worse than vomiting

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At the Boarding House

Damon and Nyssa are in his bed resting from their stairway romp when text message alerts and phone calls start coming in with more and more frequency.

"What the hell is going on?" Nyssa asks reaching over Damon for her phone on his side of the bed.

"Don't care, just turn it off," Damon says exhausted.

Nyssa looks and sees 14 missed calls from Elena and twice as many texts, she quickly calls her back and Elena picks up on the first ring.

"Finally! Have you seen Stefan?" Elena asks not even waiting for Nyssa to say hello first.

"Stefan, no why?"

"You're sure he's not at the boarding house?"

Nyssa closes her eyes and focuses her hearing to see if anyone other than her and Damon are in the house, "no it's just Damon and me here, why?"

"I can't find him, and he's not answering my calls. What if Katherine or John did something to him?"

"Okay, alright relax, let's ask Bonnie maybe she can try a locator spell, we'll find him."

She hangs up with her sister and starts getting dressed, "Damon, hey come on wake up we need to go."

"Stefan's fine he's probably just out killing thumper."

"Well, Elena's freaking out,"

"She's always freaking out," Damon retorts his voice still deep from sleep.

"Fine, stay here and be useless," Nyssa tells him and goes to meet Elena and Bonnie.

"Thank you," Damon mumbles after her.

Nyssa comes storming back into his room a few seconds later and reaches up yanking out a few hairs from his head.

"Ow! what the hell!"

"In case we need them for the locator spell, just be happy I decided to pull them from your head and not a location further south."

Damon growls a bit, "well I'm up now, hope you're happy."

"Extremely," she tells him leaning over for a quick peck before leaving.

At the Bennet Home

"Are we sure this is necessary?" Grams asks the girls.

"Damon suggested he might just be out hunting," Nyssa says to Elena.

"No it's been too long, I haven't spoken to him since the day before yesterday when everything happened with John and Jenna. It's just not like him to not even send a text."

"Okay, well we'll do the spell and if you turn out to just be a clingy girlfriend worrying over nothing then we promise not to keep bringing it up and embarrassing you with it for more than 5 years tops," Nyssa tells her sister.

Elena rolls her eyes, "gee thanks."

"Oh I brought some of Damon's hair just in case," Nyssa informs them dropping the hairs on the table they now all surround.

"Good, that will make this easier," Grams says and starts the spell with Bonnie's help.

They watched on the map as the ink ran until it stopped.

Nyssa studied the map, "that's not possible."

"What, you know where that is?" Elena says.

"It's near a building that was bombed at Whitmore college."

"Why would Stefan be there?" Bonnie asks,

"I don't know but we need Damon to get his ass out of bed now," Nyssa tells them.

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