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Nyssa POV:

Damon was livid after I threw out that piece of information. So much so he grabbed my arm dragging us away from the tomb so we could talk in private. 

"What the hell are you thinking! You don't blurt something like that out, it's bad enough Katherine knows now a freaking original does as well, are you trying to paint a big fucking bullseye on yourself?!"

"I'm trying to save Elena do you have any better ideas?" I tell him not liking that I've made him this worried for me but not seeing any other solutions.

"Yeah we kill Katherine and Elijah and when whoever this Santa Klaus is gets here we kill him too," Damon says still fuming.

"We can't kill Katherine she's the only one we might be able to use to get Elena out of this. And how would we kill Elijah? You want to go in there and get trapped with them?"

"If that's what it takes," he says and stalks off back to the direction of the tomb. Shit, he better not do anything stupid!

I chase after him scared of what he's planning, "Wait! Damon! Damon don't!" 

Thankfully I can see Stefan in the distance step in front of him halting his momentum. 

"Hey, just wait a second," I hear Stefan tell him but Damon isn't listening.

"No can do Steffy," he says trying to move around him.

"Yes! Dammit let's just all take a beat," Stefan says trying again to get through to Damon.

Finally, I've caught up and can stop running.

"This is all ridiculous, you're not turning me into a human," Katherine says drawing everyone's attention back to her.

"How is such a thing even possible, what are you?" Elijah says turning to ask me.

I look to Damon before turning back "It's not important," I tell him.

"I'll tell you what is important, Damon here not telling you that every time you overexert yourself he has to go on a ripper binge to feel better," Katherine says dropping a bomb I can feel ringing in my ears.

That can't be true. I turn to Damon, "that's ridiculous, it's not true right?"

He won't look at me and it feels like the earth below me has given out.

"Damon, what is she talking about?" I ask trying again to give him the opportunity to tell me this is all a misunderstanding.

"Relax, it's not that serious," he says.

"It's not?" Katherine asks, "cause so far she's turned back Stefan who reached what 150? and Tyler who was a werewolf for a whole 2 minutes, what do you think trying to turn me, a 500-year-old vampire, is going to do to her?" 

"My guess is you'll be pretty drained and in need of Damon to provide some sexual healing, and he will need to kill a whole lot of people in order to satisfy such a request," she says to me.

Oh god, how many people has Damon killed because I needed sex? I can't believe he didn't tell me anything about this.

"Oh Elijah if you hadn't caught on Nyssa here is an actual Succubus, she feeds off energy specifically sexual energy, and has such world-class sucking skills she can even turn a vampire human."

I don't have time to react to her as I see Damon speed past into the tomb, unfortunately, he has given Katherine exactly what she wanted as she is ready for him and twists him around biting into his neck.

Elijah stops the fight before it can begin however by snapping Katherine's neck.

Damon is on the ground bleeding trying to catch his breath.

"Well that was real smart," Elena tells him. I'm glad my sister can try and talk some sense into him because I don't have the words anymore.

"Enough all of you," Elijah says to us like he is speaking to children, "can you actually turn a vampire or werewolf human?" he asks and I can only nod not yet trusting my voice.

"Then I believe I have a plan but first how serious is this ripper phase you are in?" he asks Damon.

"It's not a phase! Okay fine, you want to talk about this here now? Fine! After the first couple of times we had sex yes I needed some extra help recovering and the blood bags weren't cutting it. Big deal. I didn't rip anyone apart and I have it under control," Damon says to me. 

I'm not sure who he is trying to convince me or him.

"If you had it under control why didn't you just tell me?" I ask needing him to explain.

He rolls his eyes, "oh gee I don't know you have such a great track record of handling this kind of news, might I remind you how you took the whole potential baby thing or what happened when you transitioned?"

It feels like I've been punched. I shake my head at him, "that is so unfair and you promised me no more lies!" 

"I didn't lie to you," he says.

"You didn't tell me the truth either!" I shout back.

"Look it was just a few times until I built my stamina up. I don't even know how Katherine knew anything but I have it under control," he says trying again to convince me this is no big deal.

"As much as I am enjoying this impromptu couples therapy might we get back on track," Elijah says.

No one says anything so he continues, "now, as I was saying I believe I have a plan that could work for everyone."

At this point, I'd happily let someone else take the lead my thoughts are all over the place.

3rd Person POV:

After hearing Elijah's plan they agreed and Nyssa walked into the tomb next taking the stake that used to be in Elijah and plunging it into Katherine's heart.

She looked up to Damon still unsure if she should take the next step.

Despite their current fight, he gave her a reassuring nod and she went ahead opening up everything in her and pouring all her energy into the dead vampire.

Katherine had been right it was much harder than it had been for Stefan, Mason, or Tyler.

She didn't know if she could keep going but then she felt Damon take her hand and she held on a bit longer before she lost consciousness.

"Nys! Nyssa!" Damon shouted as she collapsed by Katherine.

"Damon, what's happening!" Elena called from outside the tomb.

When he didn't answer she ran in, "oh my god," she said getting down next to her sister.

"Is she okay, what happened?"

"I don't know," Damon says holding her to him.

"Was Katherine right was it too much because of how old she was?"

"I don't know,"

"Well what do we do, Damon?"

"I don't know, Elena!" Damon tells her not having any answers.

Just then they hear a gasp for breath and turn to see Katherine start breathing.

Elijah looks on in wonderment at the sight of a human Katherine, "she did it."

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