Loyalty Test

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Everyone was gathered in the living room. They wanted to give Liz the illusion of privacy to see what she would do, if they could really trust her.

But Nyssa, Damon, and Caroline were all listening in on Liz and Deputy Ryan:

"Did they leave?" DR  whispers to Liz.

"Not the house, we would have heard the large front door slam closed. Just hang in there deputy I'll get us out of here." Liz whispers back.

"Oh yeah? How? By more boy talk with your vampire daughter and her non-human bi-curious friend?"

"I'm getting them to trust me," Liz argues back.

"And where does that leave me?"

Liz sighs, "They will likely compel you to forget today but I'll get you out of here alive and back to safety, I promise."

"Yeah, and without the memory that your daughter is a vampire, that's a little convenient don't you think?" he asks.

"No, you don't get to do that. My daughter died Deputy, and you don't get to make that about you," Liz tells him with more strength than she currently feels.

"Yeah, and you don't get to hide behind motherhood to avoid doing your job. That wasn't your daughter sheriff, that was a vampire," DR says.

Liz sighs knowing he's right but is unable to stop seeing the creature as her daughter.

"She said she's never killed anyone, they have no reason to lie to us right now," Liz argues.

"Even if that's true it only means she hasn't killed anyone YET, and how will you feel when she does and you could have put a stop to it but didn't?" he says.

Back Upstairs...

Elena and Stefan wanted to know what was happening.

"Liz is about to cave," Damon tells them bluntly.

"We don't know that," Caroline argues.

Nyssa is noticeably silent and Damon knows this means she agrees with him deep down but wants to spare Caroline's feelings.

"He's her subordinate, she could have told him to shut up and follow her command but she didn't. Instead, she's been trying to justify her feelings for you to a fucking deputy. Sorry, Blondie we gave it a chance but the writing is on the wall. Even if you managed to convince your Mom your not evil incarnate how certain are you she wouldn't still come for me and Nyssa?"

Caroline looks away knowing Damon is right, she hates when he's right.

2 days later when they were certain the vervain was out of both of their systems Damon compelled both Liz and the Deputy to forget everything.

Mason meanwhile had made it look like the other deputy had died in a car crash.

He felt bad about the whole thing and was really starting to hate the position Katherine had put him in.

He decided not to give her the moonstone she had been after and instead hid it at the bottom of a vervain filled well whose location only he knew.


Nyssa had the house to herself tonight everyone else had a date planned. Jeremy with Vicky, Jenna with Rick, and Elena with Stefan.

After finishing her latest translating job she decided to indulge in some ice cream, the actual real dairy kind.

She grabbed a carton from the freezer and a large spoon and headed up to her room to find something mindless to watch on her laptop.

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