We're Back Baby

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A/n: rest in peace to Annie Werching she just died tragically, she played Stefan and Damon's mom, she was only 45 I feel so terrible for her family. Here is the link to the gofundme for her two little boys she left behind- https://www.gofundme.com/f/for-annies-boys-freddie-ozzie-and-archie


Damon had crashed on his sister-in-law's sofa last night but got a less than pleasant wake up call this morning.

"Damon, I can not believe you taught my children how to curse!" Elena screams

He squints his eyes slightly open not ready to fully wake up yet and is greeted to the sight of a furious Elena.

"Really?" Damon asks a bit groggy "sounds like me," he says before turning over and burying his face in the couch cushions.

"You are never going to be left alone with them, do you hear me?" Elena asks stomping off into the kitchen to make breakfast before dropping the kids off at daycare and heading to work.

"Well that's a load off," he says a bit relieved which thankfully Elena doesn't hear from the next room.

Still angry with her uninvited house guest Elena is slamming cabinet doors and making as much ruckus as one can make when preparing toast and coffee. Damon gives up on sleeping in and moseys into the kitchen.

"Sit down, I can't listen to you being passive aggressive while you angrily cook anymore, you aren't good at either."

Damon opens the fridge and takes out some eggs and starts to prepare an actual breakfast for her and the family.

"now can we get back to the problem at hand?" he asks.

"You teaching my children the word fuck?" Elena says still annoyed.

Damon rolls his eyes, "they pronounce it uck, it's not the end of the world, and no I'm talking about how I win your sister back. Something tells me it's going to take more than a bouquet of condoms this time."

The coffee Elena had started earlier starts percolating and she gets up to fill her mug as Damon continues cooking.

"Honestly? I don't know Damon. When you left it was hard enough on her but when you stopped even taking her calls... it was like a part of her just died," Elena tells him bluntly.

Damon has a hard time standing after hearing that.

"I know I screwed up there's no reason to twist the knife," he tells her a bit bitterly not liking hearing how badly his actions hurt Nyssa.

"I'm just being honest, you're not going to win her back with some stunt, there's not going to be any kind of shortcut here."

"And what exactly does a longcut look like in this situation?" Damon asks not familiar with any relationship moves that don't involve a shortcut or stunt of some kind.

"Talking," Elena tells him as though it should be obvious, "talking about everything you two always seem to want to skip over."

"ugh, it's so boring tho," Damon complains as he dishes up breakfast as Stefan comes down with the boys dressed.

"Looks like we're just in time, this is a nice surprise," he says appreciating the smell of something besides toast or yogurt in the morning.

After getting the kids settled in their chairs he picks up on a bit of tension, "did I miss something?"

"Just Damon trying to wrap his head around being in a healthy adult relationship," Elena explains and Stefan starts to chuckle before he realizes she isn't kidding.

"Oh, you're serious?" he says clearing his throat a bit, "and how is that going?" he asks his brother.

"so far? It fucking blows," Damon says purposely cursing in front of the kids again before downing his cup of coffee and taking off and leaving behind an irate Elena.

He needed the advice of someone a hell of a lot more fun than those two anyway, time to pay his blonde bestie a visit so he was off to Whitmore College.

Nyssa meanwhile bided her time. Waiting for both Damon and Rebekah to leave town before making her way over to the boarding house.

She walked down to the cellars and came to stand in front of Klaus Mikaelson, the person she held responsible for so much of her suffering.

"Finally, I have you all to myself," she said in a very menacing way.

But Nik just smiled at her, up for whatever she had planned.

"Lucky me," he said.

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