MUKE // Goodbyes and Hellos (1)

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"He's gone, Lenie."

It was supposed to be nice, calm Saturday afternoon for Lenie. But ever since the day he left, the silence never brought her comfort, they only gave way for her memories to haunt her.

She could still hear Liz's broken voice over the phone when she told her the news that would break her. She was at school then, just finishing off her final exams. Vacation was almost there, summer adventures were already planned. She was really excited because she and Luke planned to start their summer early, going mountain climbing, camping and cliff-diving.

They've packed their bags, prepared everything they would need, she just needed to get through her finals and she was free of school. Everything was in place, everything was perfect.

Except for him.

She could still feel the contraction in her chest whenever she thinks about it. The excruciating, inescapable pain. The pain that only came from losing him. The only boy she loved for all her life. Gone.

Five months had passed since the car crash but everything remained fresh. It was as if he left just yesterday. She still cried rivers every night, still screamed his name when the heaves and sobs take over her.

Of course she knew he wasn't coming back. Though she couldn't let him slip away just like that. She cherished every memory, always thought and imagined his face, his smell, his lips, everything about him, she relived every memory of him in her mind.

The people around her knew nothing. Yes, they grieved, they cried, expressed their condolences, but Lenie knew that what they felt was nothing compared to the pain that eats her alive everyday.

As she sat in front of her window, the cool Saturday afternoon breeze hitting her face yet bringing no comfort to her, she knew she had to go out. Sooner or later she'll find the urge to cry or cut or both, and she's somewhat tired of it. She didn't want to mope, she only wanted to remember and she knew the one place where she can.

The familiar park welcomed Lenie with chirping birds and the sound of rustling tree leaves. She breathed deeply, closing her eyes. The familiarity of everything made her think that if she closed her eyes, maybe she can pretend that everything was alright, that Luke would be waiting on the swing, his feet sticking out in front of him because the swing is too small for his build.

Lenie fought back a gasp as she rounded up the corner and found someone on the swing. Could it possibly be him? The guy in the swing wears the same clothes as Luke, black jeans, black pants, black snapback.

She knew she was crazy to think that it was him but as she approached the swing, she choked on her words, "Luke?"

Instead of the sparkling, ocean blue eyes she almost expected to see, Lenie found herself staring into pale green beautiful eyes filled with tears.

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