Chapter 8

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Bonnie is slowly coming to after having healed due to Stefan's blood. Elena and Caroline are looking on horrified.

Caroline breaks out of her stupor first and rushes over to Bonnie to take care of her friend.

Elena is still just staring at Stefan trying to understand what she just witnessed.

"What are you?" She asks again.

Stefan gives her a sad look, "you know,"

Elena shakes her head no unwilling to accept what's right in front of her.

"It's not possible. It can't be."

Stefan tries to approach her but Elena backs up not wanting him near her. The action causes a look of pain to shoot across his face.

"Please, Elena. You know me. I would never hurt you."

"I can't, I can't deal with this right now," she walks around Stefan and goes over to join Caroline checking on Bonnie.

Bonnie tries to sit up but is still feeling woozy and needs Caroline's help, "I don't understand, what happened to me? Why am I back here?"

Caroline and Elena look at each other not know what to say.

Elsewhere Nyssa finds Damon sitting a little ways off from the church ruins in the woods.

"Hey, fun night?" She says trying to break the ice a little.

He doesn't look up but starts speaking.

"Your sister is a carbon copy of the love of my life and I just lost the only way of ever getting her back."

"ookay putting a pin in the whole carbon copy thing, bullshit," Nyssa tells him.

Damon looks up at her frustrated with her cavalier attitude.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh come on Damon, back there that was all just a show, a way to divert your attention, are you really falling for it?" Nyssa asks.

"Falling for a betrayal 145 years in the making, watching the only thing that will unseal the woman I love from constant agony blow up? Sorry If I'm taking it a touch hard."

Nyssa rolls her eyes and kneels in front of him, "Come on you're smarter than this. This Emily person wanted everyone to see this necklace blow up, she waited to take over Bonnie when we were all around. She wanted you to be surrounded by people who would all see the crystal destroyed and confirm that you had no chance of getting into that tomb."

"Yeah well, message received. Now leave me alone."

"Damon, did your mother never read you the story of the three little pigs? There's always another way to blow someone's house down."

Damon looks at her, "this is a magically sealed tomb a bit harder to knock down than a house of straw."

"So get some dynamite, is it just sealed in the front or can you dig her out from above? Come on you waited 145 years for this you're going to quit because one thing went wrong?"

Damon studies her a bit, "why do you even care?"

"Betrayal sucks, especially when it's by someone close to you. And you as my non-enemy didn't deserve that. So just pick yourself up already this wallowing you're doing is embarrassing," she tells him.

Damon thinks about it for a second... "not buying it," he says, "I think you have officially moved me up from non-enemy to friend and you don't like seeing me suffer."

Nyssa looks at him as if he's lost his mind, "nope just embarrassed a non-enemy is letting a ghost get the better of him, pick yourself up or don't, I don't care. I need to go check on my sister."

Nyssa leaves him but he no longer looks so despondent, he actually managed to scrape together a little bit of hope from Nyssa's bizarre version of a pep talk.

Back at the church Nyssa joins her sister and friends and tells them they should really be getting Bonnie home.

"How can I just go home after all this?" Bonnie asks.

"Talk to your grams, if vampires and ghosts exist, perhaps she does know what she's talking about after all. If you're looking for answers who better to trust than family?" Nyssa suggests.

Bonnie nods, "you're right, I need to talk to her."

Later that night Elena and Caroline are both spending the night in Nyssa's room.

Caroline has fallen asleep but Elena whispers to her sister, "I didn't recognize you tonight."

Nyssa looks over at Elena's face, even tho it's dark she can make out the worry in her brow.

"I'm sorry," Nyssa says Elena's right she acted out of character tonight, well out of the carefully constructed character she usually shows.

"No, don't be, you were strong and forceful. I was impressed I just don't know where that came from."

Nyssa reaches over to hold Elena's hand, "when someone you care for is in trouble sometimes you get like a strength and confidence powerup. It doesn't last forever but sometimes that boost is all you need to get through a situation."

Elena smiles, "yeah that makes sense, I've been trying to live off of those powerups since mom and dad died. But you're right they never seem to last."

After a minute of quiet Elena starts speaking again, "I can't believe the guy I was falling in love with is a vampire, what do I do with that?"

"I don't know, but you can't just wish it away, you're going to need to talk to him."

"Is that even safe? I mean his brother almost killed Bonnie tonight," Elena asks.

"I'll go with you to talk to him if you want," Nyssa offers.

Elena moves slightly closer to her sister and rests her head against hers, "thanks."

"Of course," Nyssa replies and settles down further in the bed to finally get some rest.

Back at the Boarding House

Stefan is pacing trying to think of a way to explain this all to Elena. Not to mention Bonnie and Caroline now know too. 

Damon walks in officially over his pouting, Nyssa was right he determined. There had to be another way into that tomb and he wasn't about to quit now, screw Emily.

He sees his brother is upset but feels the need to set the record straight about something,

"Katherine never compelled me. I knew everything. Every step of the way. It was real for me."

Stefan looks up and processes what his brother has just told him for a minute, he nods accepting that is Damon's reality and he's not going to be able to talk him out of it.

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