Chapter 15

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Nyssa had been looking through old photo albums and had recognized someone she had seen at Augustine with Greyson. Looking at the back of the photo it only gave her a first name but when she asked her aunt about it Jenna had told her it was an old college friend of Greyson's they had both done their undergrad at Whitmore.

It wasn't much to go on but both she and Damon started digging into everything to do with Whitmore College. 

There was a fire at the school around the time Damon said he escaped. After he left the flames behind that night he didn't bother to look back for too much detail. His switch was off and he had just abandoned his only friend in the world so he kept his eyes very much forward. But looking at the old photos of the damage he was certain this was the place.

"Says they were able to raise enough funds to rebuild 4 years later. I know it was decades ago but do you think there might still be a clue left there as to where they might have moved their operation to?" Nyssa asks Damon.

"You're making the assumption they didn't just move right back in and resume their normal activities."

"So you think the place you were held and I was taken to are one in the same?"

"I'm not ruling it out."

Nyssa nods, "alright so what's next? Say this really is the place what do we do about it?"

"I'd say burn it down again, but I do hate to repeat myself."

"Not to mention there could be someone like you and my dad in there, if there is we need to save them."

"Okay Woah, hold up. We are planning revenge, not a rescue mission," Damon corrects her.

"Well, why the hell can't it be both?"

"Well, considering you're so eager to be involved that's not gonna work if this is a rescue mission."

"Why not?"

Damon looks at her a little stunned by her naivety, sometimes it escapes him how much younger she is. 

"Blood starved vampires aren't the best company to keep if you have warm blood in your veins. I know you're able to heal from broken bones but something tells me exsanguination but be slightly tougher to bounce back from."    

Nyssa rolls her eyes at Damon's condescending tone, "you're not going in there alone what if they capture you again!" she argues.

"Yet another excellent point made for going kamikaze and not search and rescue."

"What if it was you still there? Wouldn't you want someone... anyone to come for you. I mean surely that's what you spent every day wishing... praying for."

"You want to know what I was praying for while I was a starved and tortured captive for 5 fucking years? It was for someone... anyone, to just fucking end it. Us destroying Augustine even with casualties is the right thing to do and if you don't have the stomach for it, I'll do it myself."

Damon gets up to leave but Nyssa chases after him.

"Wait please,"

Damon tilts his head back exhausted by this exchange but turns back to face her, he's surprised to find tears in her eyes but refuses to show any empathy or weakness. He meant what he told her there was only one way to end this and he'd do it with or without her.

"What if my da... what if Eric is still there."

Her question hangs between them.

"I'll help you dig through the rubble to see if he survived the blow, tomorrow morning I'm bombing the fuck out of Whitmore."

His coldness shocks her and Damon leaves the boarding house.

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