New Alliances

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Damon POV:

This was without a doubt one of my dumbest ideas, I think to myself before knocking on the door. 

Sheriff Forbes answers and looks a little confused, "was ordered by Nyssa to bring over new reading material for the patient, it's mostly romance novels and a few murder mysteries," I tell her lifting up the stack of books I have in my arms.

She smiles, "well I'm sure she'll appreciate it, come in," she tells me.

Still get a thrill conning an invitation out of people but I manage to control the smirk that wants to break free.

"To tell you the truth she's been going a little stir crazy but the doctors still want her to take it easy, they said if she hadn't been so young and in such good shape they doubt she would have made a full recovery."

I nod looking very serious, "this town has been through it recently but just like Caroline we'll pull through, we just have to stick together."

She takes a deep breath having needed to head that, "thank you, Damon, I appreciate that."

Just then she gets a message on her phone, "if you need to go I can stay with her for bit,"


I nod, "of course."

"Great, thank you so much I shouldn't be long."

"Take your time," I tell her.

After she leaves I let myself into Blondie's room.

"Knock knock," I say announcing myself as I enter the incredibly girly bedroom.

"Damon? What are you doing here?" She asks not thrilled with my arrival.

"Just checking in, how ya doing?" I ask trying and failing to make small talk.

"How am I doing?! Horribly! When can I stop pretending to play sick and wounded, when am I getting a daylight ring, and when am I ever getting out of this fucking bedroom?!!!!"

Woah, she clearly needs to blow off some steam, but first things first.

"Well that is partly why I am here," I tell her dumping the books on the bed before retrieving the important one from the pile,

"I have a project I need your help with."

"And it involves reading? Yeah not interested."

"We'll if you do it, I'll convince Bonnie that the daylight ring needs to be moved up the priority list," I bargain.

"Why would she listen to you, she's not your biggest fan in case you didn't know."

"Trust me I am aware of Bonnie's feelings towards me but I've changed the minds of tougher critics," I tell her but her face is anything but impressed.

"Fine, if I can't talk her around I'll try Grams and if not grams I'll go to another witch the point is I'll get it done."

"This weekend," she says now trying to negotiate herself.

"You'll have it when you finish my project," I counter.

"And what is this project?" She asks.

"I happen to know your the only one else who has been let in on Nys' secret."

"Yeaaah, so?" She asks warily.

"So there is this book and it's in Russian, I'm not the best or most patient student but I have it on good authority you are type A and since your change it must have graduated to type A on steroids so..."

"You want me to translate Russian, why?" She asks.

I grimace knowing I'll most likely come to regret this, "For Nyssa."

"What does this have to do with Nyssa?" Caroline asks more interested now but still wary.

"Something happened and I don't know how to tell her, I thought if I had more information on it, it would keep her from panicking but well..."

"What happened?" She asks now completely serious, "Damon?"

"She may have killed some vampires," I tell her trying to make it sound like no big deal.

"Really when, she never said anything."

I grimace, "that's because she doesn't know."

"How can she not know?!"

"She has been fighting against this her whole life, sorry I don't know how to drop the bomb on her that her big worry about becoming a monster might be a little bit true!" I argue back not liking all the judgment coming off Blondie.

"Well not telling her isn't going to make it not true!"

"I know but what if it was just a one time transformation thing? If I could let her know how to control this it would be easier for her to take. I mean Care think about what it would have been like if you turned but had no idea what you were, what the rules were, wouldn't you be freaking out?" I ask.

She deflates a little at that point, "fine I'll try but no matter what this books says after I translate it, we're telling her, got it!"

"Got it," I say agreeing.

She nods and grabs her laptop and cracks open the book getting to work,

"Don't you have ring shopping to be doing?" She tells me wanting me to get started on my own project ASAP as well.

"On it, and you know..."

She waits for me to finish my sentence but I just can't.

She fully turns to look at me now, "Is Damon Salvatore trying to say thank you?"

"Maybe..." I can't stand the smile she now has , "oh whatever just get to work," I tell her.

She rolls her eyes at me and turns away again focusing on her laptop.

As I leave Caroline's house I get a call from one of the nurses I compelled at the hospital, I wanted to know who came to visit John, mainly just to know if he was lying about working with Katherine but the woman the nurse described is definitely Jenna, that could be a whole different problem.

3rd Person POV:

Damon called Elena and Stefan to let them know what was going on and to keep an eye on Jenna. The pair were certain Damon was just being paranoid and that it was a normal thing for Jenna to go visit her ex brother in law in the hospital but later that night Stefan heard her sneaking out of the house and decided to follow.

He was surprised to see her going in the direction of the boarding house but then her car pulled over on the side of the road.

He kept to the nearby woods and waited but it wasn't long until he saw his own great great grand nephew pull up along side her and hop in her car.

Once inside he could tell by Zach's voice the man had some doubts.

"Did you talk to John?" Jenna asks.

"Yeah, I don't know about all this, Damon I understand but Stefan's not all bad," he hears Zach tell her, this definitely doesn't sound good, Stefan thinks to himself.

"Is he all good?" Jenna asks and his nephew has no response. Shit, This is definitely not good.

"Zach my sister is dead, if something happens to one of her kids and I could have done something to stop it... I don't think I could live with myself."

Stefan thinks back to when he compelled Zach after Damon killed his wife. He knows he took away the memory but the feelings... he was certain those still remained even if Zach didn't fully understand them.

He stares at the car not hearing anything for a few moments and sees Zach hand over a lot of vervain to Jenna.


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