LRH // Young Dad

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'You never learn,' I internally scolded myself as I struggled to walk to the cashier. I was still way too many aisles away and I had more than just a handful of things in my grasp.

It was a Saturday, my grocery day, and I was thinking I won't buy a lot, just my necessities and some cereal, but here I am with bread and other supplies in my hands. I should've gotten a basket. Hell, I can't even see where I'm going.

I thought I was already being careful but then I felt something hit my leg followed by a silent thud on the floor in front of me. Thinking maybe it was one of the promo stands, I spin to the side with my face already scrunched up in an 'I'm fucked' face.

Then, I saw the little kid.

She was looking up at me, still cute even at the verge of tears and I realize that it wasn't a promo stand I hit, it was the little girl. God, I think I hit her hard; I was walking straight and my knee was level to her face.

"Oh my gosh, don't cry, angel," I cooed, not knowing how to console her with my arms full of groceries. I looked around to see if somebody saw her fall and if her parents were anywhere around but nobody else was along the aisle with us.

"Where are your parents, little angel?" I asked her and she looked up at me with her huge blue eyes, almost as if studying me, before a huge two-toothed smile spread across her face and I was internally 'awwww'-ing at her cuteness.

"D-dada lookey," she murmured, clapping her hands, making no move to stand up. She just continued to look up at me and I was awkwardly looking at her, legs bent as I tried unsuccessfully to be on her level, my arms still full of things.

"What did you say? Dada what?"

"Dada lookey!" She half-shouted, clapping her hands with much more enthusiasm.

"Dada lookey?"

"Oh my God, Stella. There you are!"

Both the kid and I went to look at the source of the voice.

A lanky guy probably in his early 20s, dressed in black skinny jeans, black sweater and black converse was pushing a grocery cart to our direction. He looked worried, his breathing ragged as he stopped in front of us and scooped up the little kid from the ground.

"I've been looking for you, little girl. You had me worried," the guy smiled as he kissed the little kid in his arms.

The girl giggled and held his face in her little hands, "Dada lookey!"

I found myself smiling as I watch them. Then, the guy looked at me with the same exact blue eyes as the little girl and I tried to erase the stupid smile on my face.

"Hey, um, yeah. She your sister? She's lovely." I stuttered in embarrassment.

I saw his eyebrow twitch infinitesimally; he looked at the girl in his arms before answering, "No. Stella's mine."

"Wait, what? She's your...daughter?" My shock was much more embarrassing, "Oh, gosh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything—"

To my surprise, the guy laughed.

"It's fine. I'm used to the reaction." He opened his mouth to say something more, but he looked hesitant. He gulped before saying, "I'm Luke, by the way."

I just stared at his hands uncomfortably.

He shifted in his feet and pulled his hand back with a slight wince on his face, "Sorry, I'm not hitting on you or anything..."

"Oh, no! It's not that, you see," I gestured the mountain-load of groceries I was holding. "I'm not really capable of shaking your hands right now."

"Right. Um, do you want to put some of those in the cart? I mean, there's a basket under ours."

"Yes, please. Gosh, thank you."

He moved to get the basket and I sighed as my hands were free again. Then, I held out my hand. "There we go, nice to meet you, Luke. I'm Raya."

"Pleasure is mine, Raya," Luke smiled and a dimple surfaced from his face. He's as cute as his daughter, aaagh.

"Laaaaya!" Stella suddenly squeaked and I found myself smiling widely.

"She likes you." Luke says, smiling as well, looking at his kid with love evident in his eyes. He looked back to me, "You're lucky. She doesn't usually like other girls much."

"Luck is my middle name. All the little kids always like me."

I saw Luke purse his lips like fighting off a smile. "All the little kids," he whispered then shook his head. Then, loud enough for me to hear, he said, "Let's pay for these, shall we?

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