Chapter 30

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The next morning......

Erin and the team woke at 7:30 in the morning, Erin had woke up a little early to make breakfast for the Bianca and the team. She was half way through frying the bacon when Jay walked into the kitchen with Bianca.

Jay: Morning Er!
Erin: Morning Jay!
Jay: Tell mommy Good morning!
Bianca: morning mommy!
Erin: Morning sweetheart! Did you sleep good last night with daddy?
Bianca: Yes, mommy I help?
Erin: Yes you can help, grab your chair baby.
Bianca: Daddy help too?
Erin: Daddy do you wanna help?
Jay: *clears throat* yea, I would love to.
Erin: Daddy makes really good pancakes.
Bianca: Strawberries?
Erin: She loves strawberries and whip cream on her pancakes.
Jay: I do too, it's so yummy for your tummy. (Starts tickling Bianca)

Bianca erupts into the most adorable laugh, causing Hank and Trudy to both come out of their rooms. Hank sees the Family of 3 having a great time together, so he sits back watching Halstead take on this new role. Hank and Trudy watched as Jay walked around Erin, and hovered his hands very close to her waist. Hank gave Trudy a quick glance, she gave him a nod back understanding exactly what he meant. They kept it between them though. After they had finish making breakfast mouse used his key to walk right in.

Mouse: Morning Hank, Trudy, Jay. Where's my favorite little friend.
Jay: Wait you have a key?
Erin: Yea, I have a key to his place too. He a very good uncle, he helps me a lot with bianca.
Jay: That's really nice!
Bianca: Uncle mouse!!!
Mouse: Morning Bia, Morning Er!! Ooh what do we have here some famous Halstead Pancakes?
Jay: The one an only, your roommates look like they need some coffee.
Kim: Morning, and yes we do!
Kevin: Morning everybody, where's the coffee?
Erin: Coffees ready! Why are y'all so tired?
Mouse: Adam wanted to watch movies all night.
Adam: Hey King Kong is a classic, and you guys could've went to sleep.
Mouse: Really, you kept saying guys look at this scene, every scene.
Erin: If your tired, you can stay here. I'm just going introduce Hank to his oncologist.
Kim: No, we want to be there every step of the way to support.
Hank: Thank you, but seriously you can stay.
Kevin: Nope, we're going Sarge!
Hank: Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.
Kim: What time do we leave?
Erin: We leave in a hour, there's breakfast in the kitchen. Come Bia, let's go eat daddy's famous pancakes.

Everyone looked at each other, and they just gave each other a glance. After everyone finished their breakfast they got ready and headed out. First stop up the hospital, the ride their was really quiet. The only person talking was Bianca, and she was saying all the colors she was seeing. Erin managed to start a small conversation, taking all the awkwardness out of the car. Fortunately they had arrived at the hospital, Erin lead the way the to cancer wing. When they got to the receptionist desk, Erin suddenly forgot that no one besides Jay and mouse knew about history.

Receptionist: Erin, it's good to see you again. How's the baby doing? How are you feeling?
Nurse: Erin, How are you doing?
Erin: Hey ladies, Bianca is doing great. She's gotten bigger, she's over their with her dad. I've been doing great, a lot better then when I was here.
Kim+Trudy: What do you mean when you were here?
Erin: Huhhh.....
Dr. Amy: Morning everyone, Erin it's so good to see you. How've you been doing?
Erin: I've been doing great.
Hank: is there something Your not telling us?
Dr.Amy: You didn't tell them did you?
Erin: Umm.... Uhh.....
Hank:Erin, what is she talking about?
Erin: I may have been here before....
Hank: For what?
Erin: Umm..... A few months after I had Bianca, my doctor found a few lumps. Turns out they were cancer, that's how I met Amy.
Kim: Wait Er, you have Cancer!!!!
Erin: No, not anymore!
Dr. Amy: She got her remission news earlier this year. We've been monitoring her very closely, we wanted to make sure she had a full life with her precious little girl. Where is she by the way?
Erin: She over there with her dad.
Dr.Amy: Sooo... he finally knows?
Erin: Yes, after a long wait, they finally know each other.
Kim: Back to what's important, you had cancer and didn't tell us?
Erin: I did, but I couldn't talk to anyone. I wrote it in the letters to Jay, but he never got it.
Kim: That bitch, she was so busy trying to hide them from Jay, but those letters contained so much important info.
Erin: I know.....
Jay: That still doesn't make it better, if she would've just given me the letters I could've been there, and the team too.
Erin: Guys, I'm over it. We have Hank to worry about now. Dr. Amy this is my dad Hank. He's the one of was telling you about, Hank this is Dr. Amy.
Hank: Nice to meet, Erin mentioned you do amazing work.
Dr.Amy: I'm hoping to have Another amazing outlook for you too. We can go to the waiting room and talk more.

They all move to the waiting room so that they could all hear Dr.Amy speak and let everyone know what her plan was. She told them what treatment she wanted to use, the schedule she had set and how often he would get chemo. Hank seemed to be okay with the plan, the only thing left was to discuss when they should start. Hank preferred to start in a few days after they were able to go sight seeing and a little fun. Dr. Amy agreed and told Hank and the team he could start the following Monday. That was fine for everyone, and since the team technically didn't have a job to go back too, they were okay with staying in New York for a little while. After speaking with the doctor, Erin brought the team to her work place.

At the FBI Headquarters.....

SPA- Special agent

Erin and the team walked in the building, That quickly alerted the security officer Rob.

Erin: Hey Rob, they're fine, they're with me!
Rob: okay, it's good to see you, the place has been really boring with Bianca.
Erin: I bet it has.
Bianca: Robby...
Rob: Hey there little princess, we missed you around here. Did you have fun in Chicago?
Bianca: Yes, I saw daddy!
Rob: I'm so happy for you! How many visitors passes do you need?
Erin: 6, and mouse has his badge with him!
Rob: Alrighty here you all go, Have a great tour. Hey Mouse I got the fight for tomorrow night, you down to join us?
Mouse: my friends are in town.
Adam: Dude you can go, we'll be fine.
Rob: I mean you guys can join him if you like, the more the merrier.
Kevin: Ayy that's dope, I'm down to join!
Hank: Me too!
Erin: I guess we'll all be joining. Come on guys let's head upstairs.

When they got into the elevator, Erin pressed the 26th floor. Adam started panicking the higher they were going. Bianca found it to be very hilarious. When the elevator dinged and the doors opened the teams mouth dropped. They had such and incredible layout.

Kevin: This is where you work?
Erin: Yea, Me and mouse work here!
Kim: This is incredible, like there's a team section for everything.
Mouse: Yes, this helps us work through cases faster. We have teams doing background checks, teams doing facial recognition, teams for ballistic, and a few others. We're able to divide and conquer better.
Erin: Exactly what mouse said, we run a tight ship here. Bianca do you wanna show daddy the playroom?
Bianca: Play with toys daddy.
Jay: Of course princess, let's go!

Bianca led Jay to the the playroom and the team followed behind them. The room consisted of a jungle gym, painting and some other toys. The next stop was Erin's office.

Hank: Kiddo, this is what you call an office.
Trudy: Damn Er, this is amazing.
Erin: Thanks!
Mouse: Show them the view!
Erin: This was definitely a perk, especially at night when the entire city line is lit up. " opens the blinds"
Jay: Wow, That is amazing!
Erin: It is but I think the Chicago skyline is way more beautiful.
Jay: I could think of something else that more beautiful.
Kim: Your right this amazing, can we meet your team?
Erin: of course, follow me.

Erin: Hello everyone!
Agents: Morning Director Lindsay!
Erin: I would like you all to meet my family from Chicago. They are Detectives from the intelligence unit. This is Sergeant Hank Voight, Sergeant Trudy Platt, Detectives Adam Ruzek, Kevin Atwater, Kim Burgess, and Jay Halstead.

The agents introduce themselves, but then quickly got back to work. Erin noticed them working extra hard, so she ask one of her agents what was going on. Turns out they think they may have a serial killer on the loose.

Erin: Hey guys your free to look around or head back to the apartment but me and mouse are needed here.
Hank: I think we'll stay, so we can see how you operate.
Erin: Okay, we'll pull up a few chairs for you.
Adam: We get to see Lindsay in action.
Erin: Alright guys, catch me up to speed, when did the case become ours, when was the first body dropped, how many bodies, is there a pattern?
SPA Moore: The case became ours 3 days ago, first body dropped was 2 weeks ago. The officers who found the first body didn't put it together until they were on their fifth body.
Erin: So we got 5 bodies?
SPA Moore: No ma'am, we have at least 15 bodies. As for the pattern, he cuts the ear, leaves a cigarette burn behind the ear, with a dog collar around their neck with words on it.
Erin: Is there a connection between the victims?
SPA Moore: Nothing so far, but we are checking every possibility.
Jay: This sounds so familiar!
Erin: What did you say?
Jay: This case sounds very familiar. Sarge do you remember last year, we had a string of bodies dropping within a three week span. They were all women. I think it was Kevin who said something about the collars on the women. The only link we found between all the women was that...
Hank: They all gave their kids up for adoption. We couldn't find the killer because he Had skipped town.
Erin: I guess you better get Hailey on the phone so she can send us the Case files. Since I'm the Director, I'm giving you jurisdiction in my town. Welcome to the FBI, let's get to work...........

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