Chapter 41

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-Unknown- I'm almost there, I'll see you in the morning!

The next morning Erin woke up to another texting saying "I'm here". Mouse was able to get a location on where the number was coming from but they weren't able to identify who it was. Right now they are only have that the phone was in Chicago when the text messaging started. Jay had told her to make a list of all the people who possibly want to hurt or any crazy people from her past. The list was quite extensive, but she wrote it.

Jay: Okay when Erin gave us the list with names on it there was over 30 people. We was able to narrow that number down even further when we picked out the incarnated, dead, moved.
Erin: They only narrows it down to my mom, my bio dad, a few high school enemies, and anyone one from my bad binge days.
Jay: Have you heard from bunny?
Erin: Not since that scene she caused at the district, but she wouldn't travel here.
Mouse: What about bio dad?
Erin: I still don't know him, so I doubt it would be him.
Kevin: You may not know him, but he may know you.
Jay: That's a great point. So, we may have to ask bunny if she told anyone about you.
Erin: Okay so we can put my potential dad on the suspect list.
Adam: Okay who else?
Erin: Landon, he's weak so I doubt it's him either and he doesn't know I left and came to New York.
Kim: Who's next?
Erin: Charlie..
Jay: Charlie?
Mouse: As in Charlie Pugliese?
Erin: Yea!
Jay: When was the last time you spoke to him?
Erin: When Hank arrested him, for the robbery.
Jay: Is he still in prison?
Mouse: I'm checking the database now..

Adam: Do you think he would really come after you?
Erin: I mean considering I caused him to be arrested the first time, and then again the second time. Yea he would definitely would.
Mouse: I just check the database and confirmed with the prison that Charlie was released last week.
Erin: Are you serious, they were suppose to tell me or Hank prior to his release.
Mouse: They did say they contacted Hank at the district but since he wasn't there, they didn't call.
Erin: So, we should push Charlie to the top of the That list.
Kim: I just want to no if it is him how could he possibly know about you and Bianca.
Jay: Is there anybody Charlie Would associate with?
Erin: Ummm... Annie, Travis, bunny, and his younger brother.
Jay: He has a younger brother?
Erin: Yea, when I met him he was a sweet kid. He used to help me when Charlie would get angry.
Mouse: We're going to have to head into the office so I can try to find him, especially if he's in New York.
Jay: I'll go put clothes on Bianca!
Erin: I can get her sitter to watch her.
Jay: It's up to you?
Erin: She lives 1 floor below us, and Bianca won't be in the way at the office. I'll give her a call, and you can still put her clothes on her.
Jay: Okay, I'll be right back.

After Jay returned from the back room with Bianca, everyone waited in the living room to leave.

Erin: Ava her babysitter is on her way up now, so she will be in good hands.

Ava: Hey Er, Hey pretty girl, you ready to have fun.
Bianca: Yea, can we have ice cream?
Ava: How about pancakes first?
Bianca: Ooh, yesssss!
Ava: Okay tell everyone you will see them later.
Bianca: Bye guys! Bye momma, Bye daddy!
Erin: Bye princess we see you later!
Jay: See you later baby girl!
Everyone: See you later!

Erin and the team gathered there things and headed out. The team was more receptive to Hailey, and they were no longer giving her the silent treatment. They all continued to talk about Charlie and the prospect of him being in New York now.

Erin: Hello!
Rob: Hey I just got on shift and the Jake at the front desk told me a gentleman came here looking for you. He told him to wait in your office. Apparently the guy only waited in there for 10 minutes before leaving.
Erin: Thank you Rob, we're pulling up now.

Erin: Mouse I need you check security cameras Rob said someone was in my office.
Mouse: On it!
Agent Sam: Hey Er, there was a guy in your office.
Erin: Rob just told me, so I got Mouse on it now.
Agent Sam: He left your office with a paper, I'm not sure what it was.
Mouse: Camera feed is coming up now!

The video starts playing and they see Charlie in the elevator, he stopped and asked an agent for directions for Erin's office. He walked in the office and he was in there a little over 10 minutes before walking out. He had a piece of paper sticking out of pocket.

Hailey: Check your office and look around to see if you may recognize the paper he took?
Erin: That's a great idea!

Erin Went in her office and it didn't take her long the realize what he had taken. Before she could say what she figured out another text came through.

-unknown-Your office is Nice, I wonder if your home is just as nice.

Erin: Charlie just text he said my office is nice I wonder if your home is just as nice.
Jay: He doesn't know where you live.
Erin: He does now, that's what he took out my offices. The paper had my address on it. Shit I have to tell Ava to get out of there. Sam send patrol to my place, let's go I don't want him anywhere near Bianca.

Ava: Hello!
Erin: Hey are you still at my place?
Ava: No we just walked back into the building.
Erin: Okay, Take Bianca back to your place, my place isn't safe. Be on the lookout for a white male, he skinny and tall with long black hair, and his name is Charlie don't let him anywhere near Bianca.
Ava: We're going now!

Ava: Bia I'm going to have to carry you, we have to move fast okay.
Bianca: why?
Ava:Nothing to worry about we just have to go to my place okay!
Bia: Will mommy and daddy meet us there?
Ava: yes they w... sorry I didn't mean to bump into you...
Charlie: I should be the sorry one, are you ladies okay!
Ava: Yea we're okay! You okay princess?
Bianca: Yes!
Charlie: Again I'm sorry about that, I'm Charlie by the way!
Bianca: I'm Bianca Hal....
Ava: I'm Ava, and We have to go me and this little lady have and ice cream date to attend to. Nice to meet you Charlie!
Charlie: Nice to meet you to Ava and Bianca!

Ava walked into the elevator and pulled out her phone to call to call Erin. Before the doors were able to close Charlie heard heard Ava say Erin's name. He waited to see which floor the elevator stopped on before stepping on the other elevator.

Ava: Erin, That guy you were talking about Charlie he here's. We ran into in the lobby.
Erin: Where are you at now?
Ava: We're just got off the elevator.
Erin: Get in your apartment and lock the door we're trying to get down there now.
Ava: We're in front the door no....
Charlie: Ava was it?
Ava: Charlie!
Charlie: The little girl Bianca, does she happen to be the daughter of a Erin Lindsay.

Before Ava could get in the apartment and lock the door Charlie was already there with his foot in the way of her closing the door. Ava held the door with all her strength and told Bianca to go hide. Charlie pushed the door fully open knocking Ava into the entry table hitting her head. Her body laid motionless, as Charlie stepped over her body and went into pursuit. He looked all over the apartment until he found Bianca hiding under the bathroom cabinet, she screamed so loud. He covered her mouth and through her over his shoulder and walked out the apartment.......

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