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Damon got back to the boarding house exhausted from his long day. He just wanted to climb into his satin sheets and disappear into a dreamless sleep.

After seeing Sherif Forbes looking distraught in the hospital he stopped by Caroline's room before leaving and gave her a bit of his blood. He only pricked his finger and didn't know what if much it would do but at least this way she'd have a chance.

Climbing the stairs he entered his room and immediately started to disrobe before he realized Nyssa was already asleep in his bed again.

This time he didn't go to another room, he didn't know if it was because he was just too tired or that he just missed her today.

He kicked off his boots and took off his jeans and socks leaving him in nothing but his birthday suit before he pulled back the sheets and climbed in.

He pulled Nyssa closer to him surprised to find she also was completely undressed.

Not fully asleep Nyssa answered his unasked question, "none of the clothes Elena dropped off earlier fit."

"Could have borrowed a shirt of mine," he mumbles into her hair.

She simply shrugs and moves back further into Damon before trying to find sleep again.

Damon can't help but like how her body feels against his, her new look will take some getting used to but he's happy she still feels like her.

Obviously not completely, certain parts of her have been enlarged but her skin, it still feels like warmth and peace. It's hard for him to explain but it makes him think of a cold night in New York when you walk past a nut vendor and the smell invades your very soul, suddenly your whole body feels warm and happy if just for a moment, thats what holding her feels like.

Caroline's POV:

I open my eyes and the first thing I see is a god-awful drop ceiling, honestly who invented those they always look hideous, and there is always that one square that has water damage but never gets replaced, ew.

Looking further around the room I realize I'm in the hospital. Shit, that's right I was in the car with Tyler and Matt and Tyler had like a sudden migraine or something and lost control. 

I look down at my body and thankfully everything seems to be intact, must have just had the wind knocked out of me.

Huh, something smells good, god I'm so hungry all of a sudden.

I try to get out of bed but I have too many wires attached to me.

Frustrated I remove what I can and the rest I am able to hang on this moving pole thing so I can maneuver around the room.

Seriously what smells so good?

I try to follow my nose and it leads me to the medical waste bin, ew, what could be in there?

My curiosity gets the better of me and I open the lid and immediately spot a bulging envelope that has my name on it, huh.

I look around and grab some disposable gloves before reaching in and pulling it out.

I open the envelope and let out a scream, "ahhh!"

It was fingers!, what the fuck, who would put fingers in an envelope and why the hell was my name on it?!

I look again and see there is also a note tucked in, I quickly read it and... my world completely changes.

                            Hey Blondie, sorry if you're reading this it means you're likely dead, bummer I know. I slipped you some blood because you're friends were worried you were going to die from internal injuries. And if you smelled these delicious chicken fingers it turns out they were right. If you want to be a vampire you know what to do.

Just then the door slams open as 2 nurses rush in, apparently, I removed my heart monitor when I got up, they look shocked to see me up and I quickly hide the bloody envelope behind my back.

"Sorry, the cold floor surprised me, where's my mom?" I ask them, they usher me back into bed and I am able to continue hiding the fingers behind my back.

"Huh, her vitals seem fine," one nurse comments when they get me hooked back up to everything,

"Isn't that a good thing?" I ask

"Of course of course sweetie, we're just going to go get the doctor to look things over, but it's a great sign that you're awake and talking."

One nurse leaves to get the doctor I guess and I am left with the one calling me "sweetie."

"Is my mom here, could you get her for me?" I ask making an endearing pouty face. She quickly melts and leaves me alone to go get my mom.

I pull out the fingers and note again, shit what am I going to do?

Damon POV:

My peaceful night is interrupted by the incessant ringing of my cell phone, I blindly reach for it still trying to keep my hold on Nyssa not wanting to leave our warm cozy bubble just yet.

"What?!" I groggily ask into the receiver.

"Damon? I called Nyssa!" Dammit, must have grabbed her phone my mistake.

"Nyssa like the rest of the world is sleeping right now, what do you want blondie?" Damon asks before remembering Caroline's supposed current condition.

"Oh fuck."

"Yup got your little gift, in the future I really prefer flowers."


Nyssa shifts and turns to face me still half asleep, "who is it?"

"Wait is she in bed with you?!" Blondie asks her voice further waking up Nyssa, and more than likely any coma patient in her vicinity.

"Caroline?" She asks taking the phone from me, "Hey, what's going on? Elena called said you were in the hospital, how are you feeling?"

I can hear Caroline fill her in on everything and let's just say I don't come out of that conversation looking too great.

"Alright just breathe, try to stay calm, convince your mom to rush your release, cry if you have to just get out of there and home as fast as you can. You can not be in a hospital for your transformation. I'll let everyone else know and we'll figure something out, I promise Care we won't leave you alone with this."

She hangs up the phone and gives me a very displeased look.

"wrong number?" I try to innocently ask.

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