so was...
Erin: guilty I was there too, Kim sent me a warning text letting me know you were out there, so I met them in the car.
Kevin: Wow.......
Erin: Yea!
Kevin: I've been thinking long and hard about this, if she's 2 and you left almost 3 years ago....
Erin: yea?
Kevin: you had to be pregnant before you left?
Kim: you knew before you left?
Erin: I did know, the night I was going to tell Jay I was pregnant is the same night he packed his bags and left. The next day the case went sideways and then bunny and the FBI. It was all to much, so when the FBI offered me the deal I left. I was done for it in Chicago, I left before the board could even give me a verdict.
Kevin: Damn...
Erin: I know right!
Kevin: so what's up with the letters?
Erin: I can't have contact with Jay so I wrote letters, I would send a monthly update of Bianca to him. I started on the day she was born, which reminds me I have to send the next letter.
Kim: I got and idea!
Erin: What?
Kim: Me and Kevin don't think he's getting the letters, cause let's be honest if Jay knew he had a kid with you, he would jump over the moon.
Kevin: exactly, I don't care if him and Hailey are together you and jay was suppose to be together.
Erin: Again shit happens!
Kim: How about instead of writing a letter only to jay How about you write one to everyone, and we'll put it on there desk. We will be able to see if Jay is getting the letters or not.
Erin: I mean there's nothing to lose so why not.

After there food finally came Erin and Bia ate their food, and then Erin put Bia down for the night. Then Erin did her part and wrote the letters, the next morning Kim took the letters with her to work. She was the first on to arrive so she slipped everyone's letter onto to their desk and then headed to the Locker room. While she was changing she heard Jay and Hailey coming up the stairs. He asked her if she wanted a coffee and she said yes! When Kim finally came out the locker room Kevin and Adam were walking up the stairs. When Adam got settled at his desk, he noticed a letter on his desk.

Adam: Ayy I got a letter!
Jay: From who?

Adams eyes widened when he saw who it was from.

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