Chapter 46

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Normally that would be okay if Jay wasn't in the picture, but since he is now his heart is hurting even more.

A few days had passed, and Bianca was still not feeling Jay. She still preferred mouse, and Jay was on the verge of cracking. He wasn't sure how to feel about the situation, his daughter was afraid of him and mouse was doing majority of the work. Jay was so tempted to buy a plane ticket back to Chicago. 

While Erin was showering, mouse was putting Bia to bed. Jay just felt that he wasn't needed, so he started looking up plane tickets. He found a reasonable priced ticket and purchased it. He heard Erin coming out of the bedroom so he quickly closed the laptop and tried to play it off. Erin heard it slam but she didn't say anything. When she walked in the kitchen Jay gave her a glance and then headed to the bathroom to shower. When she heard the bathroom door close she walked over to the laptop. When she opened it she felt her heart break, after all they've been through he was giving up on them. The only thing she could was talk to him about this.

She went back to her bedroom with these feelings batting back and forth in her head. When Jay walked out the bathroom she could see the conflict on his face.

"Jay what's going on?"

"Nothing, I'm just tired."

"Jay, you not talking is what caused problems between us last time. What's going with you?"

"I fee so out of place Er, my daughter doesn't even want me. You and mouse have such a close relationship that I get jealous. Mouse knows my daughter better than me and I hate it. Don't get me wrong I love that mouse has helped out more than I have but I just don't know what to do anymore."

" I understand Jay, but she grew up with mouse. He is her best friend, and I get that upsets but what will hurt her more is if you leave her."

"I don't understand how over night she just stopped loving me."

"Trust the little girl loves you so much, she's just scared from when she saw me get shot. In her head it's like I was in treatment again and I was hurt. She saw you hurt the bad guy so she's scared, mouse protected her last time so that why she goes back to him."

"I didn't think about all of that, how can I make it better for her."

" Just be there because if you leave, I know my heart can't take it and neither can hers. Maybe you should talk to mouse and ask him about her. I know our daughter but so does mouse, he's sort of a Bia expert."

"I will, and I'm sorry for thinking leaving would've been the best option."

"I understand, but when I told you I want forever with you I meant it. If there's a problem we deal with it direct, no more holding in your feelings."

Later the next day Jay finally decided to talk to mouse. He was tired of feeling like he don't belong, so he pushed his pride aside and asked for help.

"So, what up Jay?"

"I know you and Bia have and amazing bond, and lately she is terrified of me."

"Yea, I noticed! Honestly she's getting better, she just scared from the accident. So when I help with bed time I just tell her stories about you, and she gets excited."

"That's good to hear, but I want to learn more about her."

"That I can help with. Her favorite color is pink, or baby blue. She loved princess movies, so go ahead and learn every song now. She loves vegetables which is shocking because Erin hates them, she is currently into gymnastics. She likes doing tricks, so tossing her in the air makes her happy. She absolutely loves hide and seek, she is really good at it. Bia is the sweetest kid ever. Jay I've seen you with her, that little girl loves you to pieces. Your doing an amazing job, don't let no one tell you different."

"Thank you, I think I really needed this. I just felt like she didn't love me anymore."


"She loves you man, go check on your little girl man."

"I'm coming sweetheart, daddy's coming!"

Jay quickly walked to Bianca's room picking her up as he met her at the door. Once he had her in his arms he wasn't letting go. He went to lay her back down, but instead of him leaving he laid down with her.

Erin walked out her room looking for Jay, she was extremely happy to see Jay back in daddy mode. Bianca was laying across his chest while he drew circles on her back. He saw Erin standing in the doorway looking at them, so he patted the bed for her to come lay down too. She walked over to the bed and snuggled in.

"I'm not going anywhere, here with you and Bianca is where I wanna be! I don't want to run when I feel things start getting challenging. I want to be a dad She's proud of!"

"Jay, I love you and so does she. Don't ever question where our love resides, cause it's always with you."

" I really do love you!"

"We really love you too!"

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