MGC // Prom Klutz (2)

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Michael was wrong.

Everything wasn't really going right. Problem was, he wasn't a good dancer.

"Ow," she whimpered as he took a wrong step and accidentally stepped on her foot.

"Sorry! Sorry!" He apologized, cheeks reddening in embarrassment. For some reason, he couldn't gather his thoughts. He kept losing train of thought as he glances on her eyes, her hair, her lips. He was a fucking mess and he hated it.

"It's okay, we're just naturally awful dancers," she smiled up at him and he felt even more embarrassed because she was apologizing for herself too.

A few awkward spins more and Michael just couldn't take it, he stopped swaying, "Do you wanna just eat?"

For a moment Isabel looked disappointed for Michael stopping in the middle of a song but she nodded, "Sure. Lead the way."

Dammit, Michael cussed out in his head, feeling like an idiot because he kept messing up. He just couldn't handle dancing anymore when he knew he just looked ridiculous. But she looked like she was enjoying dancing.

They walked to the tables, arriving to a scene of pure 'ew', Calum and Luke having every dish from the table and eating them with their hands.

"Guys, that's so gross. They have spoons, you know," Michael said.

Isabel just laughed, "Don't mind them, Mikey. Way to go, you two."

Michael waited for their reactions....and he wasn't disappointed.

Luke choked on his chicken, Calum had his mouth hanging open filled with food.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Why do we not see you at school?"

"Please bang us."

Isabel blushed and laughed. "Cal please, you wouldn't want me to bang you, you already got way too many bruises from me. And Luke, you see me at school. We're seatmates in Trigonometry."

"ISABEL?!" both of them screamed.

Michael felt Isabel's hand squeezing his arm, he leaned down to hear her. He stood, leaning down, unable to move as he felt her breath tickling his ear, her lips touching his ears as she talked. "Can you please get me some food? I'll deal with this two, they're also already drunk, I think."

It took him a few seconds to stretch up again. He cleared his throat, "Sure, I'll be back."

And he trudged away, trying to maintain normal breathing.

He didn't quite understand why he was behaving that way but he couldn't shake of the feeling that he liked it. He liked what was happening to him, how Isabel suddenly stirred him up from inside. How her eyes make him want to think of nothing else.

Getting two plates, he filled them with food and walked back, feeling like he's more in control now, like he's more confident now.

Thankfully, Isabel was able to stop the two from eating with their hands and they're actually quite calmed down and are...wet?

"What happened?" he asks as he handed Isabel her plate.

"I asked them to wet their hair to lose the drunkenness, but then when they came back they're both soaking."

"Luke, how are you going to confess now? You look like shit." He said, thinking it would bring him to sanity.

It did.

"Holy shit," he suddenly lost the hazy gaze, standing up straight and trying to tidy himself but it was no use.

Isabel and him ate in silence as they watched Luke shake Calum to sanity, asking for help. They sighed, "They're hopeless."

"Yeah," Isabel said, sipping on her punch.

After eating, they just sat around, watching the people dance around, have fun talking, sitting on chairs, couples making out taking advantage of the occasion.

Michael was fidgetting beside her, clueless to what he should do.

"I'm bored."

She said which made Michael wince internally. She's not enjoying with me.

"Do you wanna, um, dance with somebody else? I just really suck at dancing I'll end up injuring you. I'm sorry," he apologized.

"No, that's okay. But you're bored, too, aren't you?" She asked, looking over to him.

Am I bored? I mean, I'm enjoying with her but...

"Honestly, yeah."


He furrowed his eyebrows, how is that good?

Suddenly, Isabel stands up, looks down to him and smiles so beautiful it dazzled him.

"Come on, let's go."


"Just come and stop asking, fucker."

He smirked and took her hand, feeling that surge of energy from her body to his. Yep, he won't ask anymore.

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