Chapter 1

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Nyssa POV:

I so didn't want to be here, I had made it through most of high school having avoided parties like these, why did I let Elena guilt me into this.

"Just admit it, Elena," Bonnie says

"Oh, okay, so he's a little pretty," Elena admits.

"He has that romance novel stare," Bonnie comments and that doesn't help my current situation. 

All around me was drunk hormonal teenagers and my body was screaming at me to do something about it, I had to distract myself and fast or my sister was going to be in for one hell of a surprise. 

"Guys," I say getting Bonnie and Elena's attention, "sorry, all these people I'm feeling a little claustrophobic, I just gonna take a little walk, get some distance."

Elena immediately looks at me concerned, "are you okay? Do you want me to come with you?"

"No no, really it's fine, enjoy yourself I just need a few minutes and I'll be alright," I tell trying to sound convincing, luckily she nods and I start to walk off into the woods.

I am almost there when she shouts after me, "Don't go too far, I don't want you getting lost,"

I steady myself before turning back to her, "Promise, I'll be safe."

Thank god I got away from that party, as much as I really don't want to lose my virginity I REALLY didn't want to lose it to any of these idiots but I knew I was fighting a losing battle if I stayed there much longer. Now I had to get my body to focus on something else, a stronger sensation.

3rd Person POV:

[Bridge by the party.]

Stefan and Elena are talking and getting to know one another, "I like Bonnie, she seems like a good friend."

Elena smiles, "Best friend in the world."

"And what about your sister, I thought she would be coming with you tonight,"

"She did, she's just, she's really shy, she's always had a hard time coming out of her shell... when we were growing up she was always my little shadow. My parents adopted her, she never talks about what it was like beforehand but I don't think it was good."

Stefan seems surprised by that information, "Oh, I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay, it's strange she took our parents' death the best and I know I shouldn't worry about her but I don't know it's kinda like now I'm her shadow, I never want to be too far from her. This really isn't her scene but I told her how much I needed her here tonight. It probably sounds crazy but just knowing she's close it helps me feel a little stronger, a little more confident that I can be the old me again."

"That doesn't sound crazy at all, I really hope I can get to know her better," Elena smiles at Stefan, he really does have that romance novel stare down.

Later at the party 

Elena sees Jeremy getting a little out of hand and looks around for Nyssa to help her deal with it but can't seem to find her making her even more stressed,

"Jeremy, where the hell are you going?" she calls after him

Jeremy doesn't look at all impressed with his sister's concern, "I don't want to hear it!"

"Yeah, well, too bad!" Elena tries to catch up to him but Jeremy trips. He sees Vicki's body, she's been bitten on the neck and is bleeding badly.

"Vicki? No! Oh, my god, it's Vicki!"

"Oh, my god!" Elena says covering her mouth in shock and trying to look into the woods for her sister, now really worried for her.

Behind the trees Damon watches, he has just taken a bite out of Vicki and left her to stumble back towards the party, he was eager to hear how Stefan's night would be ruined. Not wanting to risk being seen he disappeared deeper into the woods before he smells something... blood.

It wasn't the blood from his latest victim he would recognize the dopey scent of that, no this was different. It was powerful, appealing, whoever it belonged to he wanted it now.

He allowed his body to follow the scent until he came across a young woman, he didn't understand what she was doing at first until he got a little closer.

She had her hand in a fist and was smashing it against a rock, 'what the hell? ' He thought, damn humans could be really fucking weird sometimes, but hey if this girl was looking to get roughed up he could definitely help with that.

Damon walks closer no longer hiding and lets out a sarcastic whistle

"phew, that looks nasty, what did that rock ever do to you?"

Nyssa straightens up when she hears a strange man whistle at her, she immediately turns around to see a tall, handsome, man, scratch that he's a vampire. If the blood still around his mouth wasn't enough of a give away the energy surrounding him was practically screaming it at her.

"What's it to you vampire?" she asks having zero fucks left to give.

Damon's eyes enlarge, not expecting that response from her.

He immediately zooms over to her trying to scare the brat but she remains looking unimpressed.

"Who the hell are you?" He asks, well more like he demands.

She rolls her eyes, "look attack me, don't attack, just make up your mind, I have things to do tonight."

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you and that rock had such a big night planned,"

Nyssa shakes her head at the vampire and starts to push some hair behind her ear when Damon stops her, catching her hand.

"What the hell, it was completely busted a second ago," he says mostly to himself before studying her more closely.

"What the hell are you?"

"Let's just say that's for me to know and you to dot dot dot. Catch you later Vampy."

She walks off not looking back but hoping she was able to front enough for him not to follow. She had been gone long enough and really had to get back before Elena started to worry.

Damon just stands there looking at the retreating teenager, with one thought on his mind,

'who the hell is that girl.'

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