Could have gone worse

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"Hey, what's going on?"

They both looked really serious and then I saw the book on the bed.


3rd Person POV:

"What the hell is going on?" Nyssa asks Damon and Caroline with barely controlled rage.

The two look at each other not sure how to start

"Someone talk! I thought you said you were having the book translated?" She says 

Damon tilts his head, "technically I was," he tries to explain.

"Really? And since when does Caroline speak Russian?" Nyssa asks.

"Well I've had a bit of time on my hands recently," Caroline says piping in.

Damon steps forward to try and soothe the situation, "Look, I know how this looks and I'm sorry but there's something you don't know."

"Apparently there is a lot I don't fucking know," Nyssa snaps back.

Damon winces, "just sit down for a minute and let me explain."

"I'm fine standing just talk," Nyssa says with her arms crossed

Damon comes around and sits at the end of the bed facing Nyssa, "when we were in the basement and I told you to keep your eyes closed it wasn't because I didn't want you to see burned bodies."

Nyssa looks confused, "then why?"

"The vampires in the basement with us didn't die because of the fire they..."

"They what?" Nyssa asks impatiently

"They looked I don't know mummified, like everything in them had been sucked out," Damon finally explains.

"Okay," Nyssa says not following she looks over to Caroline who has a sympathetic look on her face, and then back to Damon. She uncrosses her arms letting them hang down shock taking over.

"Wait, you think it was down to me? I didn't touch anyone down there but you!" Nyssa argues.

"That doesn't matter, at least not for the first time," Caroline tries to explain gently.

"So I, I killed what 20 people, is that what you both are telling me?" Nyssa asks her eyes watering as the information is sinking in.

"18, John killed Ana and Mayor Lockwood was killed before you regained consciousness," Damon corrects.

"Plus, it's not like they were human they were all vampires," Caroline adds trying to further soften the blow.

Damon gives her a confused look considering Caroline is herself also a vampire now but then quickly turns back to Nyssa.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't know how to tell you and then I figured if I could translate the book for you and let you know nothing like that would ever happen again it would somehow make it okay."

Nyssa takes in Damon's words but can't find it in her to agree, "nothing about this is okay."

Caroline moves closer to Nyssa and takes her hand, "I know how horrible this must be but Damon was right I mean from what I was able to translate it won't ever be that bad again. I mean you can kill but it won't be that many or that out of control again. And we'll both help and we'll get this under control, it will all be alright."

"I appreciate that Caroline, and I know you just want to help but," Nyssa pauses taking her hand away, "I honestly can't stomach the sight of either of you at the moment, especially you," Nyssa says turning to Damon.

She moves forward and grabs the book off the bed indicating she intends to leave, "wait one more small thing we should probably tell you before you go," Damon says grabbing her wrist but quickly dropping it when she gives him stone cold furious look.

"what?" she asks her patience at -10

"Well, blondie managed to find out something else quite important, hmm you feel like taking this one," Damon says gesturing to Caroline.

"Me? No, this one is all you," Caroline tells him even moving a little further back from the pair.

"Thought so, you see..." Damon starts but stops not really having the words.

"For the love of God Damon if you don't spit it out in the next 10 seconds I'll be tempted to make you my 19th kill."

"Succubis... you... can procreate... even with vampires," he says finally getting out the words.

"I'm sorry are you telling me I could be pregnant?" Nyssa exclaims her voice going up an octive.

"I mean technically it is a possibility," Damon explains bracing himself internally for her reaction.

"how long have you known this? Did you know this morning!" Nyssa asks completely freaked

"What? No! As soon as Caroline translated the book we called you over, trust me in no way am I trying to trick a baby out of you."

"Oh! Oh wow how generous of you, thank you so much!" Nyssa responds very sarcastically.

"Anything else you both want to confess before I take off? Am I also capable of flying, turning invisible?"

"Nope, that about covers it," Damon answers.

Nyssa leaves through the front needing to slam a few doors on her way out.

Damon sinks back down on the bed leaning forward on his knees and lets out a big sigh.

"It could have gone worse," Caroline says trying to make him feel better.

But Damon just gives her a deadpan look, "really?"


Nyssa ended up leaving her car outside Caroline's not trusting herself behind the wheel at the moment. She instead walks home her head spinning. 18 people, she had taken 18 lives and didn't even know it. She felt like such a fool. She couldn't believe how happy and carefree Damon allowed her to act around him knowing what he did.

It made her furious he had kept this from her and to involve Caroline in the mess also made it the whole thing that much worse.

Damon was the first, well the only person she had ever really given her trust to and she felt he had completely betrayed her.

By the time she had finished walking home the anger had mostly left her and now all that was left was grief.

Walking in she saw Jenna and Elena sharing tea at the kitchen table.

"Hey where have you been?" Elena asks before recognizing the pain on her sister's face, "what's wrong?"

"I need to tell you both something."

Secret Succubus- a Damon OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now