Lost Property

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3rd Person POV:

Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah all walk into the boarding house the next day.

Damon happens to be in the living room pouring himself a drink, "by all means please just let yourselves in," he says aggravated by the Orginals lacking manners... "I expected more of you Elijah," he says slightly chastising the noble one earning himself a death glare in return to which he put his hands up in mock surrender.

"Where is Stefan? He's your brother isn't he yet I haven't seen him around, are you hiding him?" Klaus asks.

"Stefan?!" Damon shouts and Stefan casually walks down the stairs,

"Yes?" he replies to his brother.

"are we hiding you?" Damon asks.

Stefan looks confused, "from what?"

Satisfied Damon turns to the originals, "there you have it."

Rebekah steps forward hating Stefan's modern clothes but very happy to see him, "I can't believe it's really you,"

Stefan keeps his face blank and pretends not to know her, "I'm sorry?" he says.

"Right, about that sister I may have compelled Stefan to forget all about you," Klaus admits to Rebekah.

"Dammit Nik, undo it!"

"Gladly, just contact Marcel and tell him to hand over my coffins first," Klaus says bargaining.

Rebekah shakes her head disappointed but not surprised with her brother, "no, Marcel is right, this is the most power I have ever had over you and if I have even a shot at living a life on my own terms I am not giving up such leverage so easily."

Furious Klaus grabs his sister, "do not play with me Rebekah!" he warns.

Elijah pushes him away from their sister, "Enough Niklaus! Look the full moon is approaching, let's tackle one problem at a time. As unhappy as I am with Marcellus I do not believe he would be so foolish as to harm Finn or Kol so for the moment let's trust Rebekah."

Klaus scoffs at such a notion but his brother is right that the full moon is approaching and he was definitely done waiting.

"Apologies, my family is a tad dysfunctional, try not to judge us too harshly on that. Were you able to gather all the necessary ingredients?" Klaus asks.

"We were," Damon tells him.

"Splendid, then I will ready my witches," Klaus says as he turns and walks away.

Rebekah looks to Elijah and her brother nods seeming to understand what she is trying to communicate with just her eyes, "Mr. Salvatore perhaps we could give these two a moment alone?" Elijah says to Damon.

Damon checks with Stefan and he gives him nod.

"Fine, let's dish about the last time you were here, been dying to know firsthand just how naughty grams really is," Damon says to Elijah as the pair walk outside.

Stefan looks to Rebekah, despite being a killer back then he did genuinely like her he remembers whatever part of him had been capable of that back then and he doesn't like having to hurt her now.

Rebekah moves a little closer to Stefan, "please don't be afraid of me," she tells him.

"Maybe we should sit," he offers her gesturing to the sofa.

She nods and the two walk over and sit down.

After an awkward beat she turns to him, "I know you don't remember us but believe me we had something real," she tells him earnestly.

Stefan nods, "I believe you, you're so beautiful it's not hard to imagine falling for you,"

Rebekah blushes a bit at his flattery.

"But I'm sorry, I'm with someone and it's serious," he tells her as gently as he can but he can clearly see the heartbreak that comes over her face at the news and hates himself for it.

"Right, of course you are, you're not the kind of man to remain single for long let alone 90 years," she says.

After a few more awkward moments of silence, Stefan decides to speak up again.

"Whatever you have over your brother, you should keep it," he tells her.

"why would you say that?" she asks suspiciously.

"I didn't like the way he grabbed you," Stefan explains "you deserve better than to be treated like that by anyone let alone family."

Rebekah nods trusting Stefan's reasons, "standing against Klaus has never been a smart move," she admits.

"Perhaps because you've always had to do it alone before," Stefan says.

"And who would stand with me against him now? You and your new girlfriend?" Rebekah asks a little cattily.

Stefan smiles a little and nods, "She might, I wouldn't like her to but she's very kind and protective. She wouldn't want to see anyone suffer if they didn't need to, especially against a bully."

Rebekah laughs, "Nik is a little more than a bully,"

"I'll take your word for it," Stefan tells her.

"What's her name, this kind protective girl of yours?" Rebekah asks.


"She sounds pretty,"

Stefan looks away uncomfortable not sure how to respond to that.

"Sorry, I know you don't remember me, none of this is your fault," Rebekah tells him deflating a bit and leaning back into the sofa.

"Actually..." Stefan starts to say.

"Actually what?" Rebekah asks immediately sitting up again. 

"I've had this for years but I never could remember where I got it from, I just knew it was important and to keep it safe," Stefan tells her pulling out the necklace Elena had agreed to hand over no longer wanting it ever since Stefan confessed who it had belonged to.

"Oh my god," Rebekah said reaching forward to take the silver locket from him "you kept this, for all these years?" she asked touched that something within him had remembered her despite Niklaus' compulsion.

"I did, I take it it belongs to you?"

"It was my mother's actually, when I woke up in my coffin and couldn't find it I was terrified I had lost it, it's all I have left of her," Rebekah explains.

"Then I am very glad I was able to return it," Stefan tells her honestly.


"For the last time Mr. Salvatore I will not tell you any sordid details," Elijah tells Damon fed up with the young vampires' attempts to engage in locker room talk.

"So you admit there are sordid details, and here I thought you'd be weirdly polite and well British in the sack," Damon tells him further annoying the original.

Just then a car pulls up and Nyssa gets out.

"Hey, Elena okay?" Damon asks.

"She's still freaking out about this but I agree it was better to go in with kindness. We don't need a vengeful ex to deal with after we finish with all this wolf business," Nyssa says.

"A word of advice then, do not let my sister know it is a doppelganger that has stolen your brother's heart," Elijah warns.

Unfortunately for them, Katherine had been listening upstairs by an open window. 

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