Game Changer

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"Pardon me Mr. Salvatore but would you please give my brother and I a few moments alone?" Elijah asked.

"What? No, this is my house, it's my brother's pregnant girl your trying to sacrifice, Nyssa and I are staying right here, but please do carry on," Damon said.

Huffing Elijah is too upset with Klaus to give Damon the smack he is clearly begging for and decides for the purpose of saving time to ignore him for the moment.

"You told me you threw our sibling away and now you stand before me accusing me of stealing them from some locker in Chicago, perhaps you might like to explain Niklaus?" Elijah says with barely concealed rage.

"I lied alright! I never disposed of our siblings they were always safe but now it appears they have been stolen. Swear to me brother that you knew nothing about this!" Klaus demands of Elijah his still most likely suspect even though it appears he knows nothing of the crime he stands accused of.

"I mourned them, and it was all a lie... to what end? For what purpose would you torture me so?!"

Nyssa is trying to follow along with the conversation of what happened to the other Mikaelson siblings when a thought occurs to her- Marcel.

She had told him in New Orleans about Klaus throwing them away and he had reacted very strongly to the news. Was it possible he had learned their location and stolen them away from Klaus?

She hadn't told anyone about her conversation with the king of New Orleans apart from Damon. If Marcel had the family of Elijah and Klaus in his possession it would be a total game-changer.

"On second thought this seems like a private conversation, we'll just be out back if you want to let us know when you're done," Nyssa says pulling Damon along.

"What? The hell we will!" Damon starts to complain but Nyssa digs her fingers into his bicep letting him know how serious she is.

"Fuuck," he cries out in pain, "fine after you, my dear."

Once outside Damon turns to her, "well, what the fuck was that about?" he whispers.

She shakes her head not wanting the originals to overhear anything and pulls out her phone opening the notes app to write him a message.

---I think I know who might have taken the siblings, I'll tell you later, for now, let's just try to listen.

Damon rolls his eyes but agrees and the two stay quiet to listen into Elijah and Niklaus' conversation.

"Of all the cruel things you've done in your lifetime Niklaus this one might be among the worst," Elijah tells him deeply wounded by his brother's lie.

"Oh really? And why are you here noble one? Working with my enemies to destroy me? Don't try playing high and mighty brother not with me," Klaus tells him.

"What enemies Niklaus? Who here poses a threat to you? To any of us?" Elijah asks, "they simply want to protect their loved one and now that Katarina is human there's no need for you to ever go after Ms. Gilbert anyway. All the enemies you tell yourself that are after or against you are all in your own head. They're not real, not even Mikael."

"Careful," Klaus warns his brother.

"I mean it, he was captured and drained years ago. He lays desiccated trapped in a tomb not too far from here. And still, you have deluded yourself that you are the victim in all of this, that you carry our siblings around trapped in their own coffins for what? Their safety? No, you do it for only one reason because it makes things easier for you! You don't have to fear them leaving you if you were to give them their freedom, right? So hide behind the pretense of protecting them from father if you must but it is not him who has been the real threat to us all these years Niklaus, no it's you. It's you we run from always ready with one of your daggers to put us down as if you were our lord and master instead of what you really are."

"And what is that?" Klaus asks him.

"Just our bastard half brother who has been using his daddy issues to excuse every tyrannical move he's ever made. And I'm over it Niklaus. Allowing me to think my family was gone even for a moment let alone years is a sin I will not easily forgive. And if the people here decide to stand against you if you so selfishly decide to go after Ms. Gilbert when it is completely unnecessary then yes I will stand with them."

"You would choose strangers over your own brother?"

"Right now the only siblings who have my allegiance are the ones you allowed to be stolen from you completely at the mercy of their abductors unable to defend themselves. If you excuse me, I'll be making a trip to Chicago, seems I have yet another one of your messes to clean up," Elijah says before walking around Klaus and leaving the boarding house.

Damon and Nys share an awkward glance as they listen to Elijah storm off.

"So do we just stay out here and wait for Klaus to leave too or are we supposed to go back in?" Damon whispers.

"I don't know," Nyssa says shrugging.

"By all means come back inside," Klaus says having snuck up behind them.

"Jesus!" Damon cries out before trying to look unbothered following him back inside.

"Sorry about that, older siblings can be such a bore," Klaus says.

"We wouldn't know, both the older ones," Damon tells him.

"Hmm, well as I'm sure you both overheard my brother seems very keen to warn me away from this new doppelganger. Normally that would only make me more set to go after her but I have put him through a lot lately so I'll make this easy on you. Hand over all the ingredients and I'll let your sister go free," Klaus offers.

Damon and Nyssa exchange a look.

"What's the catch?" Nyssa asks.

Klaus smiles, "smart girl, usually there is a catch but in this case, it's been nearly 1,000 years I've been waiting for this let's just say I've tried doing it the hard way before... hasn't worked. So hand over the moonstone, a vampire, a werewolf, and Katarina and I will be out of your hair simple as that."

"We can hand over 3 of those no problem but we don't know any werewolves," Nyssa says.

"I was told the Lockwood family was still in the area, is that not true?" Klaus asks.

"It is, but Mason Lockwood the one werewolf died, no one else has activated their curse."

"Hmm, seems you might have to help one of them along with that. You have 3 days, I'll show myself out," Klaus says walking towards the door before stopping and turning back around.

"Oh and Damon? Can't wait for another sleepover, mate."

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