Chapter 47

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"Jay, I love you and so does she. Don't ever question where our love resides, cause it's always with you."

" I really do love you!"

"We really love you too!"

That night Jay declared to Erin that he was not going anywhere, and that he was going to fight for his family. His daughter being afraid of him was a major setback but, she called out for him when she was feeling scared. That gave him that push, now he had something that was worth fighting for. So he took Mouses words under consideration, and started to incorporate the things Bia liked.

Over the next few weeks Jay noticed a big change. Jay was making more time for Erin and Bia. Bia grew to wanting to always be around her dad, but soon all that would change again. Trudy had called to inform Jay that if he did not return he would be stripped of his badge. Jay felt like his heart was being pulled in two directions, his daughter and the love of his life on one end, and his career on the other end.

Erin and Mouse's little plan was still under construction so Jay had to return. He promised Erin and Bia that he would return as soon as he could. After a few more days in New York, Jay finally took the short flight back home.

Erin didn't like that fact that he was gone but she had to continue doing her job as the director and as a mother. Once Jay was gone Mouse stepped back into the role of taking care of Bia.

For the first few days Bia wasn't having it, she missed her dad and at that point no one could replace him. She cried so much that was impossible to get her to go to the daycare. Erin would have to call Jay just to calm her down. After the first 2 weeks things started to calm down, but Erin felt just like Bia she was missing Jay too.

After a few more weeks Hank was due for a follow up. His oncologist has really high hopes for him. Treatment seemed like it was going good but the look on the doctors face was a different story.

"Hank, Erin come on in. How are you feeling Hank?"

"Like I got the shit beat out of me."

"The test results are real proof of that beating."

"So is he getting better?"

"After six months of treatment, I can proudly says majority of your tumors have shrunk by at least 95% and the rest have gone away completely."

" what are you saying?"

"We will surgically remove the masses that remain, and hope that they won't return. You're almost free!"

"Wow I can't believe that worked!"

"I told you she was the best! Thank you so much!"

"Yea, thank you!"

"We're not done yet, soon this battle will be over."

"So what will happen after the surgery?"

"I would say recovery will be about 2 weeks."

"When can I travel?"

"After that 2 week period, but you still gotta be careful. I will be scheduling your surgery for later this week."

"Okay, just tell me the time and place for where I'm suppose to be."

"I'll have all of that prepared for you by later today. For now go home and relax, you deserve it."

That's what they did, they grabbed a celebratory lunch before heading home. While grabbing lunch Hank had asked Erin to not tell anyone about the news since he wanted to wait. He wanted the doctor to say the words he graciously waited for "remission!"

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