Chapter 14

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A/N: I promise this is rated M for more than just language it's just taking a few chapters longer than I originally planned but lemons are on the horizon.

3rd Person POV:

Damon had to bring Nyssa home and explain about the car accident, the story was Nyssa swerved to miss hitting a rabbit. Jenna was happy her niece wasn't hurt but she had definitely lost car privileges for a while.

Damon left but a second later there was a knock at the door, Nyssa answered it expecting to see Damon having forgotten something but it wasn't him it was Bonnie's Grams.

"We need to talk," the older woman told her not leaving any room for disagreements.

Nyssa felt her heart drop, she had always been a little afraid of Sheila for some reason and now she knew she wasn't human. What if like Damon she had put it all together or sensed it from her touch would she tell her family or maybe force her to leave town?

Nyssa nods and comes out onto the porch like she's about to face a firing squad. She discreetly closes the door behind her hoping to give them some privacy.

She turns away from the door and looks at Sheila again noticing how worn down the woman looks, "are you okay?"

"Recovery will be long after a spell like that, I'm not sure I would have survived it at all if you hadn't stepped in when you did," Sheila explains moving over to the porch swing needing to sit down.

Nyssa nods and follows but holds her breath terrified of what's coming next.

"You're not a witch," Sheila says starting to talk, "I'd be able to sense it if you were, but you are also not a vampire there is too much life in you. I assume you have kept this secret for a reason but I need to know and I need you to look me in the eye when you answer me, are you a danger to my granddaughter?"

Nyssa's head swings over to look at Sheila horrified by her question, "No, no I swear, I-"

Sheila holds a hand up to stop Nyssa's rambling, "I believe you, Bonnie might have her own questions but I will respect your desire to keep this secret to yourself."

Nyssa nods relieved one Bennett seems to be willing to let her off the hook.

"Is anyone else aware?" Grams asks.

Nyssa shakes her no and answers, "just Damon."

Sheila looks like she just sucked on something sour hearing that answer,

"you need to be careful with that one, handsome unstable and reckless is not a combination you can get too close to without eventually getting burned."

Nyssa nods and Sheila slowly leaves the Gilbert house needing a bit of assistance from Nys to go home and rest.

Once she made sure Sheila had gotten home safely she returned home and headed upstairs to check on her sister. 

Elena and Stefan were on another break after it was revealed he kept her likeness to Katherine from her.

It was getting a little old this back and forth dance they kept doing but she had to agree with Elena on this one it wasn't okay Stefan had kept this particular secret from her.

"Hey, doing any better today?" She gently asks her sister peering into her room from the hallway.

Elena sits up in bed, "why does he keep doing this?" She asks.

Nyssa goes into the room and immediately climbs onto her sister's bed wanting to comfort her. She grabs Elena's hand, "I think he's just scared," she tells her.

"Of what?" Elena asks,

"Losing you, you're kinda amazing,"

Elena smiles but rolls her eyes at her sister, "yeah well keeping me in the dark about stuff is good way to lose me."

Nyssa looked away guilt settling in her stomach at that comment.

2 Weeks Later...

Damon POV:

I was in a rush to beat Nyssa to the Boarding house we agreed to meet up there this morning. I had been out the previous night partying trying to fuck the very idea of Katherine out of my system.

I wasn't bringing girls by the house anymore, not that I would care if I had to break a limb or two off Nyssa to keep my promise but avoiding triggering her at all seemed to be the easiest path forward. And I do love the easy route.

As I pulled in I noticed her bike wasn't there.

After the accident Jenna banned her from using the car and she had been getting around on an old mountain bike.

I quickly hop out and race upstairs knowing I don't have too much longer until she shows.

As I enter my room I briefly see the Succubus book on my bed. Truth be told I had given up reading past the first chapter years ago finding translating far too close to homework. And unlike my brother, I have no desire to repeat high school.

I was also a little apprehensive about seeking help online knowing that's how Nyssa made her pocket money.

I briefly considered getting in touch with the book's original owner but decided against it. Vampire-obsessed girls are always fun in the beginning but that always goes awry real quick. Granted Isobel now was a vampire herself thanks to me but still I wasn't keen for a repeat. It was a new rule I had so I was never again in the situation I'm in regarding Katherine.

No playing the Hero, no flings longer than a week and most importantly NO DOPPELGÄNGERS.

No I was gonna have to actually do this work myself if I wanted to know more about Succubi. And now knowing they did in fact exist I wanted to know everything.

Hopping in the shower I scrub hard not knowing exactly what will trigger her. Is it just sexual desire/tension or can she sense pheromones?

I hear the bike against the gravel of the driveway and finish up.

I look in my closet for something to wear and I briefly consider how to make myself look less appealing before ultimately deciding that goal is just impossible.

"Okay I researched the Whitmore family like you suggested and I found a possible lead," Nyssa says coming into the boarding house full speed.

"Someone's eager for some vengeance," I comment buttoning up my shirt as I make my way down the stairs.

Truth be told I was eager myself for this, I needed something to focus my rage on. If all I had to get over Katherine's betrayal was liquor and sex I'm not sure how far down that rabbit hole I'd go before thinking to come back up.

I follow her into the living room where she drops her bag and books.

"I know," she finally responds to my initial comment, "after Greyson died I didn't think I'd ever get to try and set this right."

I smile, it's nice having a partner in crime, being the baddie can get a little lonely, not that I'd ever admit that out loud to anyone.

"So what do you got," I ask clapping my hands together ready to start plotting, how I do love plotting.

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