Augustine Part 2

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Slight rewind

Enzo POV:



I felt that gunshot as if it had pierced my own skin. I looked toward the only person aside from Maggie who had ever tried to help me out of this hell. She was faced down on the floor blood flowing from her shoulder where the bullet had hit. And I felt myself turn hallow as hope once again decided to cruelly abandon me.

I look towards the guard who has a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

"better luck next time hey, it only took what 78 years for someone to care you were down here... I'm sure the next rescue attempt won't be too far off,"

He says taunting me, I look back towards the girl hoping to see that the blood from her wound is still flowing, perhaps enough to reach me, I'd just need a drop and I'd be through these bars ripping that smirk off the bastard's face.

But what I see is even better, she is alive... and before either of us knows what's happening she has kicked his knee out from under him and wrestled his gun away.

Well, my day is suddenly looking better.

"Open the door," Nyssa orders the guard, whose brain is still struggling to catch up.

She tries to sound strong but I can detect the pain she is trying to suppress.

She tries again to get the guard to cooperate but he taunts her into pulling the trigger. The girl looks like she might vomit over what she's just done but doesn't give in to the guilt instead she grabs the keys off his belt and unlocks my cell.

Crossing the barrier without shackles or being shot up with vervain is a surreal feeling but I know I don't have time to relish in it, I won't make that mistake again. I grab the guard and taste blood straight from the vein for the first time in almost 100 years, its taste... even from this fascist is indiscribable.

"Are you good?" Nyssa asks me bringing me out of my blood high, I'm not sure if she means to ask if I'm finished or if I feel in control enough around her wound for us to carry on, either way, I give a nod and we climb the stairs out of the basement.

She starts talking with that thing in her ear once we are upstairs and I actually hear Damon respond, so it is him.

She goes to check on one of the hostages apparently he is their key to getting Damon an invitation inside but I follow the sound of his voice to the back door, me and my old cellmate definitely are due a little catch up.

3rd Person POV:

Damon is outside pacing by the backdoor when Enzo kicks it open. The sun hasn't fully set yet and Enzo can't come outside without risking going up in flames... again.

The two men make eye contact but for a moment neither say a word.

Nyssa comes up behind Enzo.

"I think we're good," she says talking to Damon before picking up on the tension, "Do you two know each other?"

"no," Damon answers clearly lying while simultaneously Enzo responds, "just a tad."

"Alright well whatever is going on can be sorted later, come on I need some help," she says to Enzo before turning around to walk back to their dialysis patient but the second her back is to Damon he sees the wound... the blood.

"What the hell happened in there?!" He tries to go to her but is stopped by the thershold still not having an invitation inside.

"Come outside, I'll heal you," he orders her but Enzo picks up on his old mates concern for the girl and decides to step in.

"No need love, here have a sip," Enzo says biting into his wrist and offering the blood to Nyssa.

Damon clenches his fists as he watches Nyssa oblivious to the pissing match between the vampires latch on to Enzo's wrist.

Enzo can't help himself shoot Damon a smirk.

Nyssa finishes feeling her wound heal. Enzo now strong enough from drinking the recently deceased guard compels the hostage to invite Damon inside.

Damon immediately checks on Nyssa,
"Are you sure you're okay?,"

She nods, "yeah just a flesh wound, all better now."

Damon lingers for a moment before deciding to believe her.

"Then it's time for you to go."

Nyssa looks confused, "wait what, that wasn't the plan."

"The plan was the second I got in here we were doing things my way, my way involves you being very far away from amateur explosives. If the recent bullet wound to the back wasnt reminder enough, your mortal."

Nyssa rolls her eyes, "please I doubt your vampirism is gonna be strong enough to see you survive being blown up, your in just as much danger as I am."

"With the difference being I have lived! I have been in love, fought in 2 wars, danced until dawn-"

"Are you about to break into song right now?" Nyssa says cutting him off.

Damon grinds his jaw to stifle the growl he wants to emit.

"Dammit will you just for once do what you're told!"

She pretends to think about it, "hmmm, nope."

"Children, far be it for me to point this out... would hate to sound ungrateful but might we try to stay a tad more focused, wouldn't want a repeat of last time, right Damon?"

"Last time?" Nyssa asks.

"Want to tell the story Damon or should I?" Enzo asks

"Thought you wanted us to stay on target, that doesn't exactly leave us with a lot of room for story time," Damon counters.

Enzo smirks, "I believe you are right so let me settle the debate, she stays. We are all walking out of here together."

Damon knows he's been outmaneuvered, he can't argue that without prompting Enzo to spill the beans about how he left him behind last time.

"Fine, but you don't touch the bombs, either of you."

Enzo and Nyssa easily agree and Damon goes through the building planting the bombs strategically to create the most damage. Meanwhile Enzo kills another hostage and takes the man's clothes so he can change. Nyssa looks for more documents to take in hope something will mention Eric.

Damon has finished and the sun is fully down.

It's time to go. The three of them walk out the back getting into the van calmly pulling away. They drive a few blocks before pulling over. The three exit the car and gather to lean on the back doors. Damon goes over to Enzo and hands him a burner phone dialing in the numbers.

"When your ready, hit the green button,"

Enzo looks at the phone and back at the building they just drove from.

Looking to Damon he nods in acceptance of the gesture and presses down.


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