Chapter 11

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After Damon had made the commitment to take down Augustine once and for all he was able to concentrate on the journals. He found the reference Nyssa had mentioned and now knew where to look for Emily Bennett's grimoire.

3rd Person POV:

"Remind me again why I had to be dragged along to help with this?" Nyssa asked Damon as they made their way through the graveyard.

"To hold the flashlight," Damon answers.

"You don't have super vampire night vision?"

Damon rolls his eyes at her as they come to a stop at the right grave.

"Here," Damon pauses at the sight of his father's headstone.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Nyssa asks sympathetically.

Damon tightens his jaw, "you know how you feel about Greyson? Try multiplying that by about 100 and you'd still be nowhere close to how I feel about good ole' Guisseppi here."

Damon slams the shovel he brought into the ground and begins digging.

He loses himself in the repetitive movements after a while and before he knows it he's hitting something solid.

He scraps the dirt off of the coffin with the shovel and tosses the shovel out of the grave. Kneeling down he pries open the lid and retrieves the grimoire. As he goes to shut the lid the light from above disappears.

"Hey, still down here." When Nyssa doesn't respond he pokes his head out to see what's happened.

"Well, what do you know, if it isn't Damon Salvatore," a small figure says stepping into the light of the fallen flashlight holding Nyssa by her neck.

It takes Damon a minute before he places the face... Annabell.

He jumps out of the grave.

"How long have you been here?" He asks seemingly ignoring Nyssa.

"I arrived around half-past comet, watched you screw up opening that tomb thought I had better step in before you blow it again."

"So what you've been following me?" Damon asks.

"Yeah, and I'll take that grimoire you're hiding in your jacket."

Damon finally spares a look to Nyssa to gauge how she's holding up.

"And why exactly do you think I'd just hand it over?"

Anna looks to the girl she literally has by the neck, "a hunch."

"hmm guess your stalker ways missed a thing or two, see my friend here doesn't mind a bit of pain."

Anna grinds her jaw annoyed with the cocky vampire, "and how does she feel about air?"

Anna tightens her hold on Nyssa's neck causing her to struggle for breath.

Damon no longer looks so sure of himself but refuses to give up so quickly.

"How do you even know about the spell?"

His distraction works as Anna loosens her grip momentarily to answer,
"I didn't say much back then, which means I heard everything, now stop stalling and hand it over."

"Look I don't know why you want the tomb open and I don't care but it would appear we share the same goal so why don't you put my friend down and we actually crack this thing open and get to work?" Damon suggests producing the grimoire from his jacket.

Annabell tosses Nyssa a few dozen feet away, she lands hard dislocating her shoulder.

"If you cross me I'll be back for your friend and next time I won't be so nice," Anna threatens

"Noted," Damon replies.

The two study the spell and learn what they need to prepare for it. They will open the tomb tomorrow night.

After Anna leaves Nyssa gets up and walks over to Damon.

"My friend doesn't mind a bit of pain?" She says spitting his words back at him.

Damon just shrugs.

Angry Nyssa Steps forward and kicks Damon into the open grave. She walks away to the nearest tree and slams her shoulder into it hearing it pop back in place.

"Come on Nis, what did you expect me to do?" He says climbing out of the tomb again and walking after her.

Nyssa spins around, "nothing, and just like I thought you met my expectations."

Damon wouldn't admit it but those words hurt more than he thought they would. He stopped following her and let her go.

It was better this way he told himself, he'd be getting Katherine back tomorrow he wouldn't have time to be buddy buddy with the mystery freak after tonight.

Nyssa POV:

Fuck Damon Salvatore, can't believe I promoted him up from my non-enemy's list.

Tonight was the night he was opening the stupid tomb and quite frankly I no longer gave a damn.

My phone's been blowing up assuming it was Damon I haven't even picked it up but Stefan comes crashing into my room.

"What is it, what's happened?"

"Elena's been kidnapped," he tells me.

"What? By who?"

"This vampire Damon and I used to know-"

I cut guy him off, "Annabel?"

"How did you know that?"

I fill him in on everything and we go to the Boarding house to see if Damon might know where she's staying.

I bust the door in and no surprise Damon is day drinking without a care in the world.

"What the hell did you do?!" I scream at him.

He looks genuinely confused and a bit of my steam deflates.

"What the hell are you talking about? And why does my brother's forehead have new worry lines?" He asks.

"Annabel took Elena, did you double-cross her?"

"No, as far as I know, the plan is still a go for tonight at midnight." He tells us.

I look back to Stefan, "then why would she take her?"

He gives me a sympathetic look and strokes my arms, "we'll get her back, I promise. It must have something to do with tonight. We'll all be there, we'll be ready, we'll get her back."

I take a deep breath somewhat hopeful tonight will turn out okay due to Stefan's words.

3rd Person POV:

Damon wouldn't admit it but seeing Stefan comfort Nyssa bothered him greatly. But he shrugged off the surprising feeling and refocused on tonight, on getting Katherine back.

A/N next chapter in the next few days I've already started it and it is the reveal.

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