Chapter 12

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It was a little after midnight, Erin and Bia was in their room sleep when Erin heard Hank coughing. At first she thought it was just gonna pass, but then it started becoming an aggressive cough, almost like he was gasping for air. Erin jumped out the bed and headed down to Hanks room, he wasn't in the bedroom. She started panicking until she saw that he was in the bathroom. He was hunched over the bathroom sink, when Erin saw the sink she immediately called 911. She told the dispatch what was going on, and requested that ambulance 51 take the call. After she got off the phone with them she called Trudy, someone had to go to the hospital with Hank. Right now Erin is suppose to be a ghost in Chicago no one is suppose to know that she's here. Somehow Trudy beat the ambulance to the house so Erin gave her the full run down of what happened so she could relay the message to the paramedic.

After the paramedics took Hank to the hospital Erin waited back at the house until Trudy could get an update. After several hours later the doctor finally gave an update, but it wasn't the update Erin wanted.

Trudy: The doctor said the cancer in his lungs had spread, it's not severe but he will need to be on oxygen. It will help him breathe a little bit better.
Erin: is there anything I need to be doing on my end.
Trudy: Just be there whenever he needs you, oh and if he starts having coughing fits check and make sure there's no blood in there.
Erin: Okay! How did he say Hank was overall?
Trudy: It's getting worse, it's all up to Hank, His body will go as far as he allows it. You already know Hank will put up a fight.
Erin: He is a fighter, but I don't want him to suffer.
Trudy: You gotta talk to him them.
Erin: I know, its just this feel like Camille all over again. I nearly didn't make it with her, but Hank .... I can't even imagine a life without him in.
Trudy: I know, I've known Hank for over 40 years, and I hate seeing him like this. The guy everyone is afraid of, his name alone carried weight. I know Hank, and I know he's trying muscle through this. We just have to left lean on his family. Hey, the team just walked in I'll call you back later.
Erin: Thank you Trudy!
Trudy: No problem Kiddo!

Jay: Hey, What happened?
Trudy: Late last he woke up out of his sleep coughing, but the coughing started getting worse. He started coughing up blood, so they rushed him to the hospital.
Adam: Is he going to be okay?
Trudy: Right now they have him on oxygen, but they'll release him some time tomorrow.
Kevin: Is there anything we can do for him?
Trudy: You can go to work, narcotics asked for an assist. So you all can head over, umm Kim hang back I'm going to need you.
Kim: Okay! Uh see you guys later!

Trudy: I want you go to Hanks and keep an eye on Erin, she was freaking out after she found him literally coughing up a lung.
Erin: Okay, I'll stop and get them some breakfast too.
Trudy: Yea, she would like that. I'll call if there's any updates.
Kim: Okay see ya later!

Kim headed out to grab breakfast for Erin, Bia, and herself before heading to Hanks house. When she got to Hanks, she knocked on the door and Erin quickly answered. She looked very stressed out.

Kim: Are you okay?
Erin: Yea, everything is fine!
Kim: Er it's me your talking to, let me in.
Erin: I'm scared, after seeing hank like that this morning. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it, if I wasn't here what would've happened.
Kim: Hey you can't think like that, we can hope and pray he gets a little better. Here I brought you and Bia some breakfast!
Erin: I'm not hungry.
Kim: You probably haven't eaten today, so eat please.
Erin: Don't you have to get back to work?
Kin: This is my work for today, hanging out with you and Bia.
Erin: I guess we're watching movies, she's still teething, so she isn't feeling her best yet.
Kim: That's fine, I needed a lazy day anyway.
Erin: Come on, let's go check on my sweet girl.

Erin, Kim and Bia spent the day laid out in front the tv. They decided just to order food and have it delivered when they were hungry.

The team was still helping out the narcotics unit, but when their shift was over everyone went home except for Kim and Kevin. They signed up to work some over time on patrol. This was the perfect time for Kevin to get insight on what's been going on with Kim.

Kevin: we've been homies for how long?
Kim: a really long time, why?
Kevin: what's been going on lately? You've been blowing us off, every time you see Jay you avoid him. Tell me what's going on?
Kim: I can't!
Kevin: You can't, or you won't!
Kim: I wish Kev, but I really can't.

While they were talking Erin's name popped up on the screen.

Kevin: What the hell is Erin calling you for?
Kim: i don't know let me answer...... Hello....
Erin: I need your help please hurry it's Bia!
Kim: Im on my way!

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