AFI // Charity Ball (2)

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"I don't fit in here, Ashton," Pau tugs lightly on Ashton's arm as they walked hand in hand into the large hall in the ever vast mansion of the Hoods.

It was like how Pau imagined charity balls were. If they were back in medieval times, that is. Everyone was wearing clothes as fancy -- if not more -- than theirs.

"Trust me, Paula, you do," he whispers as he effortlessly glides her trough the throngs of people to somewhere near the stage and introduce her to two young men of his age.

"Paula, these are my colleagues. Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood. Luke, Calum, this is my girlfriend, Paula."

Pau flushes at his words. His girlfriend. Was she really?

She glances up to a pair of blue eyes framed with long beautiful lashes, his hair quiffed to stand on their own in an attractive way on top of his head. He was in a expensive black suit with a matching bow tie. He's very, very good-looking, Pau notes.

"Nice to finally see Ashton with a girl. Just call me Luke, Paula," he offers his hand and she shake it firmly, smiling at him.

She moves on to the next set of eyes. Dark brown, almost black eyes stare at her with fondness. They were almost hidden as Calum Hood was smiling widely. His eyes crinkling at the edges in a really cute way. He had dark curly hair with more than a few blond highlights up front. He was wearing a close-necked white button down underneath a black coat/vest.

"So, the host of this charity ball," Paula muses, smiling at Calum. He exudes familiarity making her feel comfortable immediately.

"Yes, I claim to be a really good man. Pleased to meet you, Miss Paula," he smiled that cute crinkly-eyed smile of his as he offers his hand.

"Please, just Pau," Paula smiled again as her hand closes on his warm grasp.

An old yet still strong looking man called Ashton over and Paula smiled at him to tell him she would be okay.

"I'll be back in a minute," he strode off reluctantly in his prefect gait while she turns back to Luke and Calum.

They were looking at each other, having a silent communication. They soon had an agreement and looked at the silver dressed girl mischievously.

Paula raises her eyebrows, her eyes questioning.

"Pau, can you please help us out a bit? It's for the ball and for charity, of course," Luke starts, persuasion in his voice.

"What do I have to do?" she shifted in her feet. Well, it's for charity. Who was she to say no?

"You'll find out later. Ohhhh, thank you, Paula. You've helped a lot of people," Calum eagerly pulls her in for a hug and releases her almost instantaneously. Then, he proceeded to high-five Luke.

What are they so excited about?

"I haven't even done anything yet," she mutters at the two.

Again, they had their eyes dancing wickedly.

"Oh, believe me Paula. You've almost just donated the charity a small fortune. Maybe more. We'll see."

What do they mean?

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