Chapter 18

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Dear Jay,

I was skeptical of writing this last letter, because Kim and Kevin told me there was a chance that you hadn't received any of the previous letters. If that's the case I'm so sorry Jay, I assumed you hated me so much that you didn't want to see us. I don't want to say much in this letters, so if you find the other letters please read them in order, I numbered them for you. After you read them all you will know what to do.

Love Erin

After Jay read that letter he knew he had to read the others, fortunately his place wasn't far from the district so Hailey should be here soon. About 5 minutes later Hailey showed up with a big bag filled with envelopes. Jay's eyes grew wider, the team was looking at Hailey walk to the break room with all of the letters. She set the bag down on the table, and apologized once more to Jay and then left. Jay flipped the bag of letters, he quickly placed all the letters in order and grabbed the one labeled number 1. The ink had started to fade on the envelope, Jay opened the envelope and two picture fell out and hit the floor, he picked both photos up and flipped them over. It was a picture of Bia at a day old and the other was Erin and Bia on their first day home. Jay rubbed his thumb over both of their faces and then proceeded to read the first letter.

Dear Jay,

This is not how I wanted to tell you, but if I'm being honest I wasn't going to tell you at all. I've spent the last 7 months hating you for walking out that day. That day when I came home I was so excited to tell you that I was pregnant, but I was met with you holding your duffel bags and you telling that you were leaving. That was probably the worst day in my life. The day our beautiful little girl born, Your the first person I wanted to tell. All that hate I was holding had just went away, at that moment I just wanted you back. Then when the nurse placed her in my arms I knew I couldn't keep our daughter away from you.
She's 7lb 4oz, and 21 inches long. Already she has your height, and those damn beautiful eyes I go crazy for. She also has your freckles and has red hair like your brother. I can't wait till you get this letter and see our beautiful daughter.

Love Erin and Bianca Camille Halstead

Jay started reading through the letters quickly. He read 3 letters, and saw new pictures of his beautiful little girl. Erin had even sent him papers to legally put his name on Bia's birth certificate. The next letter was number 4.

Dear Jay,

Our sweet little baby is now 4 months old. She growing so fast Jay, she's already starting to teeth. You should see her jay she looks just like you. Her freckles are coming in more and her red hair is already getting darker. You probably haven't noticed your army shirt missing yet. I took it to have a part of you, but now when she cries I put the shirt next to her and she stops. I guess we both love your clothes. We can't wait to see you!

Love Erin and Bianca Halstead

Jay was sitting in the break room with tears pouring out of his eyes. He just couldn't believe Hailey would hide this from him. He read a couple more, but when he got to letter nine and that's when the water works started to happen.

Dear Jay,

Our little girl is so amazing, she sit up like a big girl now. Last week she started trying to crawl. She getting so big, her pediatrician said she very healthy and is advanced at some skills for her age. This time I decided to make a video for you, I wanted you to see her. You'd be so in love with her if you were here. I also sent a few more pictures apparently our girl has a diet like her daddy, she loves her veggies.

Love Erin and Bianca Halstead

Jay got up from the couch and headed to his computer, he pulled a USB from the envelope. He inserted the drive into the computer and watch the file download. When he opened the file tears started falling. The team watched as he clicked play on the video, and they all heard erin encouraging her to crawl. It was so beautiful, and then Bia and Erin sat in front the camera and she sang if your happy and you know it while Bia clapped along with her. What really got Jay was the ending. Erin was trying to get her to talk but she kept babbling, but then she said it.........

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