Moonstone Part 1

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A/N: short update longer chapter to be posted soon

3rd Person POV:

Nyssa was proud of herself for deciding to give her and Damon's relationship a real chance. She knew she was taking a leap of faith in herself as much as she was in their relationship and that made it feel like a really important step.

She had told Jenna she'd bring home dinner from the grill tonight and had just walked in to pick up their order when she saw Katherine standing by the bar.

Not wanting to give up her own super power Nyssa decided to play along.

"Elena?" she asked trying to sound confused.

"Hey, I saw you and Damon earlier, you guys okay?" Katherine asked trying to emulate her sister's caring tone.

"Yeah of course, why?"

Katherine moves her hair behind her ears trying to look meek, "no reason, I just worry about you, I mean he's older mysterious guy... I just don't want you getting hurt," her tone is much closer to mocking than caring and thus she completely fails at her Elena impression.

"I mean we might never be as epic as you and Stefan, but we're good. Oh but Speaking of Stefan are you sure he's not still a vampire I mean how many times was that last night 6...7? I'm surprised you can still stand," Nyssa says loving the sour look that comes across Katherine's face.

"You're good," Katherine tells her knowing the jig is up, "what gave me away? Was it the hair? or my clothes?"

"I'm literally here picking up food for my family all of whom including Elena are currently at home," Nyssa tells her pointing out how sloppy it was of her to try and parent trap her.

"So, if you'll excuse me," Nyssa says trying to move around her to pick up the order but Katherine grabs her arm refusing to let her pass.

"I need your help," Katherine tells her causing Nyssa to look at her as if she had just spawned 4 additional heads.

"really? with what exactly?" 

Katherine grinds her teeth hating having to admit she wasn't able to do something on her own.

"Mason is being difficult about giving me something,"

"Ew, are you about to ask me for sex advice? It's bizarre enough thinking about Mason being hot for someone who looks identical to a kid he once caught peeing in his pool I really-"

"Enough!" Katherine snaps shutting her up, "obviously I don't need sex advice, there is an object, a moonstone, Mason was supposed to deliver to me but ever since interacting with you and the ridiculous scooby gang he's become suspicious of my motives."

"And why would I be interested in helping you get this moonstone?"

"Hmm maybe because if you don't Stefan Salvatore will be a vampire once more by this time tomorrow."

Nyssa immediately stands straighter finally treating Katherine like the threat she is.

"What are you talking about?"

"you might be able to tell me apart from your sister but sweet Stefan wasn't as discerning. I have him locked away someplace safe and will return him to my boring copy in the same state I scooped him up in as long as you hand over the moonstone. If not then I'm going to keep him for myself. In fact, maybe I won't change him back, I mean if he's not a vampire anymore that means he can be compelled. It'll be just like the first time I got him to fall in love with me. So please go pick up your food and run along home. You and the gang have a lot of work to do I'd say you have about as long as whatever vervain I'm sure he's full of is out of his system and then I'm going to start having some fun. How many times did you say they got up to 6, 7, I'm sure once I can compel him again we'll be able to beat that."

With that Katherine walks out of Mystic Grill leaving behind a very shaken Nyssa.

Gilbert House

"oh god, oh god," Elena kept muttering over and over again worried sick about Stefan.

Damon walks through the door and she immediately goes over to him, "did you find him?"

He shakes his head, "he wasn't at the boarding house, school, or graveyard."

"You searched the graveyard?" Jeremy asks confused.

"He could have been there journaling, a cute little habit he's picked up since dating your sister can we please focus, has anyone been in touch with Bonnie?"

"Yeah," Nyssa says coming in from the kitchen having just hung up the phone, "Bonnie and Grams are on their way over I think Elena, Jenna, and Jeremy should stay here and help them with a locator spell meanwhile you, Rick, and I will go try and talk to Mason."

"No, we need someone trying to figure out what this moonstone is and why Katherine wants it so badly," Damon says.

"Does it matter? Whatever it is, if it gets us Stefan back lets just give it to her," Elena says.

"And what if it's something that could hurt us? Like that lovely little Gilbert device?" Damon asks.

"I don't care, this is Stefan we're talking about," she argues.

"Why don't Jenna and I look into the moonstone while Nyssa and Damon talk to Mason, that way all our bases are covered," Rick suggests.

Elena nods and looks to Damon, "just get him back."

"Count on it," he tells her confidently. 

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