Don't Come a'Knockin'

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Sheila explained to Elijah how he was not the first original who had come looking for Elena. She described how the parents had all banned together and managed to trap Mikael.

Elijah was stunned, to say the least.

"All this time my brother has used the excuse he was trying to keep us safe from him, our greatest threat, and for the past 13 years he's been no threat at all."

He shakes his head at the situation, "Dammit Niklaus, they shouldn't have been in those coffins. If I had fought him harder on it perhaps he wouldn't have even had the chance to throw them away."

Sheila is not used to being in a position where she feels the urge to comfort a vampire but clumsily does her best and rests a hand over Elijah's startling him a bit.

He gets up before producing a card from his suit pocket.

"I need to go get my head around a few things. If my brother arrives before I am back tell the others they can reach me at that number," he tells her before taking off.

Meanwhile, upstairs Damon is up to round 4 of his hurried self-love sessions trying his best to aid Nyssa any way he can.

He got her torn panties from their first night together out of his hiding place and breathed in the lingering scent of her. He kept reliving the moment over and over again. Her timid hands, her aggressive lips... he replayed everything about that night over and over again until he heard a moan come from his room.

he raced out of his bathroom and over to her on the bed, "Nys? Hey, it's okay, come on open your eyes. Please, dammit!"

Her eyes fluttered open but he could tell it was a strain for her, still, he was able to let out somewhat a sigh of relief at the small gesture.

"Thank god," he said moving behind her as he held her to him kissing her head.

"Don't do that again, I mean it, never, ever, ever again."

She tried to bring her hand up to rest it on his to offer him a little comfort but it falls back down to the bed halfway there.

"It's alright," he says "everything is going to be alright," he tells her still nervous as fuck seeing her like this.

He heard Elijah leave and soon after Elena and Stefan did as well. Caroline and Tyler however really put in the effort and by the end of the day Nyssa was able to sit up in bed and talk.

"Did it work," she asked still feeling exhausted and drained.

"Yup, just 3 bedrooms down the great Katarina Petrova is having her first shit in 500 years, you should feel very proud," Damon tells her.

"Could have just said yes, didn't need quite that much detail," she tells him but he just smiles at her.

"Can I get you anything," he asks more sincerely.

"Some water would be good,"

He nods and zooms out of the room and comes back with water and some snacks for her.

"You know I may know another way to get you back to full strength," he tells her passing her a bottle of water, bag of fritos, and a banana, "something far more pleasurable."

She takes a bite of the banana and a big sip of water before answering him.

"You can't be serious," she says.

"Come on, you know I'll make it worth it," he says giving her his flirty bedroom eyes.

"Damon, I'm not trying to start a fight with you. Trust me I am far too tired for that but you know we need to have a conversation about everything Katherine said about you."

He rolled his eyes, "oh god that? Who cares she was just trying to turn us against each other, don't let her."

"Her motives don't matter, just if there was any truth to it. And you made it obvious there was now please just let me rest," she said taking another big bite of the banana and a few chips before laying back down to go to sleep.

Damon stormed out of the room angrily and slammed the door. He was on his way to his bourbon when he heard Tyler and Caroline starting up again.

He turned around and walked to their room busting in without knocking catching them attempting a wheelbarrow position.

"Yeah Mr. and Mrs. Sting? Time to call it a day she's feeling better, now leave my house," he says before walking back out and grabbing a bottle of his favorite bourbon.

He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass slamming it on the countertop as he starting pouring.

"Got enough for me?" He heard Shelia ask coming into the room and grabbing a glass for himself.

"I take she's doing better?"

"She's wiped out but is pretending everything is fine because apparently I'm the one that needs to be monitored and saved," Damon says complaining about the latest way Katherine had managed to screw him.

Sheila sipped her drink and filled Damon in on what she had told Elijah.

"So he just took off?"

"He left his card," she said sliding it over.


"She's just worried about you," Shiela says jumping back to the earlier topic of conversation.

"And here I thought you might have the makings of a good drinking buddy," Damon says trying to dismiss her.

"If you don't want this to come between you then don't let it, just talk to her."

Damon rolled his eyes and stood up taking the glass out of Sheila's hand, "definitely not my new drinking buddy, you can show yourself out."

He went outside and killed the bottle himself before going back upstairs to Nyssa.

When he came in she was asleep and he pouted before falling in bed next to her.

"I lied," he told her sleeping form.

"I did rip someone apart, it just happened once and it freaked me out so much I... I tried to throw myself in front of a train. Apparently its a real small fucking world because Enzo was there and he pushed me out of the way just in time. Turns out it wasn't quite a coincidence, he saw me out and had started following me... wanting to apologize for Stefan. I told him he was off the hook. I gave you crap about letting people know what you could do and I told Enzo without blinking. He said he forgave me for Maggie and I told him he shouldn't. I think that's what really freaked me out about ripping apart that guy. I remembered who I am, a monster. Someone you and Enzo shouldn't bother with. I walked away from him thinking that'd be it but the next time I left town in need of fresh blood he showed up again only this time he pulled me away before I rippered anyone. I fought him but he kept doing it and eventually I stopped fighting. He helped me get control of it after everything I did to him he stopped me from giving into the darkness. And I don't know how to tell you, I don't know how to tell you a part of me wishes he hadn't."

He got off the bed and went into the bathroom turning on the shower and Nyssa slowly opened her eyes having heard most of what he said as his voice had woken her up when he started speaking.

A part of her wanted to go into the bathroom and comfort him but she thought it might be better this way. That he needed to say all of that and not have to have a conversation about it afterward, maybe just to get it out was enough for now. 

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