CTH // Blind (1)

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"She's not coming back, you know."

You quietly said as you sit side by side in his room. He told you he wanted to be alone but you still stayed because you knew what he'll do when you're gone, when he's alone. He had enough scars in his wrist, you didn't want him cutting again.

"I know, I fucking know, Y/N. No need to rub it in my face," he harshly said as he glared at the untouched dinner you brought for him. He hasn't eaten since this morning when you came and probably he hasn't eaten for days. You sighed, it has been like this since his girlfriend dumped her for another guy. It's been a solid week.

"I'm actually trying to help, Calum." You leveled your voice, not wanting to get affected by his rudeness. He's just hurt.

"But you're not!" He shouts, on his way to another outburst.

"I can if you let me! You seem to want to stay miserable, that's the main problem here, Calum please," you pleaded, facing him and shaking his shoulders. He had his feet folded and his head between his knees in obvious sulking.

"I do! I'm miserable and I'll never be okay again." Now he starts sobbing, his eyes turning glassy and you froze, not wanting to see him crying again.

"Don't cry, please. For fuck's sake, boys don't cry." You aimed to bruise his ego a bit just to make him stop. It hurt you more, to see him hurting like this.

"Boys cry. I'm crying because I'm hurt. I'm hurt because I love her." His voice broke, rocking himself with his sobs. "I love her so much."

You stand, unable to take the sight anymore. Slowly you make your way to the door, leaving him crying by himself. As much as you wanted to stay with him, he can't see you crying, you can't break down in front of him. But you knew you will, one more second of seeing him like that.

You closed it shut behind you as you left. The tears were now freely falling down your face since he couldn't see you anymore.

Quietly, you rested your back on the closed door, weeping, "And I love you too, Cal. So fucking much."

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