Chapter 20

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Dear Jay,

I know your wondering why your getting this letter, well it's because I'm sick. When Bia got her 12 month old check up I also got mine. My gynecologist found two lumps on my breast. She did a biopsy to determine what we were dealing with, and they both came back cancerous. Right now we are scheduling appointments to make sure it didn't spread. I will send you updates as I get them. Please respond soon, I could really use you right now.
                                          Love Erin

Jay got up and bolted out of the bullpen and out of the district he was breathing super heavy, almost as if he was having a panic attack. Fortunately Will had just gotten to the district. Him and Jay was suppose to go out for a early dinner. Will saw him standing by the stairs breathing hard. He hopped out of car to go check on him.

Will: Breathe Jay, take a deep breathe, In 1.2.3 out 1.2.3.
Jay: Thank you!
Will: You wanna tell me what happened?
Jay: Erin's back!
Will: Jay plea....
Jay: I have a daughter..
Will: What do you mean?
Jay: Erin and I have a 2 year old little girl. They've been here in Chicago ever since Hank got his diagnosis.
Will: Why did she wait 2 years to tell you about her?
Jay: She couldn't, so she's been sending me letters.
Will: So why haven't you read them?
Jay: Cause Hailey took them, she took all the letters.
Will: Oh Jay, I'm so sorry.
Jay: That's not even the worst part. Come with me.

Jay took Will up to the bullpen, he grabbed the latest later off his desk and went to the break room. Jay handed him letter 12b, and told him to read it. Will grabbed the letter and started reading it, after he finished reading he turned to jay and told he couldn't have known.

Jay: I should've, Erin has spent the last 2 years raising my daughter while she was fighting for her life. I've been living care free life, blaming her for all my problems. I still have a whole pile of letters to get through. What am I suppose to do?
Will: Grab the letters and you can read them at home.
Jay: Haileys most likely there, and I can't see her right now.
Will: okay then, we will head to my house. Come on, I will order us some food too.

Jay collected all the letters and usb drives, before leaving he collected his belongings and then headed out. While Will was driving them to the house, Jay decided he should read the next letter.

Dear Jay

Our Bia  is now 16 months, I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. Between all the doctors appointments and the chemotherapy it's been rough. Thank God uncle mouse was here, he's literally heaven sent. He watches Bia on days I have doctors appointment or chemo. She loves mouse, having both of them here has made it easier to get through all of this. I won't lie it is hard. Sometimes Bia gets scared of me because I forget to put my beanie on. It would be great to have you here on these extra cold nights. I really miss my space heater.
                                    Love Erin and Bia

Erin attached another usb, when he got to Wills's he quickly set everything down and plug the usb in to the tv and started watching the video. Will walked into the living room when he saw his little niece running around a living with a princess doll. Mouse was chasing her around the living room. Every time mouse tried to grab her she starts giggling and running faster.

Will: She has an amazing smile, she looks just like you when you were younger.
Jay: She has Erin's dimples, she looks so happy running around with mouse. I missed all of this.
Will: I know, but I also know your gonna try to make it right.
Jay: You damn straight, I'm not letting my daughter grow up any longer with me by her side.
Will: you'll get them back. Something tells me your gonna get your girls back.
Jay: I hope so!

The food had arrived, Will fixed his and Jay's plate. Jay continued  to read more letters and watch more videos. It was like the more he read and watched the more guilty he felt. He grabbed the next letter number 18.

Dear Jay,

Bianca is now 20 months or 1 year and 8 months. She is still growing quickly but right now she is fully obsessed with princesses. She won't me leave the store until we buy a new doll. Me and mouse have been teaching her names, it's so adorable she can't pronounce Some letters and she just goes with it. Another huge milestone alert, our baby girl is fully potty trained. Me and mouse started telling her stories about me and you , or you and him. For some reason they do the trick when putting her to sleep.

Update on me, doctor said I'm doing great she sees amazing progress, hopefully only a few more weeks before I can get the all clear.
                           Love Erin and Bianca

He played the next video, Bia was watching moana while holding her doll. Then she told Erin potty and ran down the hallway, you could see Erin chasing her. The video cutoff, jay was about to take the usb out until another video started playing. It was really dark, but you could hear mouse in the background. He was walking to a room, where you heard a loud serious cough.

Mouse: How's Bia holding up?
Erin: I've never wanted to cry so much in my life, I wish I could take this pain away from her. She can't even get comfortable, and she hates wearing the mask on her face.
Mouse: is it a sinus infection?
Erin: No it's called croup, it's a respiratory infection. Actually can you grab her bag and her medicine out the fridge. It's time for another dose.
Mouse: yea I'll be right back.

Mouse flips the camera around and is now talking to it. Jay buddy, I didn't show you that to make you mad but to tell that your girls need you. With Erin in treatment and with Bia sick, it stating to take a toll on her. She wants you to come and see your amazing kid, I've been here the whole and I can honestly say your lucky. Bia is the sweetest little girl I have ever met, but they really could use you right now Jay.

The videos ends, and Jay doesn't even know what to do anymore. Will watch as his brother life get turned completely around, but all he could do is be there for him.

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