The Tough Decisions

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Nyssa didn't give herself a moment to question the text, trusting her brother she immediately turned and sucked in as much of Isobel's energy as she could. It wasn't until after Isobel had collapsed that she realized she had been able to do that without out any sexual prompt... she was getting stronger and more confident in her abilities. 

Before she could call Jeremy to find out what was going on though John chose that moment to come back and walk-in.

"What the hell?" he said staring down at Isobel. Not wanting to deal with him and maybe also still harboring some resentment Nyssa immediately punched him in the face breaking his nose before grabbing his head and slamming it against the door frame knocking him unconscious. 

Her phone buzzed and she answered it briskly, "what?"

"It's me," Jeremy said, "I called Damon he's on his way over. Don't trust Isobel I was reviewing footage from the time Jenna and I both dozed off last light and I saw her talking to Rick who we all know is not really Rick."

"Shit, alright, good catch. Thanks."

"No problem," he said before hanging up.

Damon arrived not long after and found Nyssa had grabbed both of them and dragged them down to the basement.

"So you decide to have a party and didn't invite me?" he asks pretending to pout.

Nyssa gives him a very unamused look.

"Any idea what we do with these two?" She asks.

"one but I'm afraid you're not going to like it," he says.

"No, go on what is it?" She asks genuinely open to suggestions.

"We know Klaus needs a vampire for his little sacrifice... I say we just got two volunteers," Damon says.

"So what you want to turn John? Why? Why not just hand over Isobel if the time comes," Nyssa asks.

"Well, I just got a message from shuttle launch explaining that mommy dearest and Klaus might have history we can't say for certain he'd use her. John on the other hand... well I've yet to meet anyone who would complain too much over that guy's death."

Nyssa had to admit he had a point there but he was still technically Elena's father and she wasn't certain how her sister would feel about it. Actually, that was a lie, she knew Elena wouldn't want anyone hurt if she could stop it even John. But that was why she and Damon connected, they each were prepared to make the tough decisions their siblings weren't always able to.

"Do it," she tells him.

Damon bites into his wrist and feeds an unconscious John who quickly starts coming around due to the vampire blood healing his injuries.

"What about the other one?" Damon asks looking to Isobel.

"I'll take care of her," Nyssa tells him.

"What does that mean?" he asks as John starts mumbling something he snaps his neck never taking his eyes off Nyssa.

"We can't trust her and you know as well as I do if we put it up to a vote we'll be outvoted."

Knowing what she means he immediately offers to do it for her, "let me handle it, just go upstairs."

"No, I don't relish this but I'm not a king, If an execution is needed it won't be by my say so and someone else's hands."

Damon studies her and sees how unsure she still looks.

"Then what are you waiting for?" he asks.

"Trying to decide," she mumbles avoiding eye contact.

"On what?" 

"On what the right way to do this is. Is it cowardly to do it while she is still out or is it more merciful than waiting until she is awake and knows what's happening?"

He smiles at her happy that this is the woman he fell in love with.

"Whatever you decide it won't be cowardly so take that out of it."

She looks at him and nods appreciating his support happy this is the man she loves.

Looking around she sees a trunk in a corner and goes over to it digging out a stake from Rick's stash but before she goes through with it another thought occurs to her.

Damon sees her change of mind happen across her face.

"What, what is it?" he asks.

"They should each get a chance to leave a message... for Elena."

He nods understanding and goes to work restraining both their captives until they are awake and coherent enough to record a final message.

Klaus POV:

This town had gotten even weirder since I was last here. I hadn't thought that was possible but I had seen a human Katherine for myself. At first, I had assumed another doppelganger had finally come along. It was why I decided to masquerade as the local history teacher in the first place, I wanted to get close enough to see for myself without letting it be known I had arrived in town.

And that was no new doppelganger I saw at the boarding house it had indeed been Katarina Petrova but somehow she was now human again.

On top of that if the older Salvatore's clumsy attempts at taunting me were anything to go by they had managed to catch on quickly to my true identity which means these weren't the bumbling fools I had initially anticipated. 

My witches were about to switch me back into my body when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.


The voice on the other end was one of two security guards I had compelled to keep an eye on my storage locker in Chicago.

"Well? Go on, what is it?" I asked getting impatient after he identified himself.

"Umm sir, you see.."

"Just spit it out!"

"They're gone, all the coffins, the entire locker is empty."

"That's not possible," I told him.

"I'm sorry sir, Frank the other guy you had watching the place he's dead and the coffins are all gone."

"Well, what the fuck happened!" I screamed into the phone.

"I I.. I don't know. We didn't interact much just a nod when we changed shifts," he tells me nervously.

"I'm on my way, and this had better be a massively big misunderstanding or you'll soon be joining him!"

Fuck! It didn't make any sense no one knew anything about this, Elijah thought our siblings had been scattered in the ocean-

Elijah, shit it had to have been him. He must of seen through my lie and found them.

I had my witches finish putting me back into my body and took off in search of my brother we had a lengthy conversation or two to have.

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