The Reckoning

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a/n: promise the reunion is coming just not this chapter, sorry.

Rebekah gets off the phone and turns to look at Nyssa who's sitting with the boys.

Liam looks up at her and sweetly asks, "aunty Bex when dowie go on tha plane?"

"I'm sorry darling it's going to be a bit longer," she says kneeling down in front of him.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" She asks Nyssa and the two take a couple steps away from the boys still within arms reach tho.

"What are you thinking?" Nyssa asks keeping her voice low.

"I'm thinking you should take them and go on ahead."

"What?" Nyssa asks "No, we told Elena we'd drop them off with Jenna and be right over,"

"I know but this is their routine, they've been doing this once a month for over a year... they'll know something is wrong and get worried," Rebekah points out looking back at the boys.

Nyssa sighs and thinks about it, "you have a point but be honest, is this about doing what's best for the boys or is this about keeping me away from Damon?" she asks.

"Can't it be both?" Rebekah asks playfully.

Nyssa smiles and brings Rebekah into a hug nuzzling into her neck. Rebekah exhales and relaxes slightly as she wraps her arms around Nyssa stroking her hair a bit.

"We were supposed to have more time," she complains "trust Klaus to unknowingly ruin yet another one of my relationships."

Nyssa smiles and kisses Rebekah's shoulder before pulling back to look into her big blue eyes.

"Let's just deal with one situation at a time. Right now we need to stop Klaus from killing my sister, once we tackle that then we'll see where we are. Nothing needs to be decided right now, I'll stay with Jenna and the boys and we'll wait for you. If this blows over we can all leave for Italy together like we planned but if this is something more serious then I'll be close enough to drive up and join you there."

"And what about seeing Damon again?" Rebekah asks.

"I can't avoid him forever. Especially if he's no longer under Klaus' thumb. We'll talk... all of us if we need to, we'll figure this out. But no matter what I want you in my life, and they do too," Nyssa says gesturing to Liam and Daylan, "you're their aunt Bex, and nothing is going to change that, I promise."

Rebekah smiles, "I love you,"

"I love you too," Nyssa tells her and the pair share a sweet kiss as they hold onto one another.


Caroline is the next one to make it to the Gilbert House, she runs in with a hand over her eyes, 

"Do I have the all-clear?" she asks

"Yes Care, we have our clothes on," Elena tells her rolling her eyes at Caroline's theatrics. 

She lowers her hands slowly at first until she sees they are indeed all clothed and then walks over to greet everyone.

"Wish I had known about that trick earlier," Liz says.

"So did I miss anything?" Caroline asks

"Oh nothing much, just the part where I learned that the love of my life moved on with Rebekah Mikaelson," Damon says throwing her an evil glare.

Caroline looks from Damon over to Elena and Stefan who just shake their heads not knowing what to say.

"Alright, umm I have to ask did you honestly think a succubus was going to stay celibate for 10 years?"

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