Chapter 50

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"Let bygones be bygones, this is a fresh new start for all of us. So, do you accept the job?"

"I just have one question!"

"Ask away."

"Are you okay with me coming back!"

"Yes, I wouldn't be here if I didn't. Sooo, what do you think!"

"I'll take the job!"

"Great, here's your contract I just need you to sign it and we're all set."

"That's it?"

"Yea, me and mouse handled everything else. We start Monday, I'll have you doing desk work until your leave, and then we can discuss a new plan when you return."

"I just want to say thank you! You didn't have to do any of this."

"This team is a family, and that family includes you."

"I really appreciate that, I'll be ready to start on Monday. Oh yea, congratulations you and Jay are perfect together."

"Thank you! Now let's order some food, I know babies can definitely make you hungry."

"I know this is a a lot to ask, but can you give any tips or advice on babies?"

"Most important rule sleep when baby is sleeping, first few weeks will be tough but you have an amazing support system. Postpartum depression Is a very real thing, so don't ever hesitate to ask for help."

"Thank you Erin, I've been a little overwhelmed lately."

"Anything you need just let me know."

Both woman set at the diner and casually ate their lunch. Their friendship won't repair itself over night but Erin was ready to let all the drama of the past go. After Erin left the diner, she headed back to headquarters to finalize the last of the paperwork before the team starts.

A few day later.........

Monday morning had finally arrived, and Erin was up earlier than normal. She wanted to arrive at the office before the rest of her team had come in. She thought about leaving Bianca so Jay could take her, but instead she helped Bianca get ready and headed out. Little did Erin know he had mouse put a dozen of daisies in her new office. So when she arrived, she was met with a beautiful surprise, and a card right next to it.

To my beautiful Fiancé

     I am so proud of you and all your accomplishments. You've reached another level of success and I'm so happy to be apart of it. You've created an entire team for the FBI, not many people can do that. This just shows how amazing you are Er, and I can't wait till you put that pants suit on so you can show the entire team why you're the boss. I can't say it enough Er, I'm so proud to be your future husband. Love you!

                   P.S. I think my boss is kinda Sexy!

"You know your best friend still knows how to make my heart flutter and he's not even here."

"I could say you do the same to him, you both just have that special connection and it's beautiful."

"Thank you mouse!"

"If I didn't say it already I'm proud of you to Er, they don't know all the work you've been in behind the scene but I do. It's because of you that everyone has a job, and a respectable boss. You should be very proud of yourself Linds, this is a major accomplishment!"

"You're gonna make me cry, come here. I couldn't have done any of this without your help and support. This was built by us, so you deserve just as much appreciation. Now enough of the water works, our team should be heading in!"

As if on que the team starting walking in, first being Kevin and last being Adam. This was their first time seeing their new headquarters and they were very impressed, everything was more up to date and efficient.

"Welcome to your new home!"

"This places looks insane, like the makes the old bullpen look like a waste bin."

"Hey, that bullpen raised you!"

"You're right Hank, it did raise me!"

"Excuse me!"

"It felt just as uncomfortable for me, sorry Sarge!"

"Okay guys back to me, I just wanted to say thank you all for taking a chance on me and this unit. I know if we all work together, this could one of the best things that has ever for all of us. This week will be just be for getting your certification and training. I can't have my family getting hurt, so the first certification is taser and range."

"We just certified  our tasers with CPD, do we have to really do this again?"

"Unfortunately Adam you do need a new for the FBI. It's not going to be that bad!"

"If it's not so bad then how about you join us?"

"The perks of being the boss is that I don't have to, Hank, mouse and Hailey are exempt from the taser certification."

"Dang Jay, i thought your fiancé would've let her precious gem sit this one out?"

"That's where your wrong Adam, I may be his boss be he is not getting special treatment. He has to suffer with everyone else!"

"Thanks babe!"

Erin took her phone out and sent a quick text off, so that only Jays eyes could see it "I know something that help with pain recovery and it involves you, me no clothes and a bed!"

Jay clears his throat and straightens up his posture.

"You two are so dirty, what did she tell you?"

"Down boy, this is for brown eyes only!"

As they continued to joke around the taser instructor walked in, and everyone went quite. "Oh by all means don't stop on my watch I get paid by the hour."

"You again, was there no one else that could perform this test?"

"And miss out on all this lucrative FBI money, of course not! So let's get started!"

Erin, Hank and mouse walked back to her office while the team prepped for their painful test.

In the end, there was a lot G's targeted in the SPAG regions. Adam getting it the worse from Kim, and Jay wanted to be a gentleman so he went soft on Kim. Adam didn't like that so he made sure Jay could feel the pain for both him and Kim. Laughing didn't exclude Kevin, because the instructor caught him while he was laughing at Jay.

"As always this has been my pleasure I'll see you all next time."

Erin walked out her office to see the instructor out, while mouse help the team out by grabbing some ice for them. Hank stood in the doorway laughing at them, it never gets old

After Erin saw the instructor out she regrouped her team, before giving them the plans for the rest of the day.

"I know you're all in a lot of pain, so after you head to the range call it a day. I'm expecting some great scores."

"How about you come with us boss, I'd like to wager a bet?"

"You do know I have my kid here right?"

"I'll take her home kiddo, go with your team."

"Thanks Hank! So what's your wager?"

"First three rounds are on you if i win, or I pay for the first three rounds if you win?"

"East easiest bet I've ever made!"

The team heads down to the range when jay walked up and whispered his own wager in her ear. That wager caused her to freeze and her cheeks to turn bright red. Jay definitely knew how to appeal to her challenging side. He got here righty where he wants her, a little flustered and now off her game.

Erin didn't let the pressure get to her so she allowed the team to go first. They put up some really good numbers, but Erin has been with the FBI  for a while so her skills have definitely.

They were definitely surprised when ................

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