Chapter 7

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Bonnie is having a dream when she sees her ancestor Emily Bennet.

She is transported to the church ruins as Emily begs for her help.

"This is where it started. And this is where it has to end."

Bonnie shakes her head, "No. This isn't real."

Bonnie tries to run away in her dream, but Emily keeps blocking her path

"Help me."

Finally, Bonnie awakens but finds herself at the church ruins in the middle of the night. She tries to hug herself and chase away the creepiness but it's going to take more than that to chase this Emily away. She thinks maybe Damon was on to something, maybe a seance is needed.

Boarding House:

Damon enters Stefan's room and wakes him up with a coffee for him, rise and shine!" he says handing him the cup of coffee, "you'll be late for school."

Stefan looks at the cup unsure if his brother is trying to poison him, "What? What are you doing?"

Damon shrugs, "peace offering, come on, you need it for blood circulation. Does dead flesh good!"

Stefan is still not buying whatever his brother is trying to sell so Damon sighs and drops the act, "Fine, Bonnie has a necklace I need you to convince her to give it to me."

"Why? What do you need it for?"

"My master plan, you want me out of here so you can play happy horny teenagers with Elena uninterrupted I need that necklace. Get it for me and I'm one step closer to leaving this miserable little town."

"As much as I want to get rid of you, why would she just give me this necklace?" Stefan asks.

"Hmm, that sounds like you problem," Damon replies unbothered by how Stefan will actually achieve this task.

Gilbert House:

Bonnie is telling Elena and Caroline about the necklace and possibly trying to call the ghost of her ancestor forward to find out what she wants so she can get rid of her. Caroline is very skeptical not really believing in any of this hoodo voodo.

"Bonnie. Look, it's just not me. I don't believe in the...[gestures with her hands and makes a noise] woo woo. But, if you do, then...okay. I'm in. That's all it takes for me to jump on board, because I consider you to be my best friend. And I'm saying this, knowing that Elena's standing next to you. Sorry," she tells Elena not really sounding that sorry.

"Look, I didn't know how real this was for you, you always talk about your grams thinking you and she are witches but I never realized you were starting to believe her but I'm listening now. Okay?"

Bonnie nods, "Thanks Caroline,"

"So what are we going to do about this ghost?" Caroline asks ready to fight for her friend.

"I think we should have a seance." Bonnie puts it out there. Elena doesn't look so sure, "I don't think that's a good idea."

Caroline doesn't look at all concerned with the idea, "Come on. Let's summon some spirits. This Emily chick has some serious explaining to do."

They move to Elena's bedroom to do the séance. Before they start Nyssa has come home and walks past Elena room to see them all sitting in a circle with candles around.

She pokes her head in, "hey, what are you guys doing?"

"Bonnie thinks her necklace is haunted so we are having a seance to tell this Emily bitch she needs to step off," Caroline explains.

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