Chapter 11

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Kevin: when the hell did she order a Lyft?
Adam: What the hell is going on with her?
Kevin: Adam didn't you say you and Kim share a Lyft account.
Adam: We do, I'll check it!  ...... That's weird there isn't any recent lyfts!
Jay: Then who did she just leave with?
Hailey: This is crazy, let's just go back to the district and we can track her phone to see where she's going.
Adam: Come on, cause I wanna know!

The team left Jay and Hailey's apartment and headed back to the district. Trudy was very confused as to why they were back, but she dismissed it. It took them about 30 minutes to finally get a location, and it turns out she was actually at the purple pig. Now that they knew where she was at, they headed to the restaurant.

At the restaurant Erin, Kim and Bia was having a great time. Erin and Kim were drinking a nice glasses of wine and having a relaxing time catching up. It had been a while since either women had an actual going out girls night. As they finished their dinner Erin requested the check, as she placed the money in the check book Bia knocked over the last of the red wine onto Erin's pants. She jumped up immediately and went to the bathroom to try and clean it off. Kim sat at the table with Bia waiting for Erin to comeback when Adam, Kevin, Hailey, and Jay walked into the restaurant. They looked across the room and saw Kim sitting at a dining table with a little girl. They all looked at each other super confused, then Kim spotted them. She quickly shot Erin a text tell her that Jay is at the table.

Adam: What the hell are you doing here?
Kim: can't you see I'm on a date. How did you know where I was?
Adam: We may have tracked your phone again.
Kim: That is an invasion of my privacy.
Jay: Who's the little girl?
Kim: That's my niece! 
-Erin meet me in the car with Bia, I'm gonna sneak out!
Adam: since when does your sister have  baby?
Kim: Umm we have to go, I'll see you at work.
Waitress: Hold on here's your friends change.
Kim: Keep it, it's your tip!
Waitress: That almost a $200 dollar tip, Please take some back that's to much.
Kim: Me and the little lady insist, you were great, Thank you!

Kim picked Bia up and left the restaurant, Erin had pulled the car around and met them in front the restaurant. Adam and friends walked out the restaurant to try and see but Erin sped off.

Adam: Dispatch can you run a license plate for me?
Dispatch: whats the plate number?
Adam: 257, George, Michael 4 Larry
Dispatch: Cars coming back registered to a Hank Voight.
Adam: Thank you!
Hailey: What the hell was she doing in Voights Car?
Adam: Kim has never been one to sneak around, how about we just keep and eye on her at work. Then maybe she might slip up and say something.
Kevin: We can try, but Kim has never acted like this before.
Jay: I don't know what's going on but let's head to Molly's.

After that night they dropped the subject, and left it alone. That didn't stop them from watching Kim. They literally spent the next month observing Kim. She slowly stop going out with them, and since Hank was in and out of the office a lot Kim usually stayed with Trudy.

About 2 months into Hanks diagnosis he took a serious decline. His doctor said he had caught a respiratory infection. They kept him in the hospital for almost a month.

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