Mission WBN

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Caroline's Apartment Near Whitmore College:

Damon arrived at Caroline's an hour ago but his blonde bestie must have been out. He entertained himself by helping himself to some of her blood bags, booze and of course doing some very thorough snooping.

He heard voices approaching and decided to have a little fun at Care's expense. Looking around he grabbed a pillow and wrapped it in a blanket.

When Care and her date came stumbling in Damon pretended to be rocking the pillow baby.

"Really?! It's not enough you cheat on me you have to bring him back to our home while I'm taking care of our child!"

The guy instantly stepped back from Caroline looking shocked and confused as Damon pretended to fuss with the pillow baby, "shh shh, it's okay Momma's just having a friend over.... again, it doesn't mean she doesn't love you."

"Man, really I I had no idea," Caroline's date said inching back to the door wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.

"What? No that is not... wait you don't have to!" She tried to explain but he was already halfway down the hallway.

"Dammit Damon, I actually kind of liked him!" Caroline said complaining about her now ruined date.

"Please, I highly doubt you and frat bro were about start some epic love story," he says throwing the pillow baby at her and picking up a drink.

"Why are you even here?" Caroline complains as she puts the throw pillow back in its perfect place on the sofa and starts refolding the blanket.

"I need help with mission WBN"

"What's mission WBN?" Care asks.

"Win back Nyssa," Damon explains.

"Fine, I'll help if only so you can go back to being in your own relationship instead of continuing to ruin any of mine."

"Please, you know you missed me," Damon tells her not buying her reasoning.

"What kind of ideas have you had so far?" Care asks ignoring his comment.

"Nothing, I mean I've already bought her a house in Italy... how do you top that?" he asks.

Caroline thinks for a minute before an idea comes to her "I know what we need to do," she tells him as she starts rooting around her tv looking for the remote.

"Something tells me this isn't a problem an ANTM rewatch party is going to fix," Damon says.

"No but if anyone knows about winning a girl back it's Ryan Gosling," she tells him.

"who?" Damon asks.

"Just sit down and prepare yourself for the best romance of all time," Caroline instructs him as she finds what she's looking for on Netflix.

About an hour and 40 minutes later Damon has tried to escape 3 times, once even through the bathroom window before getting wedged in and needing Caroline to come pull him back out.

"Stop trying to get out of this, you wanted my help so just accept it!" she scolds him.

"You know it wasn't far from this very location I was once tortured for 5 excruciating years but those memories have become my happy place during this viewing."

"Ugh, stop complaining it's almost over," she tells him.

"You said that 40 minutes ago!" Damon complains.

"Well, this time I mean it," she tells him.

They've just got done watching *that* scene when Damon has an idea.

"Dammit," he mumbles.

"What?" Caroline asks.

"Ryan Grossling has just given me an idea,"

"It's Gosling," Care says correcting him.

"I don't care," he replies taking out his phone and asking for some paper from Caroline.

He worked on his idea as the movie finished playing. Care finally turned the TV off and turned to face Damon on the sofa who was still writing.

"So?" She asks

"So what?" he replies not looking up from what he's writing.

"So what did you think?"

Damon stops writing and looks at her, "what did I think? Seriously? This guy writes a letter a day for a year and it never occurred to him someone might be tampering with the mail, he's a moron."

"Ugh," Caroline says giving up, "just get out, it's one thing to ruin my date but to ruin the notebook for me is inexcusable."

Damon rolls his eyes even though he feels slightly bad he seems to have offended his friend this much.

"Wait, come on blondie look I'm sorry okay?" He says.

"No." Care responds.


"No, you don't get off the hook with a simple I'm sorry," she tells him.

"Well, then what's it going to take?" Damon asks.

"You have to tell me one thing you enjoyed about the movie," she tells him.

Damon thinks for a second but shakes his head, "nope," he gathers up his jacket and walks out only to come back about 20 seconds later.

"The Ferris wheel thing was kind of a cute move," he begrudgingly tells her before adding "don't get me wrong would have been a far better and shorter movie had he fallen and broken his neck but in the grand scheme of things kind of a cute move."

Caroline starts smiling very happy, "I knew you'd love it!"

"I do not love it," Damon argues back.

"Well, I saw you writing away so obviously it wasn't a bad choice if it gave you so many ideas."

"It gave me one idea," he says correcting her.

"Which is?" Care asks.

"I'll tell you if it works," he says giving her a kiss on the cheek before heading back towards the door and leaving for the night pausing only to tell her one last thing...

"Oh, and don't keep pillow baby up too much longer it's a school night."

With that, he leaves and shuts the door and Care decides to rewind a certain sexy scene just one more time before bed.

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