Daddy Issues

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After their pit spot, Nyssa finished driving the boys home. She pulled up to the boarding house and Damon hopped out but before Enzo could exit she hit the locks.

Damon hesitated outside and Nyssa rolled down the window,

"Enzo and I have a chat of our own we need to have," she explained.

Damon nodded before telling Enzo, "good luck," and walking ahead into the house.

Enzo sighed and climbed into the passenger seat next to Nyssa.

"So what is it we have to talk about?" he asked.

"Is this real? You and Damon? You really forgive him for leaving you to die, for 60 additional years of torture, for killing the woman you loved? He has been a dick to you but you're suddenly just over it and are helping him control his new ripper impulses? Tell me this is real and don't you dare bullshit me, you owe me." she asks needing to know if she could trust him.

"I owe you?" He asks incredulously.

"Yes, you have refused to give me any answers on Eric so you can damn well answer this. Damon wanted to bomb Augustine I'm the one who fought to go in to see if anyone was there we could rescue. So even tho I know Damon is the villain in your story I am very much in love with him and I need to know if he can trust you... if I can trust you."

Enzo thinks for a moment and decides to answer her honestly, "he hasn't realized it yet but we are even. I may not have succeeded in killing Stefan but you bringing him back human was far greater revenge. Now he gets to watch as his brother dies a little bit more each day. Each day he has less life in him than the day before. Damon will have to see Stefan grow old and weak or maybe he'll get sick and suffer through cancer or Alzheimers... either way, Damon will lose Stefan piece by piece over the next 70 or so years until there is nothing left of his brother. My desire for revenge has been met. So yes you can trust me with Damon, I won't do anything else to hurt him so you can relax."

Nyssa is shocked by his answer but sees the truth behind it and unlocks the doors allowing him to leave.

Enzo opens his door and starts to get out before sitting back down having one more thing to say.

"Eric made me promise if you ever came looking that I wouldn't tell you anything. He didn't want you to remember him like that. He said to just let you know that he was with your mom now and that they were at peace."

Nyssa teared up, "so he's really gone, there's no chance he's alive?"


"How can you be so certain," she asks.

"Because if he was alive he would have come back for me," Enzo answers.

Nyssa closes her eyes and accepts this, "you're right, he would have."

Enzo again tries to leave by Nyssa grabs his arm and he turns back to her waiting for her to speak again.

"Do you think he would have liked Damon?" she asks.

Enzo laughs, "no, I think he would have thought he was nowhere near good enough for you. But he would have loved seeing you happy."

Nyssa smiles and nods finally allowing Enzo to leave.

Later that day she confided in Damon about her conversation with Marcel and the two agreed to keep the information to themselves not letting anyone else know about the king they had up their sleeve. 

2 Months Later

All had been pretty quiet in Mystic Falls. Katherine was driving everyone mad as her house arrest continued, Elean and Stefan had been going to doctor appointments, and Nyssa with the help of Damon compelled the school to give her a test allowing her to skip the rest of her junior year and place with the senior class. 

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