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After Damon had squared away any nosey neighbors he went to the boarding house to have a little chat with Rebekah.

He found her down by the cells waiting for Niklaus to wake up.

He finished coming down the stairs and stands behind her.

"hear you've been spending some time with my girl," he says

Rebekah doesn't turn around at first, "still so sure she's yours?" she says before turning to give him her attention.

"Yes," Damon answers without hesitation.

Rebekah looks down feeling a little defeated but not wanting to give Damon the satisfaction she quickly throws a smile on and meets his gaze again, "you may be right about that, but I assure you not for lack of trying," she says turning her smile into a bit of a salacious one.

Damon growled not liking her insinuation.

Their standoff is put on hold when they hear Nik coming to.

He immediately runs to break open the door.

It blows off its hinges shattering in 2. Damon's eyes widen and the adjusts his stance expecting Nik to attack him any second. Rebekah on the other hand doesn't look to concerned.

"That was a very stupid thing to do, sister," Nik tells her menacingly as he goes to take another step toward her but finds he can't.

He tries again but still he can't cross the threshold out of the cell.

"That's new," Damon comments tilting his head.

"Yeah, we had to deal with some ornery witches when you both were gone found this to be a more secure solution than just a thick door with bars."

"Nice," he says having to admit it was a good idea they probably should have done a while ago.

Nik lets his head fall back already exhausted by the two of them, "Damon go find Greta and get me out of here," he orders.

Damon looks at him like he's lost his mind, "eh eh, no. Any agreement we had was dissolved the moment you decided to kill Elena, again."

"No," Nik says disagreeing, "the agreement was you in place of your brother, if you want out of that deal that means he's back in."

"hmm," Damon says pretending to mull it over, "all the more reason for me not to find a witch to let you out, thanks for clarifying."

Klaus growls furious at not having the upper hand anymore and tries again to force his way through the invisible barrier.

"Let it go Nik," Rebekah tells him feeling somewhat embarrassed by her older brother.

"I will not bloody let it go! For over 1,000 years I have been trying to rid myself of this curse. You think I'm going to stop now because you've developed a taste for redtail sushi?"

"Don't be disgusting Niklaus," Rebekah warns "you don't even know what's gone wrong in the spell. You only think it's because Elena is still alive. Don't you want to make a little more certain you have it right before you fail at this yet again?"

Hearing the tone in Rebekah's voice when she warned Klaus after his lurid comment about Nyssa Damon was starting to feel a little less confident. If it was just sex between them would she have immediately snapped at her brother in defense of Nys?

Deciding to leave the problem of Niklaus to Rebekah and the rest of the scobby gang he quietly slips out of the basement deciding he can no longer wait for Nyssa to come to him. He was going to go to her.

Getting Jenna's address in Richmond from Stefan he starts driving down.

When he pulls into the driveway it's already after 10. Running up to the house he starts ringing the bell zero plan in his head on what to say he just knows he needs to see her now.

Jen answers the door half asleep, "Damon?"

"is she here?" he asks immediately saving the smart barb he had on the tip of his tongue for another time.

"Nyssa? No, I'm sorry," she says trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes.

"Well where is she?" he asks with zero patience left.

"umm at a club I think, she was stressed... needed to blow off some steam."

Jenna is barely finished talking when Damon is already halfway back to his car.

Figuring there can't be too many clubs in or around Richmond he's confident he'll find her on his own.

While he doesn't see her at first when he walks into the 3rd place he found on his gps he can feel she is close.

Starman by Bowie starts playing, with a bit of fast dance beat under it but when he spots her red hair swaying across the club it seems all the extra noise just disappears.

It doesn't take Nyssa long to feel Damon's presence as well and she slowly turns around spotting him almost immediately.

Locked in an awkward staring contest with each other each one seemingly afraid to make the first move Damon thinks back to his first dance with her at the grill.

How dorky and unsure of herself she used to be. She was so damn cute that night he thinks to himself and decides the best way for them to break the ice is to bust out of few of his own dorky dance moves.

Nyssa is staring at Damon, part of her wants to immediately run into his arms and the other part wants to find the back exist and run away not ready for this yet. But when she sees Damon bust out the jerk she has to fight not to laugh.

Next, he does the washing his hair move and she can feel her lips rising in a smile against her will. Finally, he breaks out a lasso and tries to wrestle her towards him using the invisible rope. Playing along Nyssa initially tries to fight it before giving up and running towards him as the music swells only to be caught and lifted up in the air as he slowly spins them both around. The moment is filled with magic but soon he is lowering her back to the ground.

He brushes some of the hair away from her face and the two stare at one another again only this time the air between them isn't filled with awkwardness but that electricity that has always sparked between them. Nyssa is the first to move this time and pushes herself up on her tiptoes and locks into a kiss with Damon that the two of them just melt into.

Secret Succubus- a Damon OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now